Custom Ships (post your custom game pieces here!)

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  • #2613
    Jonathan Bowen

    I hadn’t intended to cap El Catedral’s ability. If I don’t, how should it be reworded, or how much more expensive should it be?



    If not re-worded I feel it could be worth 8-9 gold. If you cap it at one, then its point cost should be fine as-is.

    Jonathan Bowen

    I’ll change the cost to 8
    Once all of Seas of Doom is released, play-test it in Savage Seas. Then We’ll get a proper idea of how effective it is in-game.

    With luck, I will post something tomorrow in The Tavern.



    Should have said a few more things in my last post. I actually don’t think the Catedral should be more expensive. It will take some doing to get the cannon bonuses, and a fort with 4 cannons firing at rank-1 for 5 gold and no additional abilities/defenses is quite likely around what Wizkids would have costed it at. Not that that makes it right, but there are far better forts for similar or lower costs, and the Catedral starts out as one of the worst forts in the game in terms of value. In addition, S-range guns on a fort are VERY easily avoided by any competent captain, so I’d say the fort is actually worse than existing ones such as Ramsgate and Dead Man’s Point, which aren’t even the best forts Wizkids made. I think 5 gold would be fine for playtesting.

    On the other hand, De Leon seems a bit of an OP hybrid. That combination of stats and abilities makes me worry a little. I think 15 points would be a better place to start.

    People can playtest their own customs as they want to… there shouldn’t be any demands to playtest certain customs.

    Jesawyn Bellen
    Faction Affiliation: France
    Rarity: C
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 2
    Ability: Other ships do not block this ship’s line of fire.
    Link: Geronimo Bellen

    Flavor text: After escaping certain death at the hands of her biased captain (Ulnar Lesion), Bellen decided to forge a new path. Finding employ aboard what she considers the “prettiest and cleanest” ships on the sea, she can now live without fear. That is, until a number of evil mercenaries may find her….

    Historical Custom of the Day #336

    Cornelis Jol
    9 points
    Ability: Loyal: Dutch. Captain. Parley. This ship gets +1 to her d6 rolls against the Spanish. Pirate crew can use their abilities on this ship.
    Link: Diego de Mulato

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    On the other hand, De Leon seems a bit of an OP hybrid. That combination of stats and abilities makes me worry a little. I think 15 points would be a better place to start.

    I was kind of feeling the same way. I agree her cost should be higher, but I don’t think I’d change much else about her, since I’ve not seen that ability on larger ships.


    Faction Affiliation: Spanish
    Rarity: C
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 4
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls for every crew assigned to her.

    Flavor text: A hairy man with an ill temperament, Baraskur commands his marines with discipline and no shortage of small arms.

    Historical Custom of the Day #337

    Diego Grillo
    1 point
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her d6 rolls against land entities.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Faction Affiliation: Pirate
    Rarity: C
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 9
    Number of Masts: 2
    Cargo Space: 3
    Base Move: L+L
    Cannons: 2L-2L
    Ability: You may only fire one of this ship’s cannons each turn. Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.

    Flavor text: Some say that this ship’s bizarre abomination of a name comes from the term mosquito. One thing is known – her infrequent targets suffer a quick demise.

    Historical Custom of the Day #338

    Philip Alston
    4 points
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her d6 rolls against the Spanish. When this ship is docked, you may place treasure coins with a value of 0 on this ship up to her cargo capacity. These coins cannot be unloaded to home islands.
    Link: John Duff

    This is a “counterfeiter” ability I’m playing around with.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Interesting ship, I like the ability, especially since she’s got two very good cannons, and she’s got cargo space for some equipment. I’m not sure how I feel about any ship having an L+L base move though.


    Borskov Tougard
    Faction Affiliation: Viking
    Rarity: C
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 3
    Ability: Loyal: Viking. Sniping. This crew can only use his abilities on Viking ships.

    Flavor text: Tougard was born and raised as a Viking, and has distaste for anyone that accepts payment to serve a nation they weren’t born in. After a long apprenticeship, he has learned the ways of being an artillery expert.

    Historical Custom of the Day #339

    John Duff
    5 points
    Ability: Musketeer. When this ship is docked, you may place treasure coins with a value of 0 on this ship up to her cargo capacity. These coins cannot be unloaded to home islands.
    Link: Philip Alston

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Is the ‘only use his abilities on a viking ship’ meant to be a negative ability? I could see the Sniping ability as a bit more than 3 points….


