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    To keep [Overton] more in line the established “recruiter” ability:

    “This crew takes up no cargo space when revealed. When revealed, put a crew with point cost 3 or less from outside of the game onto this ship.”

     Would that about cover it?

    Yep, that’ll cover it.

    Even if some details like the number of points change, it’s always best to try to emulate the wording already used by WK as much as possible, just for the sake of consistency.


    We’ve gotten a sampler and almost all of the Nexus Alliance’s capital ships, but there are others in the Farthest Shore! Today we have the first of the English!

    HMS Arcturian
    Points: 15
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 3L-4S-4S-4S-3L
    Cargo: 6
    Movement: L
    Ability: Armed Merchant.
    Link: Captain Amellia Smollet

    Flavor: The Arcturian is a retired battleship, having seen her fair share of battles and glory. Now in the hands of Captain Amelia she still sees action from time to time, but is more of a goods ship now than a battleship.

    Captain Amellia Smollet
    Points: 7
    Ability: Royal Officer. Captain. Parley. Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship.
    Link: HMS Arcturian

    Flavor: Amelia Smollett was promised to be an admiral, but a feud with Stafford Whitley has seen her career come to a halt. An able commander, Amelia will recruit whoever she can to see to it that her voyages are profitable, even the pirates that Whitley hates.

    Armed Merchant: Once per turn as a free action one of this ships cannons may shoot at one enemy target within range. The shot may not have it’s range or ranked increased.

    Royal Officer: When this crew is assigned with or on its linked piece, its point cost is not counted towards the point limit of the ship. The crew’s points still count towards the build total.


    Today we see the first of the Americans of Farthest Shore!

    USS Constellation
    Points: 18
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2L-2S-3S-3S-3L
    Cargo: 4
    Movement: L
    Ability: Explorer. Armed Merchant.
    Link: Commodore Matthew Decker

    Flavor: For as long as the Constellation has sailed, Matthew Decker has commanded her. A ship of the line in every right, the Constellation is tasked with exploring unknown and uncharted regions of the ocean.

    Commodore Matthew Decker
    Points: 9
    Ability: Royal Officer. If this ship wins a boarding party, turn this crew face down and eliminate up to three masts from the enemy ship. This crew cannot be turned face up for a number of turns equal to that of the eliminated masts. If this ship loses a boarding party, eliminate this crew and up to three masts from this ship.
    Link: USS Constellation

    Flavor: Decker is the senior commander of the Pacific fleet. A cautious man, the safety and well-being of his ship and men are always on his mind, especially when delving into the unknown.


    Armed Merchant: Once per turn as a free action one of this ships cannons may shoot at one enemy target within range. The shot may not have it’s range or ranked increased.

    Royal Officer: When this crew is assigned with or on its linked piece, its point cost is not counted towards the point limit of the ship. The crew’s points still count towards the build total.


    If this ship wins a boarding party, turn this crew face down and eliminate up to three masts from the enemy ship. This crew cannot be turned face up for a number of turns equal to that of the eliminated masts. If this ship loses a boarding party, eliminate this crew and up to three masts from this ship.

    Is the “up to three masts” meant to be a choice for both the losing/winning side? Ex: Normally the loser chooses the result after a boarding party. Is this designed to eliminate 3 masts regardless of how many masts are remaining (such as never less than 3), or can you specifically choose to eliminate less?

    I think it would be less open to interpretation if you took out the “up to” wording.  Especially because the Pirate Code makes it pretty clear that things that eliminate masts (icebergs, 2 masts/hit, etc) don’t sink ships by themselves, and this would fall in that category.

    In addition, is the mast effect in addition to the regular boarding result(s), or instead of?

    Either way, I think he could be cheaper, maybe 7 points.


    If this ship wins a boarding party, turn this crew face down and eliminate up to three masts from the enemy ship. This crew cannot be turned face up for a number of turns equal to that of the eliminated masts. If this ship loses a boarding party, eliminate this crew and up to three masts from this ship.

