Custom Ships (post your custom game pieces here!)

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  • #1481

    Two more!

    Points: 7
    Masts: 2
    Cargo: 6
    Cannons: 3L-3L
    Movement: S+S
    Ability: Ramming cannot eliminate this ships masts. This ship cannot be given repair actions.

    Points: 13
    Masts: 2
    Cargo: 3
    Cannons: 3S-4S
    Movement: L
    Ability: This ship ignores iceberg terrain.


    I think you should literally reverse the point costs on those. Bara is a fantastic gold runner/small hybrid who probably won’t need to repair much anyway. (either safe at home with loot, or captured/sunk by opposition) On the contrary, Ekop is a very middling ship even without factoring her cost into the equation, which makes her pretty much unplayable. Unless I’m missing something in the ability – I assume she could not only pass over icebergs instead of hitting them, but also perhaps be immune to damage if they collided with her?
    Bara should be 13, though you could probably get away with 6 for Ekop.
    I’m noticing a lot of short names in this set due to the Bionicle influence – quite the opposite from some of mine! XD (though I’m a little obsessed with the epic convoluted weird names, which we’ll see more of eventually)


    Correct on the Ekop’s ability, she can completely ignore icebergs as if they weren’t there. Her’s is an ability I originally thought would be more expensive, but after some discussion I’ve realized it’s not as handy as I had thought, I’d just never gotten around to adjusting the cost. I’ll switch the costs around for the two ships.
    Incidentally, many of the names are either direct copies or are scrambled up is some way. Ekop for instance is the matoran Kopeke, who eventually became chronicler after Takua and Hali.


    Couple of weird ones today.

    Points: 10
    Cargo: 3
    Masts: 2
    Cannons: 3L-3L
    Movement: L
    Ability: This ship gets -1 to her cannon rolls with a captain.

    Points: 4
    Masts: 2
    Cargo: 5
    Cannons: 4S-4S
    Movement: S
    Ability: Friendly ships within S of this ship get -1 to their cannon rolls.


    Not sure why the Hirun is so expensive given some of the decent 2 masters out there (Cutlass for example) that are far better for less points. Seems like cargo has been underpriced on your customs lately, though the Viso’s ability does hold her back enough to justify only 4 points I think (especially given that the Paradox is good but not quite OP, and quite similar overall). I think Hirun at 5 or 6 makes sense. Viso is basically a more useful ship; there’s not a lot you can do with the Hirun.
    To me weird usually means interesting, which I like given the basic nature of some of the other pieces in the set so far.

    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: U
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 19
    Number of Masts: 4
    Cargo Space: 4
    Base Move: S+L
    Cannons: 2S-3L-4L-3L
    Ability: Mercenary. Schooner. This ship gets +S to her base move with a named crew aboard. Spanish crew can use their abilities on this ship.

    Flavor text: Collaborating on logistics and duties, the Spanish and Mercenary crew of this vessel work together in surprising harmony. Under proper leadership, she can be one of the more effective vessels in the Pacific.

    Historical Custom of the Day #246

    Frescheville Holles
    4 points
    Ability: Captain. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Dutch. The Dutch get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
    Link: Preston, HMS Cambridge, Robert Holmes

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Okay, point cost adjustment on the way for the Hirun. A lot of the Ionic two masters are ‘slow runners’ or could be classified as gold runners. Since almost all of their ships up till now have been IMO gunships.

    Jonathan Bowen

    Hello; J. W. Darkhurst here. So I had been posting my latest custom set (Seas of Doom) on Mini-Trading, but I was basically told by Xerecs to just post stuff here 😛

    So here we go; as a refresher, the first ten items from the English of Seas of Doom! 😀


    1. HMS Lord of Gondor
    Points: 15
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2S,3L,4S,3L,2S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Blockade Runner.
    Link: Boromir, Captain of the Guard

    2. Boromir, Captain of the Guard
    Points: 9
    Ability: Loyal: England. Marine. World-Hater.
    Link: Sir Faramir; HMS lord of Gondor

    3. Sir Faramir
    Points: 5
    Ability: Loyal: England. Musketeer. This ship gets +1 to boarding rolls.
    Link: Boromir, Captain of the Guard

    4. HMS Fellowship
    Points: 15
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 2L,3S,3S,4L
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.

