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  • #8151

    I’d love to see these factions expanded upon, quite a different take on Historical customs. Are more in the pipeline?

    El Cazador

    I have notes for more along these lines, but none are in pipeline, as you put it. I want to make three British icebreakers next, but even those don’t have much beyond names and ship type.

    I would like to eventually design more ships based around the Mediterranean Sea powers, the Baltic and North Sea powers, and the Indian Ocean and Far East sea powers, but that would be quite a lot of work for minor naval players.

    Unlike a7xfanben, I really want to see an independent Portugal faction as Portugal was an important naval player from the age of exploration until . . . I forget the date, but it was after or toward the end of the Spanish-Portuguese union under the Habsburg monarchs.

    Edit: I don’t have the book I used as reference with me, but the Wikipedia article makes the Dutch-Portuguese wars seem important in the decline of Portuguese sea power.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by El Cazador.

    Unlike a7xfanben, I really want to see an independent Portugal faction as Portugal was an important naval player from the age of exploration until . . . I forget the date, but it was after or toward the end of the Spanish-Portuguese union under the Habsburg monarchs.

    I’m not opposed to that at all, I’ve just combined Portuguese stuff with Spain so far because it’s easier and creating a new historical faction from scratch can be intimidating.  Ideally my Age of Sail set will eventually have a full Portuguese faction… maybe in like 2078.  XD

    I think the Capitania should be more expensive, perhaps 18 points.  Colonna could go to 7; Massacre deserves a discount from 7 but 3 might be too low.


    Portugal was an important naval player from the age of exploration until . . . I forget the date, but it was after or toward the end of the Spanish-Portuguese union under the Habsburg monarchs.

    Maybe the Anglo-Dutch wars? I’m not as familiar with naval history as some, but the English emerged as a major naval player after those wars, perhaps the decline of Portuguese sea power coincided?

    I would like to eventually design more ships based around the Mediterranean Sea powers, the Baltic and North Sea powers, and the Indian Ocean and Far East sea powers, but that would be quite a lot of work for minor naval players.

    Indeed, that does sound like a lot of work. For the factions based in the Mediterranean, would they be restricted to a single ship type, like the Corsairs, or would you spice things up a bit with an occasional “regular” ship here and there?

    El Cazador

    I’m not opposed to that at all, I’ve just combined Portuguese stuff with Spain so far because it’s easier and creating a new historical faction from scratch can be intimidating. Ideally my Age of Sail set will eventually have a full Portuguese faction… maybe in like 2078. XD

    Quite right. Your method is convenient, and I understand the concern. I mean no offense, merely some hyperbolic humor.

    I think the Capitania should be more expensive, perhaps 18 points. Colonna could go to 7; Massacre deserves a discount from 7 but 3 might be too low.

    I like the point costs I have, but I think that these are worth noting. I will edit the previous post to reference this.

    Maybe the Anglo-Dutch wars? I’m not as familiar with naval history as some, but the English emerged as a major naval player after those wars, perhaps the decline of Portuguese sea power coincided?

    I made an edit referencing the Dutch-Portuguese wars, which seemed to fit the period the book discussed.

    Indeed, that does sound like a lot of work. For the factions based in the Mediterranean, would they be restricted to a single ship type, like the Corsairs, or would you spice things up a bit with an occasional “regular” ship here and there?

    That’s harder to say. Galleys and Galleasses were dominant during the “Lepanto period” as I call it, but were surpassed afterwards. You might see a few, but the majority of vessels will have oars.

    Jonathan Bowen

    Hello again, all!
    I have returned from my inexplicable hibernation to bring you the final chapter of Seas of Doom!

    Presenting: The Limited Edition Section

    The LE section of Seas of Doom consists of one pair of linked crew and ship for each of the major six factions and the mercenaries respectively (each faction gets a crew and ship that link).
    The first LE duo are the Americans. This combo was inspired by the first Terminator movie.

    1. Doomsday
    Points: 30
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2L,3S,3S,3S,2L
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L+S
    Ability: Limit. Eternal. This ship eliminates two masts with each hit. Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.
    Link: Commodore Kyle Reese
    Faction Affiliation: America

    Flavor: A powerful weapon of death, the Doomsday is accurately named. Originally intended for a defensive patrol along America’s East coast, the vessel was stolen by a defecting officer who wants to watch the world burn. And with the Doomsday under his control, he just might.

    2. Commodore Kyle Reese
    Points: 10
    Ability: Captain. World-Hater. SAT.
    Link: Doomsday
    Faction Affiliation: America

    Flavor: Commodore Reese was driven mad by a personal quest to uncover a family secret. Upon realizing the truth, his reality was shattered, and he fled out of anger, confusion, and fear. Stealing the Doomsday from Boston harbor, the mad commodore knew he would be hunted by the navy; but if he was going to go down, he was going to take his pursuers with him.

    Before everyone slaps a “Heck No” onto this, I know it’s bjorkenly OP, and have been considering how to limit its usage since, if we’re being honest, “Limit” is not enough of a negative for America.
    I’d wanted the ship to emulate the relentless power of the T-800 from the Terminator movie, and Commodore Reese was meant to be the movie’s second protagonist, Kyle Reese, who was basically a one-man-army in that movie.
    I get why this could (and probably will) receive a lot of criticism, what with a Power-Crew and Ship combo, but I’d personally rather not change it too much. Perhaps as a bit of a joke these pieces can only be used on a day that the owner watches one of the Terminator movies ?

    Let me know what y’all think. The next two factions will be released either tomorrow, or later today.
    Until next post,
    J. W. Darkhurst

    El Cazador


    Seems that the best way to combat that monster is using fire from a7xfanben’s Starfire a few pages back. I think that such a ship is difficult to price right, but I generally avoid (and have rarely used) 10 mast junks myself. Your combo would be difficult to use at 40 points due to the lack of cargo, but getting a first strike with that monster could prove fatal.

    I think that the ship is too powerful for standard play, so making it a joke ship like the Sleigh and Whitebeard would be perfect.