    Is the “up to three masts” meant to be a choice for both the losing/winning side? Ex: Normally the loser chooses the result after a boarding party. Is this designed to eliminate 3 masts regardless of how many masts are remaining (such as never less than 3), or can you specifically choose to eliminate less?

    I think it would be less open to interpretation if you took out the “up to” wording.  Especially because the Pirate Code makes it pretty clear that things that eliminate masts (icebergs, 2 masts/hit, etc) don’t sink ships by themselves, and this would fall in that category.

    In addition, is the mast effect in addition to the regular boarding result(s), or instead of?

    Either way, I think he could be cheaper, maybe 7 points.

    Presumably the “up to three” is intended to cover situations where the target ship has fewer than three masts remaining.  I can’t think of many scenarios where you wouldn’t choose to eliminate the maximum amount if you could.     Regardless, as written, it wouldn’t sink the ship automatically no matter how much it overshot the number of masts remaining.


    As for the ability itself, the wording presents some potential issues that need to be addressed:

    -As written, the crew will essentially never be face up.    It would be face down until used, then immediately flipped back down after.    If crew transfers at islands and/or with other ships happen during that three-turn window, it becomes very easy for opponents to lose track of where this “revealed” crew has gone.

    -How does this ability interact with Royal Officer?  The effects of that will only work while face up, which could force this crew to start the game up, but having this ability turn it face down later can easily create illegal situations if the ship was over its point limit.    Based on the established PC ruling that you cannot voluntarily create illegal situations on your own ships, if the ship was even one point over its normal limit, use of this boarding ability would be blocked entirely.

    -What would actually trigger the last sentence (loses a boarding) part of the ability?   Unless the effect is specifically stated as mandatory, you’d never choose to flip it face up after losing a boarding, especially if the opposing player didn’t know you had this crew on the ship.   If the intention is that you’d reveal this ability at the start of a boarding action before rolling or determining the result, that needs to be stated.

    -If this ship wins a boarding and this ability is shut down for three turns, does that also prevent the “lose” effect from applying if this ship boards or is boarded and loses during that window?

    -Tracking things over multiple turns is always problematic without some specific mechanism to handle it.  An extra die, tokens, chips or some other external thing would be required.   If the ship with this crew is captured during that three-turn window, does the timer continue or reset?


    If this ship wins a boarding and this ability is shut down for three turns, does that also prevent the “lose” effect from applying if this ship boards or is boarded and loses during that window?

    Crew can’t use their abilities while face-down correct? If so then Decker being face-down would prevent the “lose” effect during his “cooldown”.




    The first Pirates for Farthest Shore!

    Loot of a Thousand Worlds
    Points: 26
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 5S-4S-3S-4S-5S
    Cargo: 7
    Movement: S
    Ability: Shipburner. Once per turn, if this ship is being boarded, you may eliminate one of this ship’s cargo*. If you do, you get +1 to boarding rolls for that action. (*in this instance, cargo does not include crew)

    Flavor: “If I can’t have it, then neither can you.” That phase epitomizes the mindset of the crew of this ship. They are more than willing to sacrifice cargo to keep it out of the hands of their enemies.


    Points: 14
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 2L-2S-3S-3L
    Cargo: 3
    Movement: L
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against non-Pirate ships.

    Flavor: A particularly brave band of pirates decided that they would name their ship after the most feared thing on the seas: the hanging fate that awaits them if they are caught.


    Beni Gabor
    Points: 6
    Ability: Black Mark. Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship’s crew to give her an extra action. This ship has one extra cargo space that can only be taken up by gold.

    Flavor: Greed and cowardice make for a terrible combination. There is nothing Beni will not do to try and get rich quick.


    Shipburner: Once per game if this ship is within S of enemy ships, roll a D6. On 4-6 she explodes, remove her immediately from the game and for every enemy ship within S, eliminate one mast, replace another with a fire mast, and eliminate one crew, cargo or equipment. On a 1-3 remove all of this ships masts and eliminate all her crew.