    5. RNS Thames
    Points: 20
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 4L,3S,3S,4L
    Cargo: 5
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Man-O’-War.

    6. HMS Lothlórien
    Points: 15
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 4L,4S,4S,4L
    Cargo: 5
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Parley. Once per turn, if a crew on this ship would be eliminated, turn them face-down instead.
    Link: Sir Elrond of Rivendell

    7. Sir Elrond of Rivendell
    Points: 6
    Ability: Captain. Reroll.
    Link: HMS Lothlórien

    8. HMS Sentinel
    Points: 14
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 2L,2S,3S,3L
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Schooner. This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn so long as she has all of her masts.

    9. HMS Silver Wolf
    Points: 12
    Masts: 2 (sloop)
    Cannons: 3L,2S
    Cargo: 2
    Base Move: L+L
    Ability: This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.

    10. Col. Myles Q. Lang
    Points: 8
    Ability: Marine. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.

    If these are difficult to read in a list format, let me know; I can bold the piece names and numbers to make it easier for y’all 😉

    As usual, feedback is always welcome.
    Hope to post some more English tomorrow
    -J. W. Darkhurst


    I advise you to post the relevant custom keywords along with the posts. Me and Ben (and most other people probably) can figure out the keyword/short hand used fore regular abilities, but some of the Custom keywords can be hard to track.
    I’d also recommend bolding the names of the pieces, just to make them stand out a little bit.

    Jonathan Bowen

    I’ll do that tomorrow *nervous smile*


    Ahoy J.W. Darkhurst, thanks for joining my site! 🙂 I’m not a huge fan of bringing LotR into Pirates but the game pieces look fair and appropriately costed so far.

    Cryptic Scroll
    Unique Treasure
    Ability: You may unload this treasure at your home island. If so, roll a d6. On a 1, eliminate the crew on this ship with the highest point cost. If this ship has no crew, instead eliminate all crew on one friendly ship docked closest to this ship. On a 6, this treasure is worth 9 gold. On a 2-5, place this treasure face down on the wild island farthest from your home island.

    Historical Custom of the Day #247

    Scourge of Malice
    Faction Affiliation: English
    Rarity: C
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 13
    Number of Masts: 3
    Cargo Space: 5
    Base Move: L
    Cannons: 2S-4L-3S
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Spanish. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls against sea creatures. This ship can use Parley against Dutch ships.
    Link: George Clifford, Henry Middleton, David Middleton, William Keeling, James Lancaster, Thomas Best

    Some very specific abilities, but all based on her story of course. (which is quite interesting by the way, especially considering all the voyages she was a part of) The anti-creature bonus is due to a legitimate whaling incident. XD

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    We’re steamrolling through the Ionics! Only a few more ships to go and then some crew. After them it’s the much awaited reveals of the Pirates and Cursed, followed by the Mercenaries, and finished up with all the ‘extra’ pieces in the LE/SE and SR section!

    Points: 14
    Masts: 2
    Cargo: 3
    Cannons: 5S-3S
    Movement: S+S+S
    Ability: Friendly ships within S of this ships get +1 to their cannon rolls.

    Points: 13
    Masts: 2
    Cargo: 4
    Cannons: 3S-4S
    Movement: L
    Ability: When this ship is given an explore action, you can swap a treasure on the wild island for a crew on any friendly ship.


    Two more!

    Points: 12
    Masts: 2
    Cargo: 3
    Cannons: 3S-2S
    Movement: S+L
    Ability: This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.

    Points: 9
    Masts: 2
    Cargo: 3
    Cannons: 4S-4S
    Movement: S+S+S
    Ability: (none)


    @All: Sorry for any glitches in the forum such as the tag buttons disappearing; I’m trying to optimize the site and sometimes plugins disable things unfortunately.