    Now for some Historical Fantasy Customs which I had previously posted on MT

    EDIT: Furthermore, I consider these incomplete and open to revision. This is merely an attempt to repost what was lost and is not final.

    All Byzantine ships can be rolled into the Viking faction at this point. Byzantine ships are pure fantasy; imperial sea power was lost in the late medieval period and the empire fell even as the age of sail began on the opposite fringes of Europe.

    The following ships belong to a fictional resurgent Byzantine Empire / Eastern Roman Empire.

    Admiral: Instead of giving this ship an action, you can give any other ship in your fleet a second action.

    Dromon: A ship with this keyword can’t pin or be pinned. If this ship rams she can’t eliminate a mast from the rammed ship, but boarding may occur as normal. When given a move action, this ship can rotate on her stern (the rear of the ship) in any direction as an additional, final movement segment. This ship may be given move actions when she has no masts; her printed base move becomes S. Once per shoot action, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot Greek Fire that, if it hits, replaces one mast on the enemy ship with a fire mast.

    Second Chance: Once per turn, you may re-roll one d6 roll you make for this ship. You must use the second result.

    I think that Dromon is the wrong word compared to the ship type I want, but I haven’t researched the topic.

    18 Points
    5 Mast (Square)
    5 Cargo
    S+S Move
    Born Leader.

    The gilt scrollwork around this ship’s stern reads “In hoc signo vices” in honor of Constantinople’s founder.

    Constantine is a variant of HMS Titan and USS Endeavor.

    18 Points
    4 Mast (Galley)
    7 Cargo
    S+S Move
    One of this ship’s treasures is worth +2 gold when unloaded at your home island.
    Link: Cyril Makedonion

    The lost majesty and wealth of the former greatest city in the West must be restored if she is to become the heart of the Empire once again.

    Constantinople is a bit too powerful as is, but I wanted to share how I had her recorded. I think that she might benefit from less cargo and a slightly lower cost. She is essentially a hoist.

    16 Points
    4 Mast (Galley)
    5 Cargo
    S+S Move
    This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against non-Byzantine ships.
    Link: Michael Palaiogos

    The hopes of the Eastern Roman Empire once again ride on Justinian, the greatest Emperor in the East.

    Have you ever heard of HMS Gallows?

    16 Points
    4 Mast (Galley)
    4 Cargo
    L Move
    Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.

    The Theodosian walls around Constantinople will never again be breached, no matter how strong the enemy.

    14 Points
    3 Mast (Galley)
    2 Cargo
    S+L Move
    Dromon, Parley.
    This ship can’t be shot at by ships within S of her.
    Link: Anna Komnenos

    The great general Belisarius nearly restored the empire through careful planning and unbelievable luck. These brave Romans hope to fulfill his dream.

    Basil II
    13 Points
    3 Mast (Galley)
    3 Cargo
    S+S Move
    This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.

    Basil II’s campaigns restored Roman control over lost territories.

    13 Points
    3 Mast (Galley)
    3 Cargo
    L Move
    This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
    Link: Father Megali

    12 Points
    3 Mast (Galley)
    3 Cargo
    L Move
    Dromon, Fear.

    11 Points
    3 Mast (Galley)
    3 Cargo
    S Move
    Once per turn, one ship or crew within S of this ship can’t use its abilities that turn.

    Theodora rose from the lowest of ranks to the Empress, where she helped to ward off great threats to the empire.

    7 Points
    2 Mast (Galley)
    2 Cargo
    S+S Move
    This ship can eliminate masts by ramming.

    The crew of the small but mighty Cataphract keeps her namesake in mind when swiftly approaching enemy positions.

    10 Points
    1 Mast (Galley)
    2 Cargo
    S+S+S Move
    Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.

    The smallest of ships bears the name Emperor as she carries his missives to his admirals.

    I expect this one might be underpriced, so her ability could change to “same faction friendly ships” instead of all friendlies.

    Cyril Makedonion
    7 Points
    This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against non-Byzantine ships.
    Link: Constantinople

    Michael Palaiogos
    6 Points
    Captain. Second Chance.
    Link: Justinian

    Anna Komnenos
    6 Points
    Link: Belisarius

    Varangian Marines
    4 Points
    This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
    Link: All Byzantine Ships

    The Viking men employed by the Eastern Roman Empire are a terror on land and at sea.

    Cosmas Cosmas
    3 Points
    Born Leader.

    Father Megali
    3 Points
    Second Chance.
    Link: Alexios

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by El Cazador.

    @JW Darkhurst: Doomsday is intense, and she reminds me a lot of my version of HMS Victory.  Though it seems more powerful for less points.  XD  I think it’s best when the faction affiliation is soon after the miniature name, but of course that’s personal preference.

    I’m not in favor of making game pieces illegal to use on purpose, so I think this one just needs a recosting.  I know that might be a crude way to “fix” things that are OP, but I think it’s best when the creator doesn’t want to change anything else about the game piece (which I certainly have experience with lol!).  In this case you could double the cost to 60!  😀  I suppose that’s pushing it, but I suggest at least 40 as a starting point for playtesting.  The perfect link with Reese just puts it way over the top.

    @El Cazador: I think some of those larger ships could go up in cost by 1-2 points, but I suppose a lot of them are modeled after Wizkids stuff… I may have an inherent bias where I’d rather see OP things go up in price than underpowered stuff go down in price (for balancing purposes).  The opposite might make more sense, but not in terms of crew usefulness….

    Made this one today! It was going to be a ship, but I decided to make it a fort since I already have so many synonymous ship names (Devil’s Frenzy, Primal Chaos, Blitz, Mayhem, Stormrage, etc etc.)
    It was also going to be Cursed, but they’ve already received 14 forts in the set. So it’s not Cursed. XD

    Type: Fort
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: U
    Gold Cost: 8
    Cannons: 3L-3L-3L-3L-3L-3L-3S-3S
    Ability: This fort may use any equipment with “shot” in the name up to once per turn each (the equipment does not have to be in play).