    @Xerecs: Between that and Loyal, somewhat of a negative.  However, I don’t really think Sniping is very valuable.  It sounds better than it works.  It could be amazing on something like the Naegling though. My bad for not posting the ability with the “new keyword”. [You may double the range of this ship’s cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.]

    With a recent influx I am happy to say that Pirates of the Epic Seas now has over 800 total game pieces! 😀 I celebrate with another 10 master reveal!

    Colossal Rupture
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary/Cursed
    Rarity: LE
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 34
    Number of Masts: 10
    Cargo Space: 5
    Base Move: S
    Cannons: 4S-4S-2S-2S-2S-3S-3S-4S-3S-3S
    Ability: Mercenary. Junk. Rupture. [New keyword: Once per game, cut in half everything within S of this ship, then remove 5 of this ship’s masts. All ships within S lose half of their remaining masts and half of their crew, rounding down for odd numbers. All ships and wild islands lose half of their gold coins. Forts lose half of their remaining flags. This ability also affects submerged game pieces and game pieces that would otherwise not be affected. This ability cannot be copied.]
    Link: Taiken

    Flavor text: The ship designated as part of the Cataclysm. Admiral Taiken is said to worship both God and the Devil on equal terms. There are rumors that rats help with the crew’s daily tasks. Few have been aboard. Said to have gained power from more than one of the Cursed “overlords”, this ship is nearly ready to change the face of the planet. Time will tell if the grand event is worth the hype. Even the Kings of Europe cower in fear to the demands of this bizarre collaboration.

    O_O One of the many epic “grand” customs I made last year!! The new ability is really rough. With a house rule you could even split islands in half too! (even cutting the cardboard islands if you have tons of extras like most people do)

    Taiken (“tye-kin”)
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary/Cursed
    Rarity: LE
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 14
    Ability: All-Powerful. When this ship hits another ship, you choose which mast is eliminated. This crew may use his abilities only aboard the Colossal Rupture.
    Link: Colossal Rupture

    Flavor text: Occasionally an accomplice and partner to the mighty Xenthalos, Taiken is a serious figure in the business of ending the world as most know it. As a major player in the realms of both mercenaries and the Cursed, he has been connecting with various leaders on both sides. Now one of the most powerful men in the southern hemisphere, he is calculating the opportune moment to unveil his secret weapon of choice.

    Historical Custom of the Day #340

    Diego el Mulato Martín
    5 points
    Ability: Filching Gold. Dutch and Spanish crew can use their abilities on this ship. This ship gets +1 to her d6 rolls against land entities.
    Link: Cornelis Jol

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    My bad for not posting the ability with the “new keyword”.

    Eh. I knew what you were talking about. When I describe an ability like that, I don’t usually think of making a keyword, I’m using a short-hand.


    With a recent influx I am happy to say that Pirates of the Epic Seas now has over 800 total game pieces!

    Nice! SpMg tops out at around 343 pieces total, my largest custom set to date. Do you ever plan to make models for the ships using duplicates?

    Talk about a ten! That’s quite a zone denial/control ship there. The inherent size of a ten makes within S a bit more than it normally is, since the hull is so massive. The part about islands and forts is cool, but I don’t think it would come up in a game much, since this is likely to be part of a battle group, or draw fire from several different targets at once.

    Would the Rupture be able to Rupture if she had less than 5 masts remaining?


    I’ve been going through my word doc for SpMg, mostly adding flavor text to things, but I’ve also been resolving some ‘unfinished’ or left for debate pieces. Mostly I’m not going to re-post them, but this one I think warrants it.

    What it was/is currently:

    HMS Chronicler
    Points: 20
    Masts: 1
    Cargo: 1
    Cannons: 2L
    Movement: L
    Ability: Once per game roll a d6. On a result of 6, you may bring back into the game any friendly ship that has been sunk.

    Proposed change:

    HMS Chronicler
    Points: 20
    Masts: 1
    Cargo: 1
    Cannons: 2L
    Movement: L
    Ability: Once per game you may roll a d6 immediately after one of your ships sinks. On a result of 6, that ship is not sunk and is placed derelict at your home island with. On a 1-5 place all crew and cargo on that ship on the nearest island.

    Flavor(regardless of which version):This ship serves one purpose: To record and detail every English ship lost at sea. Whether they were lost in storms, poor handling, or combat, the names and inventories of the crew and cargo are detailed here; where a chronicle of the lost is kept so that those who come next can know who came before. And the sacrifices that were made.


    Better or still in the NO territory? If I could, I’d look and see what was said about the Chronicler when I first posted her, but that was on MT…..