    (wow, looks like doing that automatically links to a member’s page, nice! XD)
    Mhak: We’ve seen that ability too much already; I find it hard to believe there is some flavor connection in Bionicle that justifies it. XD Perhaps something similar but less practical/OP could work?
    Tihut: Inferior to Le Courageux in multiple ways – since the latter is not underpriced or OP, I could see Tihut at 8 or 9.
    Rehye: Rather simple, 8 should work if you want it cheaper.


    Lately I’ve been going through Pirates of the Epic Seas and doing one game piece per faction (or UT/etc) at a time. I’ve gotten down to the SE’s again, and there are so many “unreleased” that I like, it’s tough to know what to reveal! XD I made some more fantasy customs today, some of which are rather amusing. For today, I’m in the mood to go out of order and reveal something I just created today. I’ve wanted to make something with a “Ring of Fire” theme for a while now, somewhat based on the real life volcano chain.

    Ring of Fire (Islands)
    Place these 5 Mysterious Islands in a circle during setup. These islands cannot be chosen as home islands, and should be placed 2L or 3L apart. When a ship docks at this island, roll a d6.
    1 – Catastrophic Eruption: All ships docked at this island have all of their masts (including eliminated ones) replaced with fire masts. All ships within 3L of this island receive 3 fire masts; this effect can sink ships. Eliminate all crew and forts on this island.
    2 – Violent Eruption: All ships docked at this island receive 3 fire masts. Ships within 2L of this island receive 2 fire masts. Eliminate all crew and forts on this island.
    3/4 – Eruption: All ships docked at this island receive 2 fire masts. Ships within L of this island receive 1 fire mast. Eliminate all crew on this island.
    5/6 – No effect.
    *Game pieces that are submerged are not subject to receiving fire masts.

    Ring of Fire (Canoes)
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: U
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 14
    Number of Masts: 1
    Cargo Space: 1
    Base Move: S+S+S
    Cannons: 3L
    Ability: Mercenary. Native Canoe. Captain. Fire Shot.

    Flavor text: Hailing from the most volcanic region in the world, these tribal natives have preyed on worried sailors for centuries. They have learned to detect when an eruption is imminent, and then use the chaos and death of such a cataclysmic event to pillage both victims and survivors. Named after the devastating region they sail around, there have been reports of canoe”rings” surrounding enemy ships and lighting the sails and rigging on fire with flaming arrows, watching from afar as the crew are burned alive and the ship is burnt to the waterline. They are known as perhaps the most clever and secretly evil tribe in the Pacific, and use the speed and agility of their canoes to avoid being wiped out by the frequent eruptions.

    Kinda overdid the flavor text, but it really helps give context to their background and the fleshing out of the “Ring of Fire” concept, especially with Epic Seas having a more Mercenary/tribal/Pacific slant the past few months.

    The last piece of the “saga”, at least for now….

    Ring of Fire
    Unique Treasure
    Ability: When discovered, assign this game piece to a named crew on this ship. If this ship isn’t assigned a named crew, place this treasure face down on a random wild island without revealing the treasure to any players. Once this treasure is assigned to a named crew, it is treated as equipment and cannot be removed from this ship unless the crew is removed. If the assigned crew is eliminated, eliminate this game piece. When this ship shoots, up to 3 hits may be fire hits instead of regular hits (you must declare which cannons are shooting fire shot before rolling). If this ship is within L of a Volcano island, you may eliminate one crew on this ship – if so, one enemy ship within L of this ship cannot move on their next turn.

    Flavor text: This mysterious ring bears an inscription that starts with a “V”… many scholars have attempted to decode what the name means, but they always end up murdered for the ring’s power. Multiple “giants” have been seen wielding the ring for evil purposes in the Pacific, leaving a trail of smoke in their wake….