    Flavor text: This wild repository of international sailors and soldiers has grown into a place of overpopulation and mayhem. Due to their lack of allegiance, the owners of the fort are accustomed to gathering huge supplies of excess ammunition from passing ships. The Cursed are looking to capture the fortress and use its arsenal in their unholy crusade, but it might become easier if Tyrus Lancaster gets involved….

    Ideally this would be used with the rules for flaming forts I came up with during my Experimental cumulative game. Obviously it would be a trainwreck with grapple boarding, smokepots, etc. But perhaps that’s the point now? I’ve finally started to run out of ideas, so I suppose crazy becomes the norm…. XD

    These were made a while back.

    Type: Ship
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: R
    Point Value: 11
    Number of Masts: 2
    Cargo Space: 2
    Base Move: S+S
    Cannons: 3S-3S
    Ability: Mercenary. Submarine. Each time this ship hits an enemy ship, replace masts with fire masts instead of eliminating them (this ability cannot be copied).

    Flavor text: The Flint’s crew are obsessed with starting fires wherever they can. They are trying to find a way to light enemy ships aflame when ramming their submarine into ships while still submerged.

    Type: Crew
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: U
    Point Value: 13
    Ability: Ex-Patriot. Captain. EA. [Extra Action: Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5-6, this ship may be given an extra action.] Fear.

    Flavor text: Bynothas has been a mercenary since the age of 12 when he was conscripted into service in an unknown navy. Now 48, he has become one of the most well-respected military minds in the world. After a decade spent as a general, he is now being hired to help fight the upcoming wars of, and for, mankind.

    You know this set is epic when he’s not even rare. XD  I know 11 points works, but Captain+EA in one cargo space for all factions needs a decent premium in my opinion.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    “El Cazador”

    Constantinople is a bit too powerful as is, but I wanted to share how I had her recorded. I think that she might benefit from less cargo and a slightly lower cost. She is essentially a hoist.

    I agree with less cargo, but not so much on the point drop, at least not drastically. I think 17 or 16 could work. Then again, Dromon gives her a built in fire pot, that can have it’s range increased(?), so perhhaps 18 points is fine, even with less cargo.


    “El Cazador”

    Once per shoot action, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot Greek Fire that, if it hits, replaces one mast on the enemy ship with a fire mast.

    Some questions on this:

    1. Would a cannon bonus be applicable to this shot?

    2. Would this ability stack with a regular firepot?

    3. Would range modifiers be able to affect this shot?

    Overall, I like this keyword, it’s essentially Galley with a little tweaking.



    some of those larger ships could go up in cost by 1-2 points, but I suppose a lot of them are modeled after Wizkids stuff… I may have an inherent bias where I’d rather see OP things go up in price than underpowered stuff go down in price (for balancing purposes).


    This is a good point to make. I modeled almost all prices for Custom ships and crew that I made off of WK prices, since they set the bar. In long terms, WK did make some mistakes, but they never ‘fixed’ any of them. Thusly, abilities like EA and SAT always start out at their original WK costs, 5 and 3, for me. If a ship or crew has more or other abilities, then of course the point cost would go up. Long way of me saying that I’m not fond of just upping the point cost on a custom. 😀

    Additionally, I’m reasonably OK with a minor faction(outside of mercenaries), or a one-off faction getting slight discounts on ships and crew, since they won’t have any other ships and crew to choose from down the line (probably, assuming that no other customs are made for them); or will have a limited selection of ships and crew compared to established factions, WK or otherwise.



    Type: Fort
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: U
    Gold Cost: 8
    Cannons: 3L-3L-3L-3L-3L-3L-3S-3S
    Ability: This fort may use any equipment with “shot” in the name up to once per turn each (the equipment does not have to be in play).


    This certainly would cause that, I can already imagine the crazy things that could happen with this fot.

    Given the flavor text, I wouldn’t mind seeing a Pirates CSG story based off of WK and Custom pieces. I could see this as a setting in a Pirates comic or something, teeming with people, all just barely held together with some sense of law.


    Tyrus Lancaster

    When I first read that I auto corrected it in my head to “Tyrion Lannister”. 😀

    Jonathan Bowen

    Yeah, I lied…. It’s not exactly “Tomorrow” ??

    Hello again, all!

    @Ben and Cazador: Thank you both for your feedback on the Doomsday and her linked crew! I’ll probably playtest her at 40 points, and if she’s still completely OP, then I’ll make her a limited use piece

    @Cazador: If the Byzantine pieces are meant to be Roman, perhaps the ship name you were thinking of is Triremes? I’m pretty sure that was a type of Sailing vessel used by the Romans.

    The Dromon Keyword sounds to me like Galley with a built in fire shot. I might suggest not including the fire ability in the ship keyword, but maybe as a seperate ability on select ships. Additionally, I’ve always imagined “Greek Fire” to be almost like a high power explosive (my bias lies with the Heroes of Olympus book series). I would suggest, perhaps instead of a single fire mast, that it gives maybe “up to a number of fire masts” or something like that. This is all just my two cents on the matter. It just seems odd to me, to make a new keyword that is the same as an already existing one, but with a little more added to it. (I will eat those words later, tbh)

    @Ben: That fort looks like it’d be fun to play a game with XD
    I’ve already implemented the idea of a boarding system against forts with the Balrog from Seas of Doom, so I wouldn’t call it too crazy just yet ;D But I do think that it might need a limit, and not just be able to use whatever equipment shot you want on a whim.

    Bynothas seems like an odd crew, especially since I already made an Ex-Pat EA/Captain in FoBI with William Slayde, who was 4 points cheaper. I get that EA and Captain are a very powerful combo, and your guy also includes Fear, but by a combination of both WK pricing and our own pricing system, he seems a little overpriced.
    But again, this is all just my opinion on this. Either way, I’d likely still use him in a game XD

    I’ll post the next group of LE pieces hopefully tomorrow, because I’m tired and this post is already too long ??



    Additionally, I’m reasonably OK with a minor faction(outside of mercenaries), or a one-off faction getting slight discounts on ships and crew, since they won’t have any other ships and crew to choose from down the line (probably, assuming that no other customs are made for them); or will have a limited selection of ships and crew compared to established factions, WK or otherwise.