    Do you ever plan to make models for the ships using duplicates?

    I don’t think so, because I have SOOOO many other Pirates CSG things I’d rather do (I have massive lists…), and I can just use the stuff on VASSAL. Hopefully someday I’ll put some effort into making a few personal favorites from the set though, but not anytime soon.

    Would the Rupture be able to Rupture if she had less than 5 masts remaining?

    Good question; I think when I made it I had a different ability text that made even less sense. I’ll add “if this ship has less than 5 masts remaining when using this ability, this ship sinks.”

    Better or still in the NO territory? If I could, I’d look and see what was said about the Chronicler when I first posted her, but that was on MT…

    I think it’s better.

    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: U
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 22
    Number of Masts: 4
    Cargo Space: 5
    Base Move: L
    Cannons: 3L-3L-3L-3L
    Ability: Mercenary. S-Board. Each turn, up to 2 friendly ships and ALL opposing ships within L of this ship get +1 to their cannon, ramming, and boarding rolls. All ships within L of this ship get +1 to their equipment and specialist rolls, and -2 to their fire mast rolls.
    Link: Pegleg Parrish

    Flavor text: The Bedlam is chaos personified. Often carrying all manner of odd weaponry, she puts forth a barrage of shot types and instigates battles with almost no provocation. Her loud and rambunctious crew get into the heads of enemy crew and stir any situation into a frenzy.

    Pegleg Parrish
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: C
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 5
    Ability: Captain. Crew with specialist in their name don’t take up cargo space on this ship.
    Link: Bedlam

    Flavor text: Parrish thrives on disorder. In the middle of a hectic battle, he is calm and in his element, barking orders to his crew to ensure the survival of his ship. His favorite strategy is to stun opponents with such a varied barrage of artillery that they give up, thinking he has some kind of magical power.

    Historical Custom of the Day #341

    Diego de los Reyes (aka Diego el Mulato Lucifer)
    3 points
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her. This ship may dock at an enemy fort and load one treasure. [The fort is not eliminated if it doesn’t have enough gold inside.]

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    I think it’s better.

    Okay then, into the spreadsheet it goes.

    Bedlam seems very confusing, and aptly named. 😀  However, I think I like it. I could certainly see using it in a big game.


    Hailstorm of Knives
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: U
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 17
    Number of Masts: 4
    Cargo Space: 3
    Base Move: L
    Cannons: 2S-3S-2S-3S
    Ability: Mercenary. Chain Shot. When this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
    Link: Generis Walsh

    Flavor text: Stocking up on sharp metal objects over their travels, the crew of this vessel are known for stuffing their cannons with knives and daggers. This nasty mixture can cut down both enemy sailors and rigging to devastating effect.

    The chainshot ability refers to the knives cutting up the rigging, I just didn’t want to make a new ability or keyword for it.

    Generis Walsh
    Faction Affiliation: Neutral
    Rarity: U
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 7
    Ability: Ex-Patriot. Captain. Parley.
    Link: Hailstorm of Knives

    Flavor text: Although he was captain of the Hailstorm of Knives some years ago, Generis Walsh has since become a worldly politician of dubious background. No one knows his origin, his main ally, or who he prefers to “serve”. He has become somewhat of an international intrigue, always talking to important figures in the shadows. Although he is incredibly well connected, it remains to be seen how much power he actually has in influencing the grand wars that lie ahead.

    I’ve got a handful of Neutral faction game pieces in my set, but there’s a chance I’ll change them a bit to convert them into normal factions or something in the future… even the link of the above combo is kinda strange to me.

    Historical Custom of the Day #342

    El Mulato Grillo
    6 points
    Ability: World Hater. [This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Pirate ship.] If this ship wins a boarding party against a Spanish ship, she can eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Butterfly’s Escape
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: SE
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 21
    Number of Masts: 3
    Cargo Space: 5
    Base Move: S+L
    Cannons: 4S-4L-4S
    Ability: Mercenary. Double Catamaran. If this ship is within S of an enemy ship when this ship is given a move action, she gets +S to her base move. Once per turn as a free action, this ship can take any amount of treasure from friendly native canoes within S of her. Crew with the Chieftain ability don’t take up cargo space on this ship.
    Link: Kutan Juffen Raykos

    Flavor text: One of the “tribal flagships”, the Butterfly’s Escape is a rather ambitious vessel captained by a chieftain well regarded across the Philippines. Often seen maneuvering among many smaller vessels at once, she weaves in and out of fleets, shielding canoes and taking their stolen goods aboard to better protect the loot.

