The Random Topic Thread

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    For those of you that enjoy playing deathmatches, the Defence of St. Helens scenario is a good one.

    The previous post in this thread was a preview for a game I completed in September 2019: 6×150


    Just found out that if you hover over the link text leading to a post in the “Recent Replies” forum widget, it will show the start of the text for that actual post.  Kinda neat if you want to preview the subject or are trying to remember if you looked at the post already and need to refresh your memory.


    So I just had a random thought as for a house rule: I’ve always liked the ships that gain movement if they have all of their masts, and felt like that mechanic should have been used more in the game. So why not simply say that the component of a ship’s base move is the bonus it gets if undamaged? So S+S and S+L ships become S if hurt, and L+S and L+L ships become L. L movers can probably go to S if hurt, and S-base movers stay the same no matter how damaged. I might try a game like this. It brings variable speed into the game which I’m sure you know Ben would be a real world mechanic the game’s lacked. Ships don’t always go the same speed. There’s factors like wind and damage and whatnot.


    So why not simply say that the component of a ship’s base move is the bonus it gets if undamaged?

    I’m surprised to say I haven’t used that or similar systems.  Thinking about it, it could be a way to curb the larger ships a bit, which can dominate against most smaller vessels (except the OP ones) in general gameplay.

    Pretty sure there are rulesets in the files section of BGG that concern this house rule; there are a lot of ways to go about it.  I tend to think of it more as the ship goes her normal speed with all masts, then the speed decreases as masts are lost.  (rather than starting slow but with a bonus from all masts standing)


    Hey guys, I could use some advice!


    My friends and I just ordered two boxes of Barbary Coast boosters. We’re planning on doing some draft games with those packs, which is something we wanted to do for a while now. My question to you: With only game pieces from the Barbary Coast booster set available, which pieces should I try to snatch away in the draft to have a good shot at winning?


    Further info: We’ll do 8 rounds, each round adding 3 packs per person. So round 1, we are 3 people with 3 packs each. Round 2, we do another draft of 3 packs per person, but everyone can also use the pieces they drafted in the previous round to build their fleet for round 2. By the end of it, we’ll have 24 packs worth of game pieces to build our final fleet from.


    If it was just that I wouldn’t ask BUT, in case anyone pulls the SR pack it’ll be the big prize of the whole thing, so I wanna maximize my chances of winning. Any advice would be much appreciated!


    With only game pieces from the Barbary Coast booster set available, which pieces should I try to snatch away in the draft to have a good shot at winning?

    This is perfect: Top 10 Barbary Coast Game Pieces.  The Tiger’s Eye and the numerous cheap Corsair galleys (especially the 6 pointers) are extremely good.  A few of the cancellers won’t apply because they didn’t come in the packs.  The links to MT may work in the Internet Archive, but the game pieces are in the Master Spreadsheet.

    That’s a cool idea, and a ton of rounds and packs!


    Won’t be available much between 11/12 and 11/18.


    Why do you prefer Pirates over other games?

    The breadth of situations and game pieces the game explores. Some entire games might stick to fighting between square-rigged galleons, Pirates has exploration, ramming, submerged vessels, repairing, towing, sea monsters, forts, and the potential to randomly toss new mechanics into the mix on the fly.

    This is a great point!  Though I haven’t played many other naval/sailing games….


    The person who made the captions page I use for instagram posts is named… Albert Renshaw.  O_O  Maybe he’s a descendent of Albert Crenshaw from RV?  XD


    Our draft has concluded!


    …without any games played. We had only a couple of hours to spend, so we decided to just draft the packs and play games like normal some other time. A bit sad, BUT! But, I say. But, I pulled the Super Rare pack from Barbary Coast, so I’m extremely happy. In ~500 packs opened so far, we have pulled exactly 3 of these treasures – Barbary Coast, Rise of the Fiends (or Fire & Steel, I can not remember right now) and Pirates of the Caribbean.


    A bit early this year, but the 2019 Year in Review post is up.


    From the Rules survey:

    Do you think all standard treasure coins should be automatically unloaded when docking at a home island or fort?

    Unloading would still be a free action, but players would get to choose which treasures to unload when docking at home.

    Is this confusing?  I feel like the note below the question contradicts the question, but I want a second opinion before changing it.  I can’t seem to understand what my intention was when wording it that way.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Woelf.