    I think that’s part of the problem with discounts though; I understand people can make sets in a “vacuum” where other custom creators aren’t taken into account, but I’d prefer to mix and match and have everything be as compatible as possible.  I think custom creators pretty much need to be open to upping point costs… it’s not a contest to see who can win the most custom games or make the most OP stuff.  If someone makes really good customs and uses them in a game, their opponents simply won’t want to play with them, or they’ll just make their own stuff that is even more OP.

    But I do think that it might need a limit, and not just be able to use whatever equipment shot you want on a whim.

    It’s rough around the edges right now.  Each type of shot can only be used once per turn (not exploding shot on all 8 cannons), and I want the backfires to have the negatives.  I’ll make that more clear by saying that they can eliminate cannons from the fort (like they would a mast on a ship) but the “equipment” stays there because there is none to eliminate as it is part of the fort ability.

    I get that EA and Captain are a very powerful combo

    Which means it should be expensive.  Victor de Alva arguably breaks the game a bit on the San Cristobal.  Add Ex-Patriot and these crew go crazy on almost whatever ship they want.  There’s a good case to be made that Ex-Pat/Captain/EA should just not happen, so they NEED to be at a premium.

    No such thing as too long of a post!  🙂

    Type: Ship
    Faction Affiliation: Cursed
    Rarity: C
    Point Value: 14
    Number of Masts: 2
    Cargo Space: 3
    Base Move: S+S
    Cannons: 3L-2S
    Ability: Ghost Ship. Eternal. Fog Hopper. [If this ship ends her turn in a fog bank, on her next turn she may use her move action to move out of any other fog bank in play.]

    Flavor text: Like a ghost in the night, the Apparition only shows herself when she will not be seen by many. Her evasiveness has become legend.

    It’s too tempting to make “perfect” fog hoppers after some of the originals are kind of disappointing.  🙂

    Skull Reaper (not my artwork, and I realize the gun is not accurate to the time period!)
    Skull Reaper artwork
    Type: Crew
    Faction Affiliation: Cursed
    Rarity: U
    Point Value: 2
    Ability: If this ship wins a boarding party, she may capture one crew of your choice instead of eliminating it. Any captured crew are assigned to this ship, don’t take up cargo space, don’t count against the point limit of the ship, and cannot use their abilities. Once per turn you may eliminate a crew captured in this way to give this ship an extra action.

    Flavor text: The Skull Reaper used to simply hoard skulls. Now he has found a way to use them to benefit his ship.

    A twist on the Sac ability. Love this crew and might do more with the flavor text of course.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Yay, another fog-hopper! It’s becoming one of my favorite abilities, after what I did with it in CG3, and my experiments elsewhere.

    Skull reaper is kinda weird, but that’s cool, I could see him on a super boarding ship.

    Jonathan Bowen

    @Ben: When it’s 12:40 at night, and you’re still typing, there is such a thing as “too long of a post” ????

    Hey everybody! Today I’ve got two more factions from Seas of Doom’s LE section!

    Relevant Keywords

    Fleet Admiral: Once, at the beginning of your turn, roll a d6. On a 6, give any one ship in your fleet an extra action.

    3. Porphyrion
    Points: 22
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2S,2S,4L,3S,3S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Extended Range. This ship gets +1 to cannon rolls against any ship. She gets +2 to cannon rolls against forts.
    Link: Marcus Augustine
    Faction Affiliation: The Cursed

    Flavor: A ship made from salvaged pieces of roman triremes, the Porphyrion has made a name for herself by sacking countless port towns, forts, and all manner of land-based establishments belonging to the imperial countries of the world. For reasons unknown, her captain has, on more than one occasion, run from combat against enemy ships in favor of the preferred targets.

    4. Marcus Augustine
    Points: 9
    Ability: Fleet Admiral. Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
    Link: Porphyrion
    Faction Affiliation: The Cursed

    Flavor: A madman of a prophet who claims to be the child of an ancient god, Marcus has a particular hatred for land-based military establishments. He provides no explanation for this hatred, instead choosing to decimate that which displeases him.

    5. HMS Prometheus
    Points: 26
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2S,3S,3S,3S,2S
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts. Once per turn, roll a d6. On a result of an even number this ship’s cannons have long range for this turn.
    Link: Commodore Logan Weyland
    Faction Affiliation: England

    Flavor: Named after the mythological titan who gave fire to mankind, the HMS Prometheus has been given new cannons, and had her hull reinforced for combat. Unfortunately, her crew is a mix of veteran sailors, and new recruits; leading to many malfunctions regarding the efficacy of her superior guns.

    6. Commodore Logan Weyland
    Points: 10
    Ability: This ship cannot be given fire masts. You own any derelict this ship explores; both ships become docked at your home island.
    Link: HMS Prometheus
    Faction Affiliation: England

    Flavor: Commodore Weyland is a privateer, given the chance to redeem himself under the Union Jack. Well aware of his tendency to steal ships regardless of what flag he flies, Weyland has made sure that the Prometheus is difficult to sink; just in case the English Navy gives up on him.

    I realize now that the Prometheus and her linked crew could also be considered a near-perfect combo, and I’m open to retcon ideas to make it less OP if it is deemed that way.
    Leave comments, suggestions, and other input, and I’ll get back to y’all as soon as I can.

    Until next post,
    -J. W. Darkhurst

    El Cazador

    Regarding the Byzantines


    The ship type I have in mind is not a trireme; while Roman, the Byzantine Empire / Eastern Roman Empire was a strongly Greek dark ages and medieval continuation of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western empire in the 400s. The Empire reached its height in the 500s under Justinian I but had periods of strength and weakness thanks to internal strife, the rise of Islam, and the neighbors, with the Venetian-led Fourth Crusade dealing a mortal blow to the empire. The empire held on in a diminished state while its neighbors ate it until the last collapse of Constantinople in 1453 and remaining holdouts before 1500. Thus, the “dromons” present would not be like the classical trireme but would be much like the early modern galley so important in the Mediterranean.