    Kutan Juffen Raykos
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: C
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 6
    Ability: Captain. Secret Hold. Ship treasure trading.
    Link: Butterfly’s Escape

    Flavor text: Raykos commands the Butterfly’s Escape, often seen in the lead of a massive pack of tiny canoes, making off with stolen goods and loot. Having made considerable profits, he plans to invest his savings into building a fleet capable of making the dangerous journey to the Caribbean. His goal is to “escape” the Pacific and try his hand on the Spanish Main.

    Historical Custom of the Day #343

    Daniel Elfrith
    11 points
    Ability: Helmsman. This crew may use their abilities in forts. This ship/fort gets +1 to her d6 rolls against Spanish ships. English ships within L of this fort get +S to their base move. Pirates crew can use their abilities on this ship. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may capture the crew with the LOWEST point cost instead of eliminating it. A captured crew becomes cargo worth its point cost in gold when unloaded at your home island.
    Link: Diego el Mulato Martín

    Whew, this one took a while. Complicated and interesting story from someone I’d never heard of. Might get more links in the future too, especially if I go crazy with the political “crew” someday for rulesets like the World or Caribbean game.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Rats’ Haven
    Faction Affiliation: Cursed
    Rarity: R
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 15
    Number of Masts: 3
    Cargo Space: 1
    Base Move: S+L
    Cannons: 4L-4L-4L
    Ability: Scorpion. Horror. If this ship wins a boarding party, eliminate one crew from the enemy ship in addition to any other results. [Horror: For each enemy ship within S of this ship at the beginning of this ship’s turn, roll a d6. On a result of 3-6, one of the enemy ship’s crew cannot use their abilities on their turn.]

    Flavor text: The dead skeletons that man this vessel don’t mind that they are greatly outnumbered by the infestation of rats. With the original crew long since eaten by the rats, the “haven” has become a deadly scourge. After the huge blade slams down onto an enemy deck, hundreds of hungry rats scurry across to find new prey. Rat droppings and dead bodies of both humans and rats litter the cargo hold, limiting the ship’s capacity for carrying additional cargo.

    Historical Custom of the Day #344

    Sussex Camock
    6 points
    Ability: Captain. Ship treasure trading. English forts within S of this game piece get +1 to their cannon rolls.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    I like that Scorpion. Despite my reluctance to use ships with one cargo space, I think I’d use this in a campaign o customs allowed game. Flavor text is particularly fun and nasty. 😀


    Serene Gasp
    Faction Affiliation: Jade Rebellion
    Rarity: C
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 13
    Number of Masts: 2
    Cargo Space: 5
    Base Move: S+S
    Cannons: 4S-3L
    Ability: Junk. If this ship has a crew with the Shipwright or Cannoneer ability, she gets +1 to her d6 rolls. When this ship is docked at your home island, you may eliminate one treasure. It becomes a 3S cannon that can be eliminated only when the ship sinks.

    Flavor text: Although her cargo hold is large enough to be a profitable merchant ship, this ship’s captain insists on a combat focus. With a full complement of crew and some extra cannons aboard, the Serene Gasp is positioned to be a small but fearsome warship.

    Historical Custom of the Day #345

    Thomas Best
    7 points
    Ability: Captain. Cannoneer. Ship treasure trading. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Portuguese ships.
    Link: Scourge of Malice, Garland, George Best

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Sanesha Vayward
    Faction Affiliation: Barbary Corsair
    Rarity: C
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 5
    Ability: Black Mark. Crew killing. Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.

    Flavor text: Becoming disenfranchised with life as a mercenary, Vayward abandoned a merchant ship to join the more “brutal” Barbary Corsairs. Always with a knife in hand, her vicious exploits have attracted a number of villains to the African coast. After hearing of Bloodbeard, she now plans to take things a step further and join the Cursed.

    Historical Custom of the Day #346

    Faction Affiliation: English
    Rarity: C
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 8
    Number of Masts: 3
    Cargo Space: 4
    Base Move: S
    Cannons: 4S-2L-2S
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Dutch ships.
    Link: Thomas Best

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    I really like he flavor text, paints a picture of how she would behave and whatnot. I know I don’t do it often, but I do like when the flavor of a piece can show how/why a piece does what it does.

    Anywho, I thought I was done with SpMg, but no…….  I decided to create 7 equipment and 5 forts for the Ionics. now…. You’ll have to wait till I upload the spreadsheet to see the forts. BUT!!! I’ll show the equipment now, since I think it’ll be cool. 😀

    Without further ado….


