Questions About Game Rules & The Pirate Code

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  • This topic has 842 replies, 40 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by Xerecs.
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  • #14702

    Can you use a Shipwright to repair a mast replaced with a fire mast?


    Can you use a Shipwright to repair a mast replaced with a fire mast?

    Shipwrights won’t extinguish the flames, so you have to put the fire out some other way before you can repair the mast.


    Is there a ruling that states this is the case? It seems logical that you wouldn’t be able to, but I can’t find anything in the code that specifically states that you can’t.


    Is there a ruling that states this is the case? It seems logical that you wouldn’t be able to, but I can’t find anything in the code that specifically states that you can’t.

    Shipwrights only change where you can take a repair action, but they don’t provide any mechanism for actually removing the fire mast first.

    You can use one to repair other masts on the ship, but if you try to repair a mast that’s on fire it’ll remain on fire.


    What other questionable ones are out there that need it, besides the Runes and the Cross?

    Not sure off hand.

    -If a UT is loaded facedown and can be revealed voluntarily later, including as a response to an opponent’s actions or effects (such as a die roll), it can be used once per round.

    This clears things up!  Thanks.  Now to find more exploits…. 😉


    What other questionable ones are out there that need it, besides the Runes and the Cross?


    Has this already been covered with the orange text?


    This clears things up!  Thanks.  Now to find more exploits…. ?

    Keep the exploits coming!  (So they can be fixed.)  😀

    Has this already been covered with the orange text?

    They are now, but it wasn’t completely clear before.   Mostly I just wanted to make sure there weren’t any other weird cases out there I was forgetting, in case that revised wording needed to be tweaked a little more.


    From this old FAQ, does this part about Ghost Ships and fog banks still hold true? (for regular fog banks, not those created by smokepot specialists/shot)

    Q: If a ship becomes “ghostly” while in a fog bank and is forced to leave the fog bank, where does she exit?

    A: She can exit at any point along the edge of the fog bank!


    From this old FAQ, does this part about Ghost Ships and fog banks still hold true? (for regular fog banks, not those created by smokepot specialists/shot)

    Q: If a ship becomes “ghostly” while in a fog bank and is forced to leave the fog bank, where does she exit?

    A: She can exit at any point along the edge of the fog bank!


    Very interesting read.  It’s always neat to see very early versions of things that become much more established later.  It’s also a good reminder of how the traditional “Q & A” format for a FAQ becomes horribly unwieldy when it grows beyond a couple pages, or when interactions between rules become more complex than what a few loosely-targeted questions can handle.

    As for that particular ruling, it no longer applies.   It was intentionally removed at some point, but really wasn’t needed in the first place.   Ghostly or not, you use the die roll to establish the ship’s exit point and move from there (which could be right back over the top of the fog bank).   The same applies to abilities that ignore terrain while moving.


    Does towing an enemy derelict count as “capturing” that ship, for the purposes of meeting the requirements of the Ransom keyword?


    Does towing an enemy derelict count as “capturing” that ship, for the purposes of meeting the requirements of the Ransom keyword?


    : When Unique Treasures are revealed at a wild island, does the exploring player choose the order in which the UT effects are applied?  (I know I’ve asked this before but I can’t find the answer in the Code or through a forum search here)


    When Unique Treasures are revealed at a wild island, does the exploring player choose the order in which the UT effects are applied?  (I know I’ve asked this before but I can’t find the answer in the Code or through a forum search here)

    The wording of the specific UT matters, with the effects of some being determined when loaded versus when revealed (“when revealed” applies first – PC page 62), but both will generally refer to the state of the ship prior to applying any UTs.   Beyond that, if there are no other obvious clues to the order they apply, the player loading them gets to choose the order.


    Does a Reroll crew work with a crew such as Jean Desailly/George Washington Lebeaux etc.?  I am unsure based on the Pirate code verbiage regarding rerollers.  “You may re-roll crew abilities, provided that the effect of that ability applies to or is used by the ship.”  Since the effect would be moving the enemy ship I am not sure if it counts.



    “Infin8Ouroboros said”

    To be clear, a “ghostly” ghost ship only ignores terrain while physically in motion, not during the entire move action(and associated free actions), correct?


    This has generated some rules discussion on Discord, including whether a Ghostly Ship can shoot from within a terrain (such as an iceberg or Fog) while said ship is ghostly and overlapping said terrain. Additionally there is some confusion about this line of text from the Code:


    “The effect of ghostly only applies when the ship is moving. If it stops on terrain, the effects apply normally.”

    this line from the code is my main point of contention, as it is unclear when a ship is considered to have “stopped moving”

    is it at the end of a move action or the moment during a move action at which all movement segments (and stern turns, etc) have been used? 