    Dromon: A ship with this keyword can’t pin or be pinned. If this ship rams she can’t eliminate a mast from the rammed ship, but boarding may occur as normal. When given a move action, this ship can rotate on her stern (the rear of the ship) in any direction as an additional, final movement segment. This ship may be given move actions when she has no masts; her printed base move becomes S. Once per shoot action, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot Greek Fire that, if it hits, replaces one mast on the enemy ship with a fire mast.

    Regarding Xerecs’ questions:

    1. A cannon bonus would apply to the Greek Fire shot, as it is not restricted by keyword.
    2. The ability would stack with a Firepot as well as other non-identical sources of fire, as it is considered a different source.
    3. Range modifiers could affect a Greek Fire shot, as this is not restricted by keyword.

    Regarding JW Darkhurst’s comment:

    The Dromon Keyword sounds to me like Galley with a built in fire shot. I might suggest not including the fire ability in the ship keyword, but maybe as a seperate ability on select ships. Additionally, I’ve always imagined “Greek Fire” to be almost like a high power explosive (my bias lies with the Heroes of Olympus book series). I would suggest, perhaps instead of a single fire mast, that it gives maybe “up to a number of fire masts” or something like that. This is all just my two cents on the matter. It just seems odd to me, to make a new keyword that is the same as an already existing one, but with a little more added to it. (I will eat those words later, tbh)

    The Dromon keyword does not appear on all Byzantine galleys, so I do limit the ability to an extent. I think of Greek Fire in the historical sense, a chemical mixture that could float on water and keep burning, among other things. Thus I think a firepot-like ability fits the game as is, especially thanks to the existence of Fire and Exploding Shot. A true “Greek Fire” could even end up as a short-lived terrain hazard, so I will have to consider that.

    Regarding A7xfanben’s concern:

    Prices not final! Most values are open to revision. 😀

    I would also like to introduce a generic crew:

    2 Points
    Reverse-Captain (After a full shoot action, this ship may take a free move action).

    I think that the Reverse-Captain ability is strictly inferior to the regular Captain ability. Thus I find Wizkids’ price of 6 points ridiculous. I value the ability as 2 points in all of my customs, and I wish for this custom generic crew to become an unofficial standard.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by El Cazador.

    (Ben) Pandemonium
    Cannons: 3L-3L-3L-3L-3L-3L-3S-3S
    Ability: This fort may use any equipment with “shot” in the name up to once per turn each (the equipment does not have to be in play).

    Allowing the use of effects from outside the game is problematic on its own, but even if they had to be on the island (or at least present somewhere in the game), the wording is ambiguous.

    As written, it sounds like you could attach a different type of shot to every cannon and fire them all off with a single shoot action. If that’s the intent, and it can use them from outside the game, it’s horribly underpriced at only 8 gold. If the shots actually need to be present in your fleet somewhere, it works.

    If it’s meant to allow any shot, but only once per turn on a single cannon, the wording should be more like this: “Once per turn, one of this Fort’s cannons can use…”

    (Jonathan) Porphyrion
    Cannons: 2S,2S,4L,3S,3S
    Ability: Extended Range. This ship gets +1 to cannon rolls against any ship. She gets +2 to cannon rolls against forts.

    Even though WK was guilty of doing this a couple times too, if you’re going to give cannon bonuses against pretty much everything, you should just change the ranks of the cannons themselves.
    After making these 1S,1S,3L,2S,2S you could still give +1 against forts if you really think it’s necessary.


    If that’s the intent, and it can use them from outside the game, it’s horribly underpriced at only 8 gold.

    That is the intent.  I guess I didn’t think of all the crazy possibilities with the shot types.  You could freeze an opponent, set them on fire, and cancel all their crew all at once, and that’s not all the shot types.  Cost is jumping up to 25 gold, and here is the new ability text I’ll try:

    This fort may use all equipment with “shot” in the name up to once per turn per shot type (the equipment does not have to be in play).  You may assign different shot types to different cannons each turn.  Equipment rolls of 1 must have their negatives applied if possible.

    Marcus Augustine opens up some crazy possibilities, and I love his flavor text.  🙂

    Once per turn, roll a d6. On a result of an even number this ship’s cannons have long range for this turn.

    I think changing this to a 4-6 success would make it easier to understand and simultaneously more in line with ALL similar abilities already in the game.  I think it’s best to keep things simple and make high rolls good.  The even/odd distinction seems unnecessary and harder to think about.

    With the high costs I think that English combo is fine.

    A true “Greek Fire” could even end up as a short-lived terrain hazard, so I will have to consider that.

    That sounds fun, chaotic, wild, and fun to try and represent.  XD    Bombardier pieces would work great for taking pictures of games with Dromons.

    Yes, I’ve been saying Reverse Captain should be 2 points for years.  I just don’t use the ability very much, so I don’t care if it’s a generic crew or not.  XD  Definitely would make Cursed fog hopping fleets more playable.

    Finally getting back to my SE/LE section, though most have been released.

    Defender of Antielys (pronounced “an-tee-lis”)
    Type: Ship
    Faction Affiliation: Barbary Corsair
    Rarity: SE
    Point Value: 18
    Number of Masts: 4
    Cargo Space: 6
    Base Move: S+S
    Cannons: 5L-5L-5L-5L
    Ability: Galley. Sniping. [You may double the range of this ship’s cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.] This ship ignores the Parley ability.

    Flavor text: After being deceived by confusing voodoo rituals, the crew of this ship went mad. They claim to defend an ancient city named “Antielys”, which doesn’t exist on any map. Corsair leaders are happy to direct the ship’s large cargo hold to treasure gathering efforts, but the crew still jump at any chance to fire the ship’s long guns at “enemy” vessels.

    LOL! There may someday be more to that story.

    Joven Victor
    Type: Crew
    Faction Affiliation: French
    Rarity: LE
    Point Value: 5
    Ability: Captain. Secret Hold.
    Link: Fureur Celtique

    Flavor text: This former mercenary has accepted citizenship in France in exchange for a massive salary for his services. Assigned to one of the old 10 masted behemoth ships, he has already begun paying off for the French.