    That 5 master could probably come down in cost a bit, especially with Shipburner being such an all-or-nothing gamble (though you still effectively lose the ship either way). I think playtesting in the 18-22 range would be fair.  I think it should say “you may eliminate one of this ship’s non-crew cargo.” Or simply, “you may eliminate one of this ship’s treasure or equipment.”  I realize you may want to avoid the latter due to additional types of cargo being present in some campaign games.

    For the Shipburner keyword, I would change “within S of enemy ships” to “an enemy ship”, “at least one enemy ship”, etc.  At present you could interpret it to mean you have to be within S of at least 2 enemy ships due to the plural nature of ships.

    Beni Gabor is interesting!


    That 5 master could probably come down in cost a bit, especially with Shipburner being such an all-or-nothing gamble (though you still effectively lose the ship either way). I think playtesting in the 18-22 range would be fair.  I think it should say “you may eliminate one of this ship’s non-crew cargo.” Or simply, “you may eliminate one of this ship’s treasure or equipment.”  I realize you may want to avoid the latter due to additional types of cargo being present in some campaign games.

    For the Shipburner keyword, I would change “within S of enemy ships” to “an enemy ship”, “at least one enemy ship”, etc.  At present you could interpret it to mean you have to be within S of at least 2 enemy ships due to the plural nature of ships.

    Beni Gabor is interesting!


    I’ll likely bring the point cost down a bit on the LoTW, and adjust the wording of her ability.

    Shipburner is meant to be able to function with just one ship in range, you don’t need to have multiple enemy ships. I’ll adjust the wording.

    Beni is lifted straight from The Mummy. FaSh is FULL of little “Easter eggs” like that. 😀 Anywho, he does have an interesting combination of abilities.


    The first of the Cursed!

    Sailor’s Bane
    Points: 17
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2S-2S-3L-2S-2S
    Cargo: 1
    Movement: S+S
    Ability: Sea Monster. This Sea Monster gets +1 to its ram rolls. This Sea Monster may eliminate two masts on a successful ram.

    Flavor: TBD

    Points: 19
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 4S-3S-2L-3S-4S
    Cargo: 4
    Movement: L
    Ability: Give this ship a shoot action. Every ship within S of this ship is moved L+L away. Up to two masts are eliminated from every affected ship. This ship cannot be given actions for turns equal to the number of affected ships.

    Flavor: Many have speculated how the Morg is able to repel and damage ships without seeming to fire a cannon. Those who only focus on this strange phenomenon fail to recall that a cannon is still a cannon.


    Today we get our first look at the French!

    Points: 25
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 3S-3S-3S-3S-3S
    Cargo: 6
    Movement: L
    Ability: Man-O’-War. Once per turn, this ship may initiate a boarding party from within S away from an enemy ship without ramming. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses. Once per turn, you may give any other ship in your fleet +1 to her cannon rolls.

    Link: Amiral Matthieu Grievous

    Flavor: Amiral Grievous’s preferred flagship, the Recusant is well-equipped with an abundance of artillery, and a fierce crew to defend her from any oncoming threats.


    Amiral Matthieu Grievous
    Loyal: France. Captain. This ship gets +1 to her cannon and boarding rolls against non-French ships and Forts.

    Link: Recusant

    Flavor: It is not hard to see how Amiral Grievous rose so quickly to his esteemed rank and position. His brutality and tactical prowess have only been matched by the infamous Capitaine Arazure.


    Man-O-War: Before you give this ship an action roll a d6. On an even numbered result this ship eliminates two masts with each hit for this turn. On an odd numbered result, this ship’s cannons are rank 2 for this turn.


    Ability: Give this ship a shoot action. Every ship within S of this ship is moved L+L away. Up to two masts are eliminated from every affected ship. This ship cannot be given actions for turns equal to the number of affected ships.

    I can almost guarantee The Cursed will launch Morg on their next turn in CG4.  🙂


    The first of the Spanish from Farthest Shore!