    So there you have it. Pretty convoluted already, and it might get more wordy and complicated if I add things to the concept. Funny enough I already have an epic volcano-based 10 master with linked crew combo, so if I get them involved… yikes…. O_O

    Man, sometimes I find it surprisingly easy to create a lot of fantasy customs. So many things to draw inspiration from, either just a simple word like “dove” or some complex convoluted backstory of chaos. XD Just looking up “cursed art” in google images gives me plenty of random ideas! Epic Seas is about to reach 700 total game pieces, and it’s inevitable that someday I will break 1,000 on that set, and eventually many more I hope. In times like this I have to consciously try to stop staring at what I’ve created or plan to create, just so I don’t spend many hours a day doing it! XD


    Historical Custom of the Day #248

    John Watling
    3 points
    Ability: Captain. This ship gets +1 to her d6 rolls against ships with the Chieftain keyword aboard. This ship gets -1 to her d6 rolls against forts.
    Link: Bartholomew Sharp

    Strange abilities, but read his brief and strange story for why I gave them to him. Almost some weird parallels with Captain Jack Sparrow.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    I might give the Mhak the more commonly found treasure trading ability, as seen on the RV neptune’s hoard. still good but not OP like CJS can be.

    Those are some VERY good canoes there. 3S speed with captain and fireshot built in? Yeesh. These are the most offensively minded canoes I’ve ever seen, they seem more suited to combat than to actual gold running. I’m already thinking of multiple sets of these things running around in a campaign. Equal parts terrifying and intriguing.

    I like the whole ‘island chain’ of mysterious islands, very cool, and with some very destructive capabilities. You could probably slip these into THC to give them a test run of sorts.

    Hmmm. The UT is wordy, but I think it needs to be, for what it’s intended to do. I’m kind of imagining it like an infinity stone or something….. 😀


    Funny you mention THC, since just after I posted, I thought about potentially transforming the center “cross” or archipelago islands (some of them anyway) into a potential “Ring of Fire”…. O_O More on that next session I would think….

    Haha, I thought of similar, but more towards rings of power from LotR rather than infinity stone. I guess there are some parallels between both, but I’ll try to keep that to a minimum. XD


    Faction Affiliation: Barbary Corsair
    Rarity: SE
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 20
    Number of Masts: 4
    Cargo Space: 4
    Base Move: S+S
    Cannons: 2L-2S-2S-2L
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls if she has a captain and helmsman crew assigned to her.
    Link: Malophoros

    Flavor text: Malophoros captured this ship from the Mercenaries, and now uses her as a flagship of sorts. Currently the only non-galley Barbary Corsair ship, she attracts heavy fire from the imperial nations at war in the southern Mediterranean. However, between the ship’s incredible cannons and Malophoros’ leadership, she has not lost a battle yet.

    Barbary Corsair
    Rarity: R
    10 points
    Ability: Black Mark. AA [Once at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a result of 6, any ship in your fleet may be given two actions that turn.]. When this ship hits an enemy ship, you may also eliminate one crew from that ship.
    Link: Rachna

    Flavor text: Deemed “The Most Evile Corsair” by various governments, this Barbary Admiral collaborates with the Mediterranean Cursed fleet. He is extremely skilled, and enjoys inflicinting great pain upon his opponents. Few have dared to stand up to him; those who do, gain his respect. But not his mercy.


    Historical Custom of the Day #249

    George Best
    1 point
    Ability: Once per turn you may look at all the treasures of an island you have previously explored.
    Link: Martin Frobisher

    This ability would not include islands that have been “unmarked” by things such as the S-Explorer ability.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Seems like a very good linked pair. Malophoros gives the Corsairs another much-needed fleet admiral, and the the Rachna is a very good gunship, with some of the best cannons you can get your hands on. With that much point space and some decent cargo, you could set her up as an ‘equipment ship’ with one or two different equipment to use with those L range cannons, like fire or double shot, or your own Bow Chasers.

    Two more! An interesting Sea Monster and the last two master!

    Points: 16
    Masts: 2
    Cargo: 0
    Cannons 2S-3S
    Movement: S+L
    Ability: Sea Monster. You may use up to 4 copies of Takea at once.

    flavor: Ionic sailors have a mix of hatred and reverence for Takea, the great sharks. Usually harmless unless provoked, one is enough to severely damage any ship, encounter or anger a school and you might not live to see the morrow.