    He would look somewhat similar to this.  He is the new linked captain to one of my oldest customs, as the French captured the Celtic Fury sometime around 2011.  😛

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas

    El Cazador


    I dislike the ability to ignore fire masts, as it eliminates one of the reliable ways to combat large armored ships. I would prefer a +1 to fire mast rolls ability. Am I correct to assume that the names come from Alien?


    I think Pandemonium could be more suited for standard play if the equipment it uses had to be on the island with the fort. Antielys is fun (especially with chain shot) and Joven Victor is a good combo crew for hybrids.

    I am developing a “class” of three fictional steam-powered icebreakers and a new keyword for them. So far the keyword combines the movement of Turbine with the terrain navigation (and iceberg destruction) of Icebreaker. However, I want to add an additional bonus to properly set the steam icebreakers apart from the regular icebreakers; the bonus should also be flexible enough to be spread to future steam icebreakers.

    I am considering a few abilities at the moment.

    • +1 to ram rolls
    • +S to movement for the next move action after ramming an iceberg
    • Gain a not-free move action after ramming an iceberg
    • Gain a free move action after ramming an iceberg

    Any thoughts on the keyword idea?

    Jonathan Bowen

    @El Cazador:

    Alright; I’ve experimented with abilities like that before. I can change it to that with out a problem.
    And yes; I used the Movie Prometheus as name inspiration. Even tho I’ve never seen it… ??


    I am considering a few abilities at the moment.

    • +1 to ram rolls
    • +S to movement for the next move action after ramming an iceberg
    • Gain a not-free move action after ramming an iceberg
    • Gain a free move action after ramming an iceberg

    Any thoughts on the keyword idea?


    I like that fist option the best, since it would indicate the greater power that steam assistance would give a ship when it decided to ram.


    I think Pandemonium could be more suited for standard play if the equipment it uses had to be on the island with the fort.

    I think I might make an alternate version like that for less points.

    I am developing a “class” of three fictional steam-

    That’ll be a no from me, dawg!  XD  (not that you would expect anything else from me lol)

    Made these today:

    Heir to the Satanic Temple
    Type: Crew
    Faction Affiliation: Cursed
    Rarity: C
    Point Value: 5
    Ability: Loyal: Cursed. Cannoneer. Firepot Specialist. This crew can use its abilities in forts.

    Flavor text: With the recently deposed “King of the Satanic Temple” in hiding after a complicated scandal, this heir to the throne is ready to control one of the more powerful Cursed forts. His knowledge of gunnery should make the fort even more dangerous than before.

    Satanic Temple
    Type: Fort
    Faction Affiliation: Cursed
    Rarity: C
    Gold Cost: 8
    Cannons: 2L-2L-2S-2S-2S-2S
    Ability: Once per turn, you can eliminate one crew from this fort to give this fort an extra shoot action.

    Flavor text: Worshippers from around the world come here to give thanks to an evil legend. The growing power of the fortress has made it a number one target for a variety of captains, including Percival Blake and Jean-Claude DuPierre.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas

    El Cazador

    I intend to reintroduce my Congreve Rockets as well! Muahahahahaha!

    Steam Icebreaker: This ship gets +1 to her ram rolls. This ship cannot be pinned. A ship with this keyword is not derelict when it has no masts remaining. If it has no masts, one hit still sinks it. This ship ignores terrain, except icebergs, when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain). This ship can ram an iceberg as if ramming a ship. If she does, remove the iceberg from the game instead of eliminating one of this ship’s masts.

    HMS Comet
    13 Points
    3 Mast (Steam Icebreaker)
    2 Cargo
    S+L Move
    Steam Icebreaker.
    This ship sinks when her last mast is removed.

    The Comet was intended to alleviate concerns about the Centurion class’s limitations, but cut corners and design trade-offs leave her crew wondering as to her arctic durability.

    The ability deliberately clashes with the keyword to reflect the flavor.

    HMS Cavalier
    13 Points
    3 Mast (Steam Icebreaker)
    3 Cargo
    L Move
    Steam Icebreaker.
    This ship cannot sink, but she can be scuttled.

    The Cavalier represents British breakthroughs in technology, and her crew firmly believes in the eternal British dominion over the seas.

    I am not sure how much this ability is worth on this ship.

    HMS Centurion
    13 Points
    3 Mast (Steam Icebreaker)
    4 Cargo
    S Move
    Steam Icebreaker, Shipwrights. (Edit: This is my ship- and plural- form of Shipwright. It’s functionally identical.)
    This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.
    Link: Wallace’s Edinburgh Company

    The sturdy Centurion challenges the harsh conditions of the Arctic Ocean. The captain praises his crew’s resourcefulness and commitment to duty in the extreme elements.

    Wallace’s Edinburgh Company
    7 Points
    Once per turn, you may give this crew an additional shoot action.
    Link: HMS Centurion

    The hearty Scots and Highlanders of the Edinburgh Company celebrate victory with strong Scotch and rowdy bagpipe songs after every battle, no matter how large or small.

    I don’t know how much the drunk Scots are worth.

    Congreve Rockets
    British-exclusive Equipment
    5 Points
    Once per turn, choose one of the following: during a shoot action, you can fire an additional 3L cannon that cannot have its rank or range improved and, if it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast; OR as a free action, you can fire a single 4S cannon that cannot have its rank or range improved and, if it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast.

    Sir William Congreve’s rockets have been employed at land and sea in the service of His Majesty’s ambitions, but at sea, a hastily fired shot has a great chance of vanishing into the ocean.

    I also don’t know how much these are worth, but I think that it is close to or at the right price.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by El Cazador.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by El Cazador.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by El Cazador.

    (I use the plural form of Shipwright to indicate the ship carries them; this should avoid suggesting that the ship is a shipwright in its own right.)

    So….. It DOES NOT have the shipwright ability?

    Other than thhat little cofusion, I quite like these “Steam icebreakers”, they don’t seem too OP to me. I’d love to see a rough rendition of what one of them would look like ‘off the paper’.