    Points: 27
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2L-2L-2L-2L-2L
    Cargo: 6
    Movement: L
    Ability: Repeating Guns. Dories.
    Link: Capitán Nero de las Estrellas

    Flavor: The Narada was once a cargo barge, home to an honest crew of trading merchants. But after an American war vessel occupied their home port and abused Spanish hospitality, the Narada’s crew stole military grade cannons, and sought justice against the American invaders.


    Capitán Nero de las Estrellas
    Points: 7
    Ability: Captain. When this ship hits an enemy ship, you may also eliminate one cargo from that ship.
    Link: Narada

    Flavor: Nero was a simple man working an honest job on a merchant vessel. That all changed, however, when an American man-of-war occupied his hometown, and his wife was taken from him by one of the American soldiers. Now fighting for the Spanish Royal Navy, Nero instructs his men to aim their cannons at the crew aboard enemy ships, rather than at the unfeeling ship they sail on.


    Repeating Guns: When this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that she is using repeating guns. If all cannons hit during that shoot action, each cannon may shoot again as a free action. The first cannon that misses on its second shot ends the shoot action.


    I know I’ve said it before, but I think Repeating Guns is overpriced. Rarely will all the cannons hit, and even if they do, there is a diminishing return on the second volley, which could end as soon as it begins.  Fun to see Dories on a non-10 master.  I think Narada could be 22 points.


    I know I’ve said it before, but I think Repeating Guns is overpriced. Rarely will all the cannons hit, and even if they do, there is a diminishing return on the second volley, which could end as soon as it begins.  Fun to see Dories on a non-10 master.  I think Narada could be 22 points.

    Yeah, I’ve rarely used it myself. It could potentially pay off big time when the cannons do all hit, but that’s long odds, like succeeding with a Broadsides Attack.


    The Ionics make a return in Farthest Shore!

    Points: 19
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2L-3L-3L-3L-2L
    Cargo: 4
    Movement: L
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Cursed. Give this ship a shoot action to make one 3L+L mortar attack against a target enemy ship(it may make no other attacks). If the mortar hits eliminate a mast, a cargo and replace another mast with a fire mast.

    Flavor: TBD


    Points: 20
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 4L-3L-3L-3L-4L
    Cargo: 6
    Movement: S+S
    Ability: Ghost Ship. Equipment does not take up cargo space on this ship. This ship may be assigned up to 3 equipment. Eliminate one of this ships masts if she rolls a 1 on a cannon roll.
    Link: Rynah’s Ghosts

    Flavor: Built by and named after the mysterious inhabitants of an island off the southern coast, the Rynah is one of the most advanced ships in the navy. The mysterious nature of her construction has led to some mishandling as her crew get used to her.


    Rynah’s Ghosts
    Points: 4
    Ability: When this ship is docked at your home island, you may eliminate one treasure. It becomes a rank 2 cannon that shoots long range and can only be eliminated when the ship sinks.

    Flavor: Little is known about the inhabitants of Rynah, other than they make the best anything. Be it weapons, armor, or ships, if it was built by the Ghosts it is the best.


    Oooh, I like Rynah and the linked crew!  Definitely would enjoy trying those out.


    Oooh, I like Rynah and the linked crew!  Definitely would enjoy trying those out.

    Same here, the Ghosts are a straight upgrade over Carbon Charlie, giving a 2L cannon instead of a 3S. Given her cargo hold I’d be tempted to run the Rynah as a large gold runner, but the equipment ability and her 20 points suggest otherwise, especially with the various custom equipment floating around out there already and the ones that are in this set that have yet to be seen. 😀



    Rounding out the last of the major factions in Farthest Shore, we have the Mercenaries!


    Points: 20
    Masts: 6
    Cannons: 2S-4L-4L-4L-4L-2S
    Cargo: 6
    Movement: L
    Ability: Mercenary. Junk. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
    Link: Evan Van Turner

    Flavor: TBD


    Evan Van Turner
    Points: 7
    Ability: Captain. Marine.
    Link: Dynasty

    Flavor: TBD


    Very cool.  Definitely spices up the Mercs quite a bit from what Wizkids gave them.  Evan Van Turner could definitely prove useful on some of the original submarines too, being able to shoot as a Marine while submerged.


