Ranking: Top 5 Mercenary Gunships

Top 5 Mercenary Gunships

1. Shui Xian

This huge ship is one of the cheaper ten masters along with the next ship. The Shui Xian gets the nod because of her rank-2 cannons, of which the Celtic Fury has none.

2. Celtic Fury

I consider this to be the most boring ten master; just my opinion.

3. Nautilus

Where would the Mercs and Captain Nemo be without their “flagship”? Smile

4. Forward

This ship is a bit pricy but with solid speed and essentially 4 2S guns, you can’t do much better with the Mercs for pure firepower.

5. Santa Molina

This ship is cheaper than most Merc ships (even those with less masts) and comes with a serviceable set of guns and a very good ability. The “almost” ships are just about as good, however.

Almost in the top 5: Tasmanian DevilHephaestusMeropisShaihulud

Honorable mentions (in no particular order): TerrorBosun’s BaneBashaw FollyCadaraDivine Dragon

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