    El Cazador


    I think that “Shipwrights” is the same as “Shipwright” for ability purposes, but “Shipwrights” looks better on a deckplate. The HMS Centurion is not a shipwright (crew version), but has shipwrights aboard (ship version) and thus can repair one mast per turn at sea, at an island, or anywhere that is a legal action, really.

    If this is unclear I suppose I can change it. Clarity is more important than aesthetic.

    Prices and stats are not final; I tried to make several “moderately good” ships and want them to reflect that.

    As for design, I imagine that the icebreakers would look similar to turbines, with shorter masts and a much shorter hull length for a “stouter” look. The Icebreaker ram bow would remain.


    Ripped Canvas
    Type: Ship
    Faction Affiliation: Pirate
    Rarity: U
    Point Value: 8
    Number of Masts: 2 (blockade runner like Le Courageux)
    Cargo Space: 3
    Base Move: S+L
    Cannons: 3S-3S
    Ability: Chainshot Specialist.

    Flavor text: These pirates are obsessed with shredding enemy sails until their “art” takes on a ghostly appeal.

    Jacquotte Delahaye
    Type: Crew
    Faction Affiliation: Pirate
    Rarity: U
    Point Value: 5
    Ability: Captain. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. This crew cannot be captured.

    Most crew like this are in my fantasy set because their historicity is disputed at best.

    Dead Cove
    Type: Fort
    Faction Affiliation: Pirate
    Rarity: C
    Gold Cost: 4
    Cannons: 4L-4L-3L-3L
    Ability: Krakens touching this island may be given repair actions.

    Flavor text: The cove where Terrox was born, this strange outpost is frequented mostly by non-humans.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas

    Jonathan Bowen

    Hey, y’all
    It’s been a few days, but I’ve got the next two factions of LE pieces from Seas of Doom!

    Relevant Keywords:

    Repeating Guns: When this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that she is using repeating guns. If all cannons hit during that shoot action, each cannon may shoot again. (This action does not count towards the two action limit) For each cannon that misses on its second shot, eliminate one mast or cargo from this ship.

    Blockade Runner: This ship gets +1 to ramming and boarding rolls. This ship can’t have her masts rammed off.

    7. Grand Inquisitor Augustín de Alva
    Points: 8
    Ability: Captain. This ship gets +1 to boarding and cannon rolls against non-Spanish ships.
    Link: Ira de Dios
    Faction Affiliation: Spain

    Flavor: An illegitimate and disgraced son of the De Alva family, Augustín has risen to a higher rank than any other member of his famed family. Now, with his power as an Inquisitor, Augustín vowed to one day be the only De Alva worth remembering in the history books.

    8. Ira de Dios
    Points: 25
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 2S,3L,3L,3L,2S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Repeating Guns. Blockade Runner.
    Link: Grand Inquisitor Augustín de Alva
    Faction Affiliation: Spain

    Flavor: Armed with the best weapons and a heavily-armored hull, the “Wrath of God” was specially commissioned by the Grand Inquisitor to fit his personal needs. Given that her maiden voyage saw the end of Captain Mysion and his entire personal fleet, the Wrath will likely be the tool with which Inquisitor De Alva secures notoriety and fame in history.

    9. René Belgarde
    Points: 6
    Ability: Musketeer. When this ship is docked at your home island, you may eliminate one treasure. It becomes a 3S cannon that can be eliminated only when this ship sinks.
    Link: L’annonciateur
    Faction Affiliation: France

    Flavor: René Belgarde isn’t much more than a soldier of the crown, but his experience and skills in combat are a valuable asset. Rumor says that he can train the gunmen on a ship to load and shoot at record speeds, making it seem like whatever ship he’s assigned to has twice as many cannons as it should.

    10. L’annonciateur
    Points: 19
    Masts: 5
    Cannons: 3S,3L,3L,3L,3S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: L
    Ability: This ship eliminates two masts with each hit./This ship eliminates two masts, segments, or flags from its targets when she rolls a 6 on a cannon roll.
    Link: René Belgarde
    Faction Affiliation: France

    Flavor: Found half-wrecked and abandoned on a small island off the coast of Tortuga, The French have taken this galleon and salvaged what they could. Erasing all traces of her pirate origin, and outfitting her with proper guns, sailcloth, and crew accommodations, the Harbinger now flies the tri-colored flag of France into combat against the pirates she once belonged to.

    I’m trying to decide the final ability for L’annonciateur. What do you guys think, of the options provided, would be best?
    Leave your comments, questions, suggestions, and ideas, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Only two more factions left!

    Until next post;
    -J. W. Darkhurst


    Given that her maiden voyage saw the end of Captain Mysion and his entire personal fleet

    No thanks! Mysion’s not dead! XD  😛  Besides, someone else already took care of that….

    L’annonciateur could be fair at 19 points with that second ability.  If it’s the first ability, I think 21 points would be better.  We don’t need to start handing out HMS Endeavour type ships to every faction IMO.

    In addition, a legendary ship like the Harbinger being captured brings up additional flavor questions.  I can’t really imagine that ship not being pirate….

    Gold Wind
    Type: Ship
    Faction Affiliation: Jade Rebellion
    Rarity: C
    Point Value: 14
    Number of Masts: 3
    Cargo Space: 6
    Base Move: S
    Cannons: 4L-4S-4L
    Ability: Junk.

    Flavor text: Tales of riches are told aboard this vessel, built to bring gold and fine gems to the Emperor.

    Type: Crew
    Faction Affiliation: Jade Rebellion
    Rarity: C
    Point Value: 4
    Ability: Captain. Cursed crew can use their abilities on this ship.