    Very cool.  Definitely spices up the Mercs quite a bit from what Wizkids gave them.  Evan Van Turner could definitely prove useful on some of the original submarines too, being able to shoot as a Marine while submerged.

    This is just a taster, they have a full “roster” in FaSh, a bakers dozen of ships, a fort and more crew. 😀

    EvT could definitely be useful on a sub. I’m now imagining him on the Nautilus II or the Atlantis, talk about a sub-hunter!


    Returning to the Nexus Alliance for the next 7 day cycle, daily customs from Farthest Shore continue!


    Destiny’s Bounty
    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 27
    Masts: 6
    Cannons: 3L-2S-2S-2S-2S-3L
    Cargo: 7
    Movement: S+S
    Ability: Junk. Dories. This ship ignores terrain except for Fog and Storms.
    Link: Sensei Wu, Lloyd Montgomery, Natalie Smith

    Flavor: The Destiny’s Bounty has a long and storied history, beginning when she was a pirate ship. The ship and her crew found their way into alliance waters soon after the nexus alliance was founded, seeking refuge from vengeful pirate lords. After several years and a complete re-build, Desinty’s Bounty is one of the grandest ships in the Alliance fleet and is the floating temple of her commander, Sensei Wu.


    Sensei Wu
    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 8
    Ability: Eternal. Once at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a result of 6, any ship in your fleet may be given two actions that turn.
    Link: Destiny’s Bounty

    Flavor: Sensei Wu has a long and storied history, just like the ship he commands. His tenure as commander of Destiny’s Bounty goes back to when the ship was a pirate vessel; even then as an old man. Many of his crew have aged and married into the Alliance with children of their own, leading some to speculate that he has somehow achieved immortality.


    Lloyd Montgomery
    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 3
    Ability: Crew of any nationality may use their abilities aboard this ship.
    Link: Destiny’s Bounty, Grand Jungle, Jade Night, Destiny’s Shadow

    Flavor: Some men are born sailors, soldiers and craftsmen. Others like Lloyd are able to bring those individuals together, and make them into something greater than themselves.


    Natalie Smith
    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 6
    Ability: Captain. Navigator. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls if Gordon Walker is assigned to this ship.
    Link: Kenneth Smith, Gordon Walker, Destiny’s Bounty, Chaser

    Flavor: Natalie has just as much of her brother’s fire, but is far better at controlling and focusing that energy. Her calm and sometimes soothing presence is only ever cracked when the loud and boisterous Gordon Walker comes aboard.



    Two more 5 mast ships for the Alliance!

    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 19
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 3S-3L-3SL-3L-3S
    Cargo: 6
    Movement: L
    Ability: If this ship is assigned a captain and marine crew she gets +L to her base move.

    Flavor: A hardy and steadfast crew man the Raider. That the eyes of the Alliance are on them at all times only inspires them to perform greater.


    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 29
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 3S-2L-2L-2L-3S
    Cargo: 7
    Movement: L
    Ability: Ghost Ship. At the beginning of your turn decide if this ship is invisible or not. If she is, she may only be given move actions. She cannot ram, be rammed, pin, be pinned, shoot or be shot at.

    Flavor: The Specter is used exclusively for stealth operations or for tasks that the rank and file of the Alliance cannot carry out. The regulars that serve on her claim that they have sailed right past enemy ships, close enough to touch, without being seen or heard.


    Very cool vessels here.  I like how Raider can be quick but requires more than just an auto-include Captain to get the bonus.  She’s likely to be quite an investment, likely at least 28+ points for C+H+Marine.  Good hybrid potential too.

    Specter could be an effective hybrid as well.  Maybe not the best comparison, but almost makes me think of a mini-Guichuan: similar in cost, cargo, cannons and Ghost Ship.  Would be interesting to slide into an enemy formation “unnoticed” and then become “visible” to guarantee first shot advantage.  She also makes me think about the recent podcast about the online game.  Would be neat to see a version someday where that “invisibility” could be translated effectively – where the controlling player can see a translucent version of the ship at all times of course, but the ship legitimately disappears from the other player’s screen and they have no idea where it is until it becomes visible again.  🙂


    The last two of the Alliance’s normal “big ships”!


