
  • (Ben) Interesting, I didn’t know about that part.  I could ask Piranha if he remembers any direction from Wizkids about it.
    I’m not so sure it should override the 0-point crew rule, since it doesn’t indicate that it’s supposed to.  To me any rules updates at this point in the game’s life should be edits, not additions.…

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  • I think the flaw lies in the wording of the Ransom keyword. It should specify that when the ability kicks in, it also disables the 0-point crew rule.  It says “its other abilities cease to function”, but makes no mention of essentially cancelling the 0-point crew rule.  I understand that abilities override rules, but the Ransom ability speci…

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  • Just to confirm: If you capture an enemy ship that has a Ransom crew on it, and the two ships are of different nationalities, you cannot transfer the Ransom crew to the towing ship due to the rule that 0-point crew can only be assigned to ships of their own nationality?

    Ransom activates as soon as the ship is captured.   It doesn’t explicitly d…[Read more]

  • Spider Queen
    Points: 18
    Masts: 3
    Cannons: 2S-3L-2S
    Cargo: 5
    Movement: S+L
    Ability: Dories. Once per turn, this ship may initiate a boarding party from within S away from an enemy ship without ramming. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses. If this ship ends her turn in a fog bank, she may leave from any other fog bank in play…

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  • Namazu and the Trident target an area rather than any ship specifically, so Parley won’t work even if it’s the only ship within that target area.

    That also means that Namazu could effectively “shoot” (just not with its cannons) at ships docked at a home island, correct?


    The home island protection really only prevents ships from being t…[Read more]

  • If a ship has both of these abilities aboard:
    -Masts on this ship cannot be eliminated by shots unless the cannon roll is a 6.
    -Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.
    Does the first hit of each pair also have to be a 6, or can it be any regular hit because only the second hit would actually e…

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  • Can Behemoth benefit from copying All-Powerful from a crew after kraken cancelling shuts down the All-Powerful ability?  (Each turn roll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6 no crew abilities can be used this turn.)

    Even though it’s copied from a crew, Behemoth isn’t one, so it can still use that ability normally.

    Can a kraken surround a titan that is…

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  • Not really, I’ve envisioned it as an empty gold ship for use in larger games or campaigns. I may expand upon it in a latter set with an Assembly 2, 3, 4, and so on.

    Some sort of ship synergy effect could be cool.   Like links, but ship-to-ship instead of through crew.  They might all be kinda crappy individually, but when you have a set of them…[Read more]

  • Assembly INexus AlliancePoints: 9Masts: 4Cannons: 2L-4S-4S-2LCargo: 6Movement: SAbility: This ship cannot carry crew. This ship gets -1 to her cannon rolls when carrying treasure.

    Does this ship have some secret, or at least non-obvious intended purpose?    It’s very inexpensive for a 4-mast ship, especially one with 6 cargo, but the base move o…[Read more]

  • I’m not totally sure how it would work, especially with the point cost changing. The Keyword would likely need to either be re-worded or modified, or a new keyword to address what happens and cover any potential problems.

    Renaming it wouldn’t hurt, just to avoid any confusion with the crew version.   “Black Sails”, or “Marked”, or something els…[Read more]

  • Catching up on a few previous ones…

    Bloody FistAbility: Mercenary. This ship cannot be given fire masts. When this ship is assigned her linked crew, she gets +S to her base move. Viking crew may use their abilities on this ship.

    Is this ship immune to anything that would create fire masts, or do those simply eliminate the masts i…[Read more]

  • How to use Double Shot….

    Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons can shoot a double shot. Declare which cannon will shoot the double shot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the cannon can shoot again. If either cannon roll is a 1, remove Double Shot from the game and eliminate a mast from this ship.

    I assume i…

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  • If a ship with only fire masts is wrecked on a reef, does the ship stay in play with the fire masts still there (permanently until game end), or does the automatic scuttle still happen and take her and her cargo out of play?

    Becoming wrecked on a reef overrides/prevents the fire scuttle, similar to how a ship on fire can still be shot and sunk…[Read more]

  • It’s determined by the ship’s current controller, so you make the check when that player starts their turn, regardless of when the ship was actually lit on or fire or when it lost its last non-fire mast.

    Because of this, couldn’t you delay (or eliminate the need for) the automatic scuttle by capturing the ship that only has fire masts?  It see…

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  • If a switchblade blades a ship, would that count as touching that ship for the purpose of abilities like Filching Gold (Once per turn this ship can randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches)?
    If yes, would a Scorpion hitting a ship with it’s blade also count?

    Blades hitting other ships does count as touching them, so other abilities t…[Read more]

  • Sorry, disregard the above.   I found the actual ruling that was already established, so use this instead (from the PC):


    -An ability that provides an alternative boarding result (such as capturing a crew, eliminating all crew, or taking all treasure) overrides the losing player’s choice, unless the winner chooses to not use that abili…

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  • I didn’t clarify enough, or I’m reading into your answer too much heh.
    Ex: Cannibal King (who has the Hoard ability) wins a boarding party against Congress. Congress has crew and treasure. Can the loser choose to just lose one crew, or does Hoard require them to lose all their treasure instead since abilities override rules?  When applying Hoar…

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  • Does Hoard override the loser chooses rule?  I think it does but couldn’t recall for sure so I played it the other way against T O’B.

    The standard rule still applies, but by taking as much as you can carry you’re more likely to get to the good stuff.  You can also take as many zero-space UTs as you want.

    Can the Maui’s Fishhook use her ability…

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  • As long as nothing else is preventing the transfer

    I take it that Sea Creature rules would prevent a transfer, correct?

    In general, yes, although the creature’s specific keyword can still override that.

    How would an ability have to be worded to be used with Broadsides Attack?

    It would have to specifically call out Broadsides Attack and state…[Read more]

  • That’s awesome! Looks like it was a lot of fun!

    Getting to play any game with people who designed it and/or worked on it is always a treat. I’ve been able to do that a few times with other games, but not Pirates.

    In that first group photo, who is who?

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