    Disk Launcher
    Points: 3
    Ability: This ship gains one 2L cannon that may not have its range or rank increased, and may shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).


    Spike Shot
    Points: 2
    Ability: Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a spike shot. Declare which cannon will shoot the spike shot before rolling the d6. If the shot hits, eliminate a crew instead of a mast, and the target ship cannot move on her next turn. If the cannon roll is a 1, remove Spike Shot from the game, and eliminate a crew from this ship.


    Ionic Letter of Marque
    Points: 1
    Ability: This ship can use Parley against Ionic ships. If this ship shoots at an Ionic ship, remove Ionic Letter of Marque from the game.


    Points: 3
    Ability: This ship gains one 3L cannon; it can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast). If the cannon roll is a 1, turn this equipment face-down. You may give this ship a repair action to turn it face-up again instead of repairing a mast.


    Points: 5
    Ability: When revealed, this equipment does not take up cargo space. This ship gains 3L cannons equal to the number of masts this ship had when constructed. Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may fire the Ballista at another target within their range (use this ships existing masts to measure, even eliminated ones). If any Ballista roll is a 1, eliminate a crew from this ship. If all Ballista rolls are 1, remove Ballista from the game.


    Slug Launcher
    Points: 3
    Ability: Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons can shoot a slug shot. Declare which cannon will shoot the slug shot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller places a token on their ship. That ship gets -1 to die rolls and loses a mast for every turn that the slug is on the ship. The slug is eliminated if the target ship is given a repair action to remove the slug, instead of repairing a mast. If the cannon roll is a 1, remove slug launcher from the game, and place the slug on this ship. Cursed ships are not affected by a slug if it is placed in this way.



    Some of them are a little wordy, but I had some ideas I wanted to flush out and tried to take my time and be thorough with the wording, so they’d make sense.

    In other news, the Pirates of Spherus Manga spreadsheet is nearly done. Once these are finalized I’ll upload the spreadsheet to BGG and post a link to it here and other places.


    Glad Disk Launcher is 3, since Musketeers are really only worth 2 points anyway. (though if ALL crew were costed correctly in the game with helmsman still at 2, Musketeer could probably be 1 in that scenario)
    I like Spike Shot, but what is the idea behind stopping the enemy ship? Big spear lodged in the rigging?
    Catapults on seagoing ships seems like a very unwieldy concept. They’re very large and the projectiles would travel more slowly than cannonballs. The potential height seems like it could easily interfere with the ship’s rigging. I think I’d prefer to see it as a 4L+L or 5L+L cannon (the latter with a 2 point cost), but that’s probably not realistic either. I just find a somewhat strange integration that could be better as a land-only equipment. I like the repairing part though.
    If Ballista are 3L cannons, why would you use the ship’s existing cannon ranges for them? Also, similar to the catapult, that’s a serious investment of “infrastructure” and extra weaponry that would take both logistics and space on the ship, so I really don’t think it shouldn’t take up cargo space. Assuming they would be put on the upper deck (not an enclosed gun deck, which seems impossible without giving up some regular cannons), it would provide space constraints regardless of what else was up there.
    Those slugs sound nasty. It’s quite powerful too, and the repeating nature of the effect makes it more valuable than Exploding Shot in my opinion. Big drawback, but I wouldn’t mind seeing this at 4 to start.
    “Spherus Manga” – anime Bionicle? 😉

    I love equipment in general. It really makes the game more realistic, and I think Wizkids could have implemented it much earlier and done more varieties. (though what they DID do with it in F&S is one of the saving graces for that set in my opinion)

    Faction Affiliation: American
    Rarity: C
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 14
    Number of Masts: 3
    Cargo Space: 4
    Base Move: S+L
    Cannons: 2S-3S-2S
    Ability: Schooner. Chain Shot. Once per action you may double the range of one of this ship’s cannons.
    Link: Jaskin Daniels

    Flavor text: This aptly named schooner is the personal vessel of Jaskin Daniels, who uses it to carry out profitable raids on Caribbean ports. In the rare case where pure speed is not enough to flee the scene, a well-placed chain shot from afar can ensure a safe getaway.