    Flavor text: Dalavai is an enemy from within. He became captain when the Jade Rebellion had a shortage of sailors, yet has slipped away from being disciplined after his morals were proved faulty. It remains to be seen if the top Jade commanders will arrest him, or if they actually appreciate the occasional fiendish alliance that is usually on their side of fights.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    @Xerecs/etc: Making your own custom ships could get a lot easier (and maybe even cheaper LONG term) with 3D printing!  You probably saw the recent posts at the FB group; makes me want to get a 3D printer of my own!  (I’ve already seen 2 recommendations there for printers under $300)


    @xerecs/etc: Making your own custom ships could get a lot easier (and maybe even cheaper LONG term) with 3D printing!  You probably saw the recent posts at the FB group; makes me want to get a 3D printer of my own!  (I’ve already seen 2 recommendations there for printers under $300)


    I would LOVE to try my hand at 3D printing ships, not only for my own benefit, but I’d also be able to give them away as prizes/gifts/etc. However I barely have $50 to my name, and job hunting has been unsuccessful. For now owning a 3D printer and making custom ships with it is little more than a pipe dream.

    Jonathan Bowen

    @Ben: Lol. At this point, whatever the flavor says is kinda just my head-canon. It makes sense in correspondence with the next faction. ? But for the record, “No body, No death” ?
    For the L’annonciateur, I can totally adjust to the second ability with your recommended point cost.
    And about her origins, if I’m being honest, I ran out of Ideas, and was like: “sure; why not?” ??‍♂️

    Alright, since I just mentioned them, I might as well present the next two sets of Limited’s. They’re quite a doozy.

    Relevant Keywords:
    Fleet Admiral: Once, at the beginning of your turn, roll a d6. On a 6, give any one ship in your fleet an extra action.

    World-Hater: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any [non-faction] ship.

    11. Lord Tyrannous
    Points: 8
    Ability: Loyal: Pirate. Hostile: England. Fleet Admiral. Once per turn, choose any one friendly ship in play. That ship gains the Parley keyword for this turn.
    Link: Challenger
    Faction Affiliation: Pirate

    Flavor: After Captain Mysion’s fleet was obliterated by the Spanish, one would assume that a power vacuum would form among the existing nine Pirate Lords. However, a man who calls himself Lord Tyrannous stepped in and, before anyone even knew what was going on, took over as the new Pirate King. Lord Tyrannous avoids politics and appeases the Pirate Lords on the grounds that, on the rare occasion he gives orders, they do as he says without question.

    12. Challenger
    Points: 25
    Masts: 3
    Cannons: 4L,4S,4L
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: S
    Ability: This ship cannot sustain damage from any other game piece unless she attacks it first. This includes shoot actions, ramming, and specialist/equipment shots. When this ship’s last mast is eliminated, she sinks.
    Link: Lord Tyrannous
    Faction Affiliation: Pirate

    Flavor: The favorite ship of Lord Tyrannous, The Challenger, is small and agile, making her exceptionally difficult to shoot. Tyrannous uses this to his advantage in every possible way, avoiding conflict, Imperial Navies, and other, less-natural folk.

    13. Victoria Hellsing
    Points: 9
    Ability: Ex-Patriot. World-Hater. Marines placed on this ship get +1 to their gun rolls.
    Link: Leviathan
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary

    Flavor: Heiress of the Van Hellsing family, Victoria has taken to the seas to uphold her family’s legacy on the ocean. New to the seas, she “borrowed” one of Nemo’s old subs, and armed it with as many guns as she could, ensuring that at least one of them will hit.

    14. Leviathan
    Points: 18
    Masts: 3
    Cannons: 2S,2L,2S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Mercenary. Submarine.Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this sub’s segments when she’s submerged.
    Link: Victoria Hellsing
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary

    Flavor: One of Nemo’s first submersibles, the Leviathan has a specially modified hull, so that no creature from the deep can penetrate the armored submarine.. Unfortunately, her hull returns to normal strength when she leaves the extreme pressures of the deep, which makes the crew wary of surfacing at any time.

    Yes, I know that the Challenger could be seen as totally OP. However, damage just means masts; Cargo-Wreckers will still work against her. They just can’t eliminate masts until the Challenger shoots them, or the ability is canceled.

    Let me know what you think of these pieces; leave questions, concerns or ideas, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Super Rares tomorrow.

    Until next post;
    -J. W. Darkhurst


    That ship gains the Parley keyword for this turn.

    This is actually quite powerful, because you can target a ship in the middle of a battle from far away, and make it very difficult to take down.  As long as the ship is in a different location, you wouldn’t be able to cancel the ability effectively either to combat it.  I’m of the opinion that Parley alone is worth 3 points, so having this at just 2 seems very cheap.  I think the crew should start testing at 11 points.  (I also don’t think Hostile: England is enough to subtract a point)

    I’m probably missing some OP combos or rules issues, but I think the Challenger is a good job of implementing a super powerful ability without breaking the game – jack the cost way up, and make the underlying game piece quite poor.  I think you’ve done a great job with it, but again I may just be not thinking about enough possibilities.  You’d have to spend a ton of points to really optimize her as a weapon, and then an enemy canceller can potentially take her down for cheaper.  That last negative ability really helps too.

    However, I think the ability text should be more specific.  “Damage” to some people could mean any kind of harm – I think something about how the masts cannot be removed/eliminated/replaced would be better.  It also seems like a Scorpion blade attack would still get through, so that might be a tricky case.

    I love Hellsing and the Leviathan, great job with those.  Looking forward to the SR’s.  (I think XD)

    Risky Bet
    Type: Ship
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: U
    Point Value: 9
    Number of Masts: 2 (blockade runner)
    Cargo Space: 3
    Base Move: S+L
    Cannons: 3L-2S
    Ability: Mercenary. Pirate crew can use their abilities on this ship.
    Link: Jordan Garnisonne

    Flavor text: The newly named Risky Bet was won in a bizarre wager by Jordan Garnisonne. The ship is sleek and fast, perfect for mercenary raiding missions.

    Jordan Garnisonne
    Type: Crew
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: C
    Point Value: 6
    Ability: Ex-Patriot. Captain. When this ship hits an enemy ship on a 6, the controller eliminates an extra mast. On a 1, eliminate a mast from this ship.
    Link: Risky Bet

    Flavor text: During a raucous night in Tortuga, Garnisonne claimed royal descent and won a bet at low odds to win himself command and control of his first vessel. His good luck has gone to his head, as he now instructs his crew to overload his cannons with extra powder and round shot.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas

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