    Masts: 2 (sloop)
    Cargo: 1
    Cannons: 3S-3S
    Movement: S+S
    Ability: This ship cannot load or be affected by Unique Treasures.

    flavor: The captain of the Kes has gone out of his way to keep his ship and crew away from unexplored regions, where strange artifacts and relics of ‘unnatural power’ would tempt him and his crew.

    I don’t have a fixed cost yet for the Kes. Aside from her ability she’s underwhelming and quite possibly bad. My initial thought is somewhere around 10 points for her.


    Huh, assuming they EACH cost 16 points, Takea could come down to maybe 9 or 10 points. Speed is good but sharks are horrendous in gameplay.
    I like the flavor/ability of Kes quite a lot, but 10 points is way too high. I would say the ability is about equally bad and good, and could see a point cost of about 4 I think. Also, by 2 masted “sloop”, I assume you mean the blockade runner ship type like the Prince of Chichester? The original 1 masters are the main ship type referred to as sloops.


    Okay, point cost adjustments coming! I’ll go with the lower cost for the Takea, 9 points for it/them.

    I can put the Kes at 4 points no problem, and yes I mean she’s the Blockade runner type two master, like the PoC. Aside from the Takea she’s the only Uncommon 2 master for the Ionics.

    Jonathan Bowen

    apologies for my inactivity in the last few days <darkhurst.exe has been experiencing delays>

    Anyway, there are more English awaiting in the Seas of Doom, so let us not be stayed any further!

    Relevant keywords (including some from the last post)

    ((Repeating Guns is a new keyword))

    1. Blockade Runner: This ship gets +1 to ramming and boarding rolls. This ship can’t have her masts rammed off.

    2. World-Hater: This ship gets plus one to her cannon rolls against any ship of a different nationality.

    3. Man-O’-War: Once per turn, before you give this ship a shoot action, roll a d6. On a result of an odd number, her cannons become 2-rank for this turn. On a result of an even number, she eliminates two masts with each hit.

    4. Reroll: Once per turn, you may re-roll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result

    5. Repeating Guns: When this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that she is using repeating guns. If all cannons hit during that shoot action, each cannon may shoot again. (This action does not count towards the two action limit) For each cannon that misses on its second shot, eliminate one mast or cargo from that ship


    11. HMS Valkyrie
    Points: 22
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 4S,3S,3S,3S,4S
    Cargo: 5
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Broadsides Attack. This ship eliminates two masts with each hit.
    Link: Captain Joseph Korso

    12. Captain Joseph Korso
    Points: 7
    Ability: Black Mark. Captain. Reroll.
    Link: HMS Valkyrie

    13. HMS Scorpius
    Points: 20
    Masts: 3 (square)
    Cannons: 2L,3S,2L
    Cargo: 2
    Base Move: S+L
    Ability: Blockade Runner. Repeating Guns.

    14. HMS Oakenshield
    Points: 17
    Masts: 3
    Cannons: 2S,3S,4S
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Schooner. Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.

    15. HMS Gil-Adriel
    Points: 14
    Masts: 2
    Cannons: 4S,4S
    Cargo: 2
    Base Move: L
    Ability: This ship cannot be affected by cursed abilities. Actions are not abilities.

    If there are any problems reading these, let me know and I can change my posting schedule to one item at a time. As always, feedback is welcome. Expect a new post maaayybe tomorrow?

    -J. W. Darkhurst


    Cursed abilities is very vague. I’d try and specify what exactly cannot affect the ship.


    @Jonathan Bowen: Repeating Guns seems like a very risky ability. I suggest changing it to “this ship” for the last part of the wording.
    The “Gil-Adriel” (Galadriel?) seems extremely overpriced. I would capitalize the C to make it Cursed (more obvious that it’s factional) and drop the “actions are not abilities” part since it seems unnecessary. Unless I’m missing something, 6-7 points would probably work.


    Alright, after quite a long break, it is finally time to reveal another 10 master!! XD And a BIG day for custom reveals overall!