    Does a Reroll crew work with a crew such as Jean Desailly/George Washington Lebeaux etc.?  I am unsure based on the Pirate code verbiage regarding rerollers.  “You may re-roll crew abilities, provided that the effect of that ability applies to or is used by the ship.”  Since the effect would be moving the enemy ship I am not sure if it counts.

    Yes, you can reroll those abilities because the ship and its crew are using the ability, even though it does affect others.

    That clarifier is meant only for some specific edge cases, like Marines, which operate independently of the ship despite being transported on it.  The rest of that PC entry names a few other things that can’t be rerolled;  there may be one or two others floating out there, but I can’t recall any at the moment.


    “Infin8Ouroboros said”

    To be clear, a “ghostly” ghost ship only ignores terrain while physically in motion, not during the entire move action(and associated free actions), correct?

     This has generated some rules discussion on Discord, including whether a Ghostly Ship can shoot from within a terrain (such as an iceberg or Fog) while said ship is ghostly and overlapping said terrain. Additionally there is some confusion about this line of text from the Code:


    “The effect of ghostly only applies when the ship is moving. If it stops on terrain, the effects apply normally.”

    this line from the code is my main point of contention, as it is unclear when a ship is considered to have “stopped moving”

    is it at the end of a move action or the moment during a move action at which all movement segments (and stern turns, etc) have been used?

    The movement effect of Ghostly starts at the beginning of the ship’s first movement segment and stops at the end of the ship’s very last segment (a stern turn is treated as the last segment; a windcatcher flip is treated as the first).

    The movement effect does not apply for the entire duration of a move action, such as during free actions generated during or because of that move action.   In other words, if the Ghostly ship’s last movement segment ends with it overlapping terrain, it must deal with that terrain before it can use other free actions, like a captain.    It’ll take damage from an iceberg before shooting, or it’ll get pulled into the fog bank preventing it from shooting at all.


    Historical Fun Fact:  Way back when Crimson Coast first came out, Ghostly and the terrain-ignoring ability (only Agustin Covas at the time) were both allowed to ignore terrain for the entire move action, including for a captain’s shooting.   Covas on El Neptuno could do a really cool hit-and-fade attack from within fog banks, with no good way to defend against it other than staying out of its 2L range.   That obviously created some issues, so it got shut down relatively quickly.


    Hi Woelf!

    Thanks for clearing up the last question I asked about Jean Desailly.

    A question came up on the Discord that I wanted to affirm.

    Can Behemoth copy the specific ability of USS Lamon/Barracuda and ram another ship while submerged?

    Thanks in advance!


    @Woelf: Just to confirm, the ignoring terrain ability does not allow you to shoot while overlapping a fog bank either?  (similar to Ghost Ship as discussed above)


    What would happen if you got Explosives onto a switchblade? If it hits more than one ship with it’s blades and rams another ship, which ship can Explosives be applied to? Could it be applied to all of the affected ships, or just to one of them? If just to one of them, which one?


    On a similar tangent, would an Eternal ship that used Explosives successfully against another ship return to its home island per the Eternal keyword, or would the UT override the keyword?


    For reference, the ability of the Explosives UT:

    Load this treasure face down. You may reveal it when this ship rams or pins a ship. Roll a d6. On a result of 4–6, both ships sink. Remove Explosives from the game.



    Can Behemoth copy the specific ability of USS Lamon/Barracuda and ram another ship while submerged?




    Just to confirm, the ignoring terrain ability does not allow you to shoot while overlapping a fog bank either?  (similar to Ghost Ship as discussed above)

    Correct.  The same ruling applies to both (no shooting from inside fog).



    What would happen if you got Explosives onto a switchblade? If it hits more than one ship with it’s blades and rams another ship, which ship can Explosives be applied to? Could it be applied to all of the affected ships, or just to one of them? If just to one of them, which one?

     You can apply it to only one of the ships affected by the blades.   Because you ram/board each ship one at a time, and Explosives is optional, you can choose which one to apply it to.   If it goes off and blows up your ship, any opposing ships still waiting to be rammed/boarded as part of the Switchblade effect would get away untouched.

    On a similar tangent, would an Eternal ship that used Explosives successfully against another ship return to its home island per the Eternal keyword, or would the UT override the keyword?

    Explosives sinks the ship but doesn’t do anything extra, so Eternal still functions normally and sends the ship home.