    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 30
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 3S-4L-4L-4L-3S
    Cargo: 6
    Movement: S
    Ability: Two hits are required in the same shoot action to eliminate one of this ships masts. This ships cannons cannot be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict she cannot shoot.

    Flavor: The Helix was once a treasure galleon, brought into the Nexus Alliance by Spanish defectors. She served for years as a traveling storefront, but has since been converted to a warship. Dr. Overton laments her transformation, as he was quite fond of a pastry the crew used to sell.


    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 26
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 3S-4L-4L-4L-3S
    Cargo: 7
    Movement: S
    Ability: You may double the range of this ship’s cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit. Cannon ranges of friendly ships within S of this ship are L.

    Flavor: The gunners of the Holster were part of an exchange with the Ionics and have been given additional training by Kihwe. This has not only augmented their skill, but the skills of those in close proximity to their ship, by way of advanced flag signals.


    Cannon ranges of friendly ships within S of this ship are L.

    I like this one.  Not sure how useful it’ll be on a ship that’s plodding along with a base move of only S, but it could be interesting to use if it was on a quick single-master.


    I love the flavor text for Helix.  Not the typical “now the ship has an iron hull” type thing we sometimes see on ships with that ability.

    Holster is likely not quite worth her cost, but it does sound like a fun “command center” type vessel for a decent sized squadron in a large game.  I’d probably go full gunship given her abilities.  Preferably with a “shoot through ships” crew or equipment so she could snipe from within the middle of a pack that she’s increasing ranges for.


    Holster is likely not quite worth her cost, but it does sound like a fun “command center” type vessel for a decent sized squadron in a large game.

    Would bringing her down to 25 points be more worth it, or further than that?


    Would bringing her down to 25 points be more worth it, or further than that?

    I think 22-23 would be fine.


    Moving into the 4 mast category for the Nexus Alliance! We’ve already seen their first 4 mast (Venture Explorer), now for two more!


    Peril Koi
    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 18
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 4S-3L-3L-4S
    Cargo: 4
    Movement: S+S
    Ability: Explorer. Unique Treasures cannot affect this ship or her crew.
    Link: Captain Harlan Storm

    Flavor: The Peril Koi was the first ship of the Nexus Navy, and before that the flagship of Harlan Storm’s pirate group. While no longer considered the best of the Alliance’s best, the Koi still holds a place among the hearts of Alliance sailors.


    Nexus Alliance
    Points: 14
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 2S-3L-3L-2S
    Cargo: 4
    Movement: L
    Ability: Once per turn, roll a d6. On a result of 5-6 repair a mast on every friendly ship within S of this ship.

    Flavor: The Wrench carries an excess of spare timbers and cloths on board, ready to give to a ship in need of repair at sea. Dr. Overton has made it her permanent assignment to patrol Alliance waters in search of damaged ships to repair or help back to port.


    Ability: Once per turn, roll a d6. On a result of 5-6 repair a mast on every friendly ship within S of this ship.

    Is this a free action and/or is it mandatory?


    A possible variant to consider:

    “You may give this ship a repair action even if it is undamaged.  When you give this ship a repair action, roll a d6: on a result of 5 or 6, you may also repair one mast on every friendly ship within S.   If this ship has a crew with the Shipwright keyword, the roll automatically succeeds.”


    Is this a free action and/or is it mandatory?

    Technically not mandatory, kind of like SS Wraith and Captain Davy.

    I like the idea of including a shipwright to make the attempt more successful, but I don’t know if I want it to auto-succeed.


    Ability re-word:

    Once per turn you may roll a d6. On a result of 5-6 repair a mast on every friendly ship within S of this ship. If this ship is assigned a shipwright crew, the roll succeeds on a result of 3-6 instead.

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