Century of Economy 2021

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  • #14067

    Believe it or not, we have reached the Finale! Report 19 is now up!


    This is always a treat.  I got the popcorn out for this finale.  🙂  I will admit I figured it would be 30 minutes of gameplay and duking it out with the last ~10 minutes for the results, so you faked me out with the quick ending.  ??

    The results make me wonder who would have won the war if it was played out and the Franco-Spanish stuck together.  98+67 would be 165 ships to the American 150, though some more ships likely would have been launched.


    The results make me wonder who would have won the war if it was played out and the Franco-Spanish stuck together.  98+67 would be 165 ships to the American 150, though some more ships likely would have been launched.

    I wonder that as well. The French had most of their large gunships already in the water, but still had plenty of ships to launch, especially in the 3-2 mast range. The Spanish were in a similar situation as the Americans, running out of their own ships.


    I will admit I figured it would be 30 minutes of gameplay and duking it out with the last ~10 minutes for the results, so you faked me out with the quick ending.  ?

    Gotcha! 😀 The Finale has over 200 pictures alone, most of them sunlight shots taken on the very last day before we started breaking the game down.


    Final numbers:

    Total points in play when game was called to an end: 8,524

    Total ships still afloat when game was called to an end: 432

    Largest fleet by ship count: Americans, 150 ships

    Largest fleet by point count: Americans, 2,913

    Most gold to their name: Spanish, 3,091

    Combined gold of all factions: 11,541


    Final numbers

    Absolutely unreal.  I am without speech.  XD  I can’t believe you got within about 500 points of the CTO record, and within 1000 points of CG4’s current total.  O_O  I have updated the Records post.


    Absolutely unreal.  I am without speech.  XD  I can’t believe you got within about 500 points of the CTO record, and within 1000 points of CG4’s current total.  O_O


    It could have been bigger too. 0_0 The English, Cursed and Pirates were all not at full strength, if those three factions were…… Ho boy.

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