My Custom Stuff

On this page you can find my customized “things” for Pirates CSG.  This includes my custom game pieces, my Basic Rules, and custom islands, terrain, and structures I’ve made.

My Basic Rules

My Basic Rules (not Windlass) (.pdf file with more common fonts)

Basic Rules (.docx file download, with the Windlass font)

This is my attempt to combine the Start Here rules and Complete Game rules into one document, while simultaneously changing a few things that I believe are the best house rules, and also keeping the overall document relatively short by saving space where practical.  These are the basic rules that I intend to teach new players with.  I talk about some of the changes in the video below.

Please disregard the Explore Action part of the “Start Here” snippet at the bottom of the first page of my Basic Rules. You should always play by the full exploring rules where ships look at the treasures on the island and choose which to take.



My Custom Sets

Pirates of the Age of Sail (PotAoS, or AoS) is my first custom set, which I started in 2011.  I have since been modifying and adding to it.  The set is entirely historical in nature, encompassing a huge number of ships, historical figures (as crew), forts, and equipment from the real Age of Sail.  The total number of game pieces is therefore only limited to the amount of historical knowledge that is available on the topic and can be discovered.  The current Custom Ships thread has some of my daily “releases”.  This set will continue to undergo changes and additions, and due to the sheer number of game pieces still to add, it may never be “complete”.  Any suggestions are welcome.  You can find the set on the 2nd sheet of the Customs Database, with keyword abbreviations on the 1st sheet.


Pirates of the Epic Seas (PotES or ES) is my second custom set, which I started in 2018.  It is the complete opposite of the Age of Sail set, containing only fictional game pieces.  The set is based on “epic” things and a general theme of global war, or at least the grand threat of it.  Just like Age of Sail, the set is currently “under construction”, though much more complete than Age of Sail.  You can find the set on the 3rd sheet of the Customs Database, with keyword abbreviations on the 1st sheet.

Custom Islands, Terrain, and Structures

Normally I would leave out the structures part, but I’ve found myself building an increasing amount of man-made things that cannot be classified as islands or terrain.

Custom Islands and Terrain thread

Ocean Terrain Contest #3  (ended August 1st 2018)

My entry for OTC3 (details the stuff I made in 2017 – a lot of my cooler stuff!)

Also, feel to reach out to Ross in AZ; many of the islands you see in my battle reports were made by him!

Here is the video I made for my OTC3 entry:


Grand Shots

Some pictures showing more than one of my creations at a time. These really show how large and dominant the pieces are, and how fun and “commanding” they are during gameplay.

The Sea of Allost, showing the Roost, Tunnel, Kingdom, and part of Broken Horn Island.

Tunnel and Roost! (island in foreground made by RossinAZ)

Here you can see the Tunnel, Kingdom, and Pirate lighthouse:

Kingdom and lighthouse:

With fort:

Kingdom of Heaven?

The Sea of Karkuda, showing the Castle, Hideout, and Harbor.

Along with the lighthouse:

Another angle focusing on the Castle:
My Custom Stuff


Custom islands and icewreck

Top left: Pearl Island
Bottom left: Fish Island
Top right: icewreck

Custom Lighthouses Pirates CSG

Custom Lighthouses – idea by vixenishcoder66 of Miniature Trading


Some of my older stuff made in 2015!


My Custom Stuff (islands and terrain) from 2015
Some of the islands and terrain I’ve made. The arches are quite fun. In the middle is a large sandbar. White foam looks perfect for icebergs. Custom shipwrecks (often on reefs) can make the game look really neat.


Duke shipwreck
The Duke shipwreck. I put a few drops of metallic gold paint down the center of the hull to create the spilled gold effect.
Custom Shipwreck Cove Pirates CSG version
My version of “shipwreck cove”, inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean and created with lots of glue, reefs, and shipwrecks.

Franco Spanish military port in Economy Edition 2015

A busy Franco-Spanish military port atop one of my custom islands during Economy Edition.

The Lagoon

The Lagoon, which was used for the Economy Edition game. This is a fun concept, especially if you only make it accessible to submersibles (submarines and sea monsters).

The Arch

The Arch. This is a triple archway with 3 different levels for clearance height. The highest arch is passable by almost all ships, while the smaller two can only be traversed by ships with lower mast height. The low are was a perfect spot for gold. This was created with two chunks of styrofoam from a keyboard box, spraypainted black, which were glued together at an angle (you can still see the remains of some glue on top of the right archway).

The Arch with fort on top

This gives an idea of the main middle archway, as well as the height of the entire arch. As you can see, it’s also the perfect spot for a well-positioned fort!

Bombardier pieces as Bow Chasers on the Nox from Fire and Steel

You could probably add physical Bow Chasers with a variety of different pieces; here I’ve used spare Bombardier cannons and attached them to the bow of a ship.


  1. The amount of ships in your collection is mind-boggling and of course, quite impressive. Pretty awesome! I like to color the edges of my ships to try and match the color scheme, sometimes it works out nice. Wish there was a way I could post an example… ah well, not important but what you have going on here is, and again, too awesome.

    • @El Tiburón: Thanks! It’s taken me a long time to build up my collection. I’m not a fan of edging the ships, as I think they look fine as-is. However, I do understand the appeal of matching the hull and decks at least. I totally know what you mean, since I’ve got some American ships I bought from another person a while back that look to be edged in sharpie. You can also post examples in the forum of course.

      Thanks for commenting!!

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