    Thanks Woelf, had an idea about getting Explosives on the Skin Flayer. Should be fun to try it out…..


    For ships like Fantasia and Hannah that have the ability “Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.”, can this also apply to the ship with the ability itself?


    For ships like Fantasia and Hannah that have the ability “Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.”, can this also apply to the ship with the ability itself?

    No, “within X” is measured outward from the ship but doesn’t include any part of the ship itself.

    It’s the same reason cancelers can only target things on other ships, not their own.


    From today’s game, if a player successfully rolls for SAT, moves with their first action and then has their Captain ability cancelled, can they then choose to NOT repeat the first action (since the ability says “may be given the same action twice”) and instead shoot via the Sac ability?  Or are they locked in once they complete the first action?

    The Turtles UT says you can place “up to nine other Turtles”; can you intentionally place any number from 1-10?

    Is Odin’s Revenge reusable with Nemo’s Plans?  I assume it would be a once per round option on that player’s turn?

    Do you have an official Wizkids cost for the Hoist keyword?

    Do you know if the CC Amity (009) has a rarity misprint and was actually uncommon? (instead of common as the red rarity corner shows)


    From today’s game, if a player successfully rolls for SAT, moves with their first action and then has their Captain ability cancelled, can they then choose to NOT repeat the first action (since the ability says “may be given the same action twice”) and instead shoot via the Sac ability?  Or are they locked in once they complete the first action?

    There’s no hard limit on how many potential actions a ship could generate in a single turn.  It just can’t do more than two.

    In your example, as long as you haven’t already started any part of the repeated move action from the SAT, you can use the SAC to take a completely different action instead.

    The Turtles UT says you can place “up to nine other Turtles”; can you intentionally place any number from 1-10?

    You have to place the first one that gets found on the island.   Any more than that (up to 10 total) is entirely up to the player who found it.     Granted, I can’t think of any good reasons not to place them all, aside from being short on physical markers or tokens to actually represent them.   (I’m still a little disappointed that whoever did the art/layout missed filling the entire card with turtles, as originally intended.)

    Is Odin’s Revenge reusable with Nemo’s Plans?  I assume it would be a once per round option on that player’s turn?

    It can be reused once per turn.

    Do you have an official Wizkids cost for the Hoist keyword?

    I can’t find anything for it.   You’ll have to work that one backward from other known values.

    Do you know if the CC Amity (009) has a rarity misprint and was actually uncommon? (instead of common as the red rarity corner shows)

    The files I have say Uncommon, and that’s also consistent with the ship type.

    It’s most likely a misprint of the rarity, which isn’t surprising because that happened numerous times across the various sets.  It’s good info to include in the master spreadsheet, but it’s not something the PC needs to address beyond the notes about it already on the first and last pages.


    Granted, I can’t think of any good reasons not to place them all, aside from being short on physical markers or tokens to actually represent them.

    The silly Pirates nerd in me is trying to think of a reason to not place all of them.  I assume since each token is considered a UT that they’re not considered “available gold” for endgame conditions?  If you know you have a lead but a weakened fleet and your opponent has an HI Raider, you might want to end the game as fast as possible, in which case less turtles could help.


    The silly Pirates nerd in me is trying to think of a reason to not place all of them.  I assume since each token is considered a UT that they’re not considered “available gold” for endgame conditions?  If you know you have a lead but a weakened fleet and your opponent has an HI Raider, you might want to end the game as fast as possible, in which case less turtles could help.

    A physical limitation is the only thing I can think of, either a lack of turtles to place or (somehow?) not enough space to place them.

    Even though they head toward a specific player’s home island, they don’t actually belong to that player until they arrive, so they won’t count toward victory and won’t do anything to prevent the game from ending.


    After using Towing Option #1 from the Reference Diagrams (initiate towing when already touching a derelict’s bow at the beginning of a move action), can you immediately drop the tow in order to not have your base move limited to S, or is your base move limited to S during that move action?


    After using Towing Option #1 from the Reference Diagrams (initiate towing when already touching a derelict’s bow at the beginning of a move action), can you immediately drop the tow in order to not have your base move limited to S, or is your base move limited to S during that move action?

    You can drop the ship at any time, even immediately after grabbing it, but the movement reduction continues to apply for the entire move action.


    I’ll add that one to my notes for the future (maybe) PC update.


    Can a crew captured via the Possession ability be transferred to a friendly ship of the same nationality and use their abilities on the second ship?  The Code entry for Wraith makes me think not, but nothing in the Possession ability forbids it.

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