    Devil’s Wrath
    Faction Affiliation: Cursed
    Rarity: LE
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 37
    Number of Masts: 10
    Cargo Space: 4
    Base Move: S+S
    Cannons: 2L-2L-3S-3S-3S-4L-4L-4L-2L-2L
    Ability: Junk. Broadsides Attack. This ship cannot carry gold. The ship can shoot at submerged submarines.
    Link: Diabolos

    Flavor text: Bursting forth from the fiery depths of hell comes the latest in a long line of Cursed behemoths. Setting sail from deep in the Indian Ocean, Diabolos is taking “His Wrath” to the Americas to wreak havoc and send humans to their doom. With a cargo hold always full of ammunition, the crew has but one purpose – sink enemy vessels, whether they are above or below the waves. Plunder is ignored in the conquest of annihilation.

    Faction Affiliation: Cursed
    Rarity: LE
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 16
    Ability: Loyal: Cursed. Captain. Once per turn, choose one enemy ship within L of this ship. Roll a d6; on a 5-6, eliminate 2/3 of that ship’s masts (rounding up from .5 and greater), ignoring all defensive abilities. This crew may use his abilities only aboard Cursed 10 masters.
    Link: Devil’s Wrath

    Flavor text: Called by Xenthalos from Hell itself, Diabolos is as close as mere mortals can get to seeing the Devil himself. Upon seeing the dominance of mankind over the world’s oceans, he flew into an unstoppable rage. Often using a flash fire burning power, he can destroy masts and rigging with blasts of fire with nearly no drawback. Rumor has it that he can fly – if true, his newest opponents in the Atlantic will be charred corpses on the ocean by month’s end.

    Diabolos translates as “Devil”, partially inspired by the villain from Final Fantasy.

    I originally had his feature ability eliminating all but one of the enemy ship’s masts, but then you could take a 10 down to 1 mast with one die roll… I know it’s still OP, but I may increase the cost even further or make it happen only on a 6. (the ability is based on the Dark Messenger ability in FF6 which is actually more devastating (leaving you with 1/16 of your HP lol). I may also make him more crazy with flying/fire abilities, but for now Doragon the Magnificent is the only character I’ve made who can fly, and it should probably stay that way. XD


    Quarter of the way to 1,000 in this series, so time for a big one! XD

    Historical Custom of the Day #250

    Martin Frobisher
    Martin Frobisher
    7 points
    Ability: Captain. Explorer. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the French and Spanish.
    Link: Aid, Triumph, Edward Fenton, George Best, Francis Drake

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Yikes, a ten mast dreadnought and a super crew! I like both of them, though I’m wondering how BA would work on the ten master. I notice you specified submarines, not submerged ships, any reason? I think the cargo of 4 keeps the Wrath from being too powerful, kind of like my handling of the Yaochuan and her ability to submerge.
    Diabolos is quite powerful, with the right rolls or UT set ups he could very quickly eliminate entire battle fleets or possibly entire factions. I’m looking forward to his eventual use in THC, it should be fun and interesting to see how that plays out.

    Two more!

    Points: 5
    Nationality: Ionic
    Masts: 1
    Cargo: 3
    Cannon: 4S
    Movement: L+L
    Ability: This ship cannot load treasure. This ship ignores terrain when given a move action.

    Points: 6
    Masts: 1
    Cargo: 3
    Cannon: 3S
    Movement: S+S
    Ability: Oarsman.

    Jonathan Bowen

    Hello, thanks for the feedback! 🙂

    : I see your point and I was considering changing it to read “Ability text on Cursed ships and crew cannot affect this ship.”

    @Ben: Yes, Repeating Guns is risky, but I made it like that both for balancing purposes, and because i figured that whatever form of repeating guns existing at this time would still be a prototype, and therefore risky to use. I see your point about the wording at the end and I can change that, no problem. As for the Gil-Adriel, it can be made cheaper. Let me know what you think about the rewording above as well. I can drop the “Actions are not abilities” part also. I just figured there would be someone who would interpret the ability to include actions as well.

    Did “bolding” the item names help make it easier to read them? Should I post the pieces one at a time, or continue posting them in groups of five? Let me know what looks best so I can post the next item or group later today 🙂

    -J. W. Darkhurst


    I use bold and italic for names of things and keywords like Schooner or Junk. I’m going one/two at a time and I think that’s a good pace for me. If you want to keep going 5 at a time for speed sake then keep going five at a time.