    Sorry, I clicked edit on your post instead of reply.

    From the Rules survey:

    Do you think all standard treasure coins should be automatically unloaded when docking at a home island or fort?

    Unloading would still be a free action, but players would get to choose which treasures to unload when docking at home.

    Is this confusing?  I feel like the note below the question contradicts the question, but I want a second opinion before changing it.  I can’t seem to understand what my intention was when wording it that way.

    I think a better wording for the second part would be something like this:
    “Unloading would still be a free action, but it wouldn’t happen automatically.  While docked, the player could choose when to unload their ship and which treasures to unload.”


    Sorry, I clicked edit on your post instead of reply.

    No problem, though you should be able to go back a page without saving/submitting a post edit.

    I think a better wording for the second part would be something like this:

    “Unloading would still be a free action, but it wouldn’t happen automatically.  While docked, the player could choose when to unload their ship and which treasures to unload.”

    Thanks!  I’ll change it to that with an “if no” in front because I think the reason I was getting confused was because the note assumes that someone is answering in the affirmative in the question… or something like that.


    Sorry, I clicked edit on your post instead of reply.

    No problem, though you should be able to go back a page without saving/submitting a post edit.

    I didn’t realize I’d hit the wrong button until after clicking submit and not seeing my new post pop up underneath. Restoring yours was easy, but I didn’t see any way to get rid of the edit tag on the bottom. Just wanted to make sure you knew why it was there.


    Maybe in some future we’ll be able to make graphene ships with masts that don’t break upon assembly.


    So I opened a Fire and Steel pack with the Chum Maker story in it. Guess I’m a little late.


    I just ordered 4 inch By 6 inch flags for English, French, Spanish, And Pirate with stands to put them in from

    Just thought any one could check them out as well

    Game On


    Today is the one year anniversary of the day that Miniature Trading sank.  I made a video a few days prior for a “final” look at the site.



    I’m pretty sure I had the last review on the site. It was for the Snipe, my first ship and personal favorite.


    Very happy to see the forum so active lately.  Huzzah!  😀

    Soon something else will become more active….


    How do you guys scale games for different point totals? I usually play the standard 40 point game, but I have a couple of ideas for fleets that would need 50+ points to work.


    I played a 50 point game with four factions and it turned out great


    How do you guys scale games for different point totals?

    A lot of times I don’t.  I often just go with what feels right/fun.  Adding more islands will probably lead to less competition and often less fighting as a result.  Adding more gold is likely to make the game longer.

    Unless you’re getting to 300+ points in play (4 players/fleets at 80 points for example), I wouldn’t worry about it too much.  You could experiment to see what is the most fun.


    I’m trying to find a doc that had an alternate boarding rule that I really liked. It was something along the lines of rolling one d6 for every mast and crew on a ship, then whoever had the lower combined roll eliminates a mast/crew, and it continues until one ship is derelict.

    Mr. Wick

    Out of frank curiosity, if anyone knows, the MI ships 201 and 202 (Munchhausen and Batuwara) are both tournament prize ships with 2 masts each (According to the Master Spreadsheet), are they blockade runner models or square-rigged models?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Mr. Wick.

    I’m trying to find a doc that had an alternate boarding rule that I really liked. It was something along the lines of rolling one d6 for every mast and crew on a ship, then whoever had the lower combined roll eliminates a mast/crew, and it continues until one ship is derelict.

    There’s a chance it’s in a Game Idea, but that’s a lot to sift through….

    Out of frank curiosity, if anyone knows, the MI ships 201 and 202 (Munchhausen and Batuwara) are both tournament prize ships with 2 masts each (According to the Master Spreadsheet), are they blockade runner models or square-rigged models?

    If you look in the MI LE’s folder that I saved from Miniature Trading, you can see that they’re both blockade runners.

    Also, just to respond to this from the Rules thread:

    Though I can find only 4 ships (Asp, Fire Djinn, Sultan’s Sword, and Marrkesh) with this limitation, and three of them appear to more focused on boarding Rolls so perhaps it balances out.

    Bad cannon ranks on galleys are often balanced out by good “deals” – ships that provide good value for points.  None of those 4 are particularly awesome (Marrakesh still pretty good), but it’s a trend you sometimes see, especially in the Corsair fleet.

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