
  • @Shamsy: For your towing questions, the answer is YES to all!  If you give the towed ship a repair action, I believe that would immediately break the tow because the towed ship would no longer be derelict, and the Code states “If a ship is considered derelict it can be towed, even if it is still capable of movement.”  Once a mast is up the ship i…[Read more]

  • Ben replied to the topic Battle Reports in the forum Pirates CSG 2 years, 12 months ago

    @Shamsy: Nice game!  This is the thread where battle reports go.

    Standard rules, no terrain and rather than counting out a gold value, I used random value coins. I like that wildcard.

    I generally like random value coins as well.

    Was the Harbinger the Pirate 5 master?  She has the ship stealing ability; the Revenant can shoot through other ships b…[Read more]

  • @Shamsy: Thank you for the feedback!

    The idea of a split distribution sounds kinda cool.  I assume you would want the random packs to contain nothing you could find in the base box? (extras only, which would prevent duplicates at least at first)

    Buying for excitement could work with an idea I had for starter packs/boxes – you know you’ll get…[Read more]

  • @Shamsy: Welcome aboard!  I love your story and it’s always great to hear about people coming back to the game.

    However, the good news is I now regularly host games nights with some friends and I rediscovered my collection, safely tucked away in a few boxes. I immediately remembered the old love, the simplicity of the game, the ease of access and…

    [Read more]