    BA basically doesn’t work on 10 masted junks, but could be of slight value when the ship loses a lot of masts. More of a thematic touch given the “berserk anger” flavor stuff. XD The ship is not after sea creatures since most of those will be Cursed or not hostile to the Cursed, unlike many subs.
    I like both of those 1 masters.
    @JB/JW: Rewording looks fine. I like when the title of the game piece is bolded, makes it stand out more. (hopefully I’ll get more options on this forum sometime, for font sizes and maybe colors) Post in whatever increments you want!

    Jonathan Bowen

    Alright, y’all. Back again with more English from Seas of Doom!
    (just for the record, I will continue to post Seas of Doom in f-piece increments)

    Relevant Keywords:

    Clipper Ship: This ship’s movement is measured from bow to stern.

    Repeating Guns: When this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that she is using repeating guns. If all cannons hit during that shoot action, each cannon may shoot again. (This action does not count towards the two action limit) For each cannon that misses on its second shot, eliminate one mast or cargo from that ship


    16. HMS Everjust
    Points: 17
    Masts: 3
    Cannons: 2S, 3L, 3L, 2S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Clipper Ship. Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
    Link: Master-at-Arms, Wesley Dorrian

    17. Master-at-Arms, Wesley Dorrian
    Points: 7
    Ability: Sac. Once per turn, before giving this ship a shoot action, roll a d6. On a result of an odd number, this ship gets +1 to cannon rolls for that turn. On a result of an even number, this ship gets +1 to boarding rolls for that turn.
    Link: HMS Everjust

    18. RNS Celestial Fire
    Points: 20
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 3L,3L,3L,3L,3L
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Repeating Guns.

    19. Styx
    Points: 12
    Masts: 3 (square)
    Cannons: 2S,3S,2S
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L+S
    Ability: Cursed crew may use their abilities on this ship.

    20. Commodore Preston Slate
    Points: 6
    Ability: Give this ship a move action but do not move her. Instead, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move an enemy ship L in any direction

    And with that, England is concluded! I will begin the next faction probably tomorrow afternoon; I might have to do homework or school stuff :T

    Anyway, feedback is welcome, as always. Let me know if the way I’ve posted these pieces is easier to read. I feel like there’s more to say, but… I’m clueless rt now :T
    So see y’all next time.

    -J. W. Darkhurst


    The Everjust is confusing with 4 cannons instead of 3.
    Personally I think the comment in Dorrian’s name is unnecessary. Especially because it made me think the ship linked to two crew, one called “Master-at-Arms” and one called Wesley Dorrian. His cost seems right, though I don’t like the thought of adding a die roll before each shoot. Maybe the controller can choose which bonus applies? (cannons would win out over boarding in most cases, but being able to choose also makes sense thematically based on situational preparation)
    Celestial Fire seems overpriced based on how difficult it would be to pull off Repeating Guns – even if you hit every time, you might not need to bother shooting again since 5 hits will take care of most ships. (not to mention the backfiring) I could see her at 16.
    Styx is kinda neat; I assume the name is not from the band? XD (any flavor text yet?)
    Seems easy to read to me!

    Jonathan Bowen

    Haha… Funny story, Ben…. ?

    Originally, the Everjust was gonna be a Windcatcher, but I changed her last second. However, I forgot to edit the mast total… ?
    So she is intended to be a four-mast ship. That error will be changed, and I can include her in my next release post with that edit if you feel it to be necessary, or if y’all just want me to.

    I can eliminate the comma in Wesley Dorrian’s title/name without a problem. And the Celestial Fire can have her point cost dropped as well.

    Unfortunately, the Styx isn’t named for the band; sorry ??

    -J. W. Darkhurst


    I might suggest that you re-arrange the order in which the names appear in addition to removing the comment.

    Wesley Dorian master-at-arms.

    Hmm. Actually looking at that way would imply keeping the comma, so probably best to keep his name/title as-is.

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