    Jaskin Daniels
    Faction Affiliation: American
    Rarity: U
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 7
    Ability: Captain. HI Raider. [This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.] This ship gets +1 to her d6 rolls if within S of a Pirate fort. Pirate crew can use their abilities on this ship. This ship cannot shoot at Pirate game pieces.
    Link: Escape

    Flavor text: A daring adventurer always looking for a new ship to call home, Jaskin Daniels is not part of the US Navy anymore. He has forged his own path, and fallen in with pirates on the Spanish Main. It remains to be seen if this association will result in the United States branding him a criminal, or if they will allow his behavior in the name of occasional profits from his heists. If Alexander Sharpton can find him, he plans to personally decapitate Daniels.

    Historical Custom of the Day #347

    Luis Brión
    8 points
    Ability: Ex-Patriot. Hostile: Spain. Captain. Ship treasure trading. [Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.] This ship gets +1 cargo spaces. This crew takes up no cargo space. This ship gets +1 to her d6 rolls against the Spanish.
    Link: Dardo

    I’ve gotten through a large percentage of the historical pirate list from the 17th and 18th centuries, so I’m slowly getting into more gray area in regards to factions of the “pirates” from later eras. This individual is an example of complicated factional relations. Seems to have French parents, but parents are from Belgium; he was born in Curacao, schooled in the Netherlands AND United States, somewhat anti-British, but then acquired a ship and sailed from London, then fighting against Spain for Venezuela. O_O Whew! So, Ex-Patriot Mercenary seems like the best way to go, with the hostility preventing any weirdness with Spain.  This is also the first Mercenary game piece from my historical custom set.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    I like Spike Shot, but what is the idea behind stopping the enemy ship? Big spear lodged in the rigging?
    Catapults on seagoing ships seems like a very unwieldy concept. They’re very large and the projectiles would travel more slowly than cannonballs. The potential height seems like it could easily interfere with the ship’s rigging. I think I’d prefer to see it as a 4L+L or 5L+L cannon (the latter with a 2 point cost), but that’s probably not realistic either. I just find a somewhat strange integration that could be better as a land-only equipment. I like the repairing part though.
    If Ballista are 3L cannons, why would you use the ship’s existing cannon ranges for them? Also, similar to the catapult, that’s a serious investment of “infrastructure” and extra weaponry that would take both logistics and space on the ship, so I really don’t think it shouldn’t take up cargo space. Assuming they would be put on the upper deck (not an enclosed gun deck, which seems impossible without giving up some regular cannons), it would provide space constraints regardless of what else was up there.
    Those slugs sound nasty. It’s quite powerful too, and the repeating nature of the effect makes it more valuable than Exploding Shot in my opinion. Big drawback, but I wouldn’t mind seeing this at 4 to start.
    “Spherus Manga” – anime Bionicle?


    Spike shot in my head looks like this. Backstory for it: an organic ammunition developed by the Ionics using the spiked seed pod from a plant native to their homeland. Used primarily to target a ships rigging and upper deck.

    Perhaps large-scale catapults would be un-weildly, but smaller one with less range (in my head at least lol) are not. I was thinking that Ionic ships used catapults before they got cannons on their ships, and I wanted to keep some of that. However, I could probably try and re-work it so that its usable on an island.

    The idea for the Ballista was a second set of cannons for a ship, that could shoot at another ship while the main cannons were shooting at a target ship……and I’m just now remembering that a ship can do that anyway, target more than one ship per shoot action. Oi…. I’ll re-word them so that they do take up cargo space. The bit about measuring from a mast was to give the ballista a place to measure FROM, since I didn’t want them to be shot from any part of a ship.

    Done and done for the Slug Launcher.

    Oops, seems I misspelled, again. Ah well, though a Bionicle Manga would be cool I think.


    Baron Rouge (Red Baron)
    Faction Affiliation: French
    Rarity: U
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 16
    Number of Masts: 4
    Cargo Space: 5
    Base Move: S+L
    Cannons: 2L-2S-3S-3L
    Ability: Schooner. HI Raider. Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
    Link: Capitaine Bulbus

    Flavor text: The Red Baron is one of the finest vessels in the Atlantic and Mediterranean – fast, well-armed, and capable of just about any task assigned to her. Former commodore Capitaine Bulbus has been given a letter of marque to raid enemy ports, and he has embraced the role by taking on sailors from around the world who have heard of the ship’s brilliance. Those sailors include a long time friend of the capitaine – one Antoine Culot.

    Capitaine Bulbus
    Faction Affiliation: French
    Rarity: U
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 5
    Ability: Captain. If this crew is on his linked ship with his linked crew, this ship gets +S to her base move.
    Link: Baron Rouge, Antoine Culot

    Flavor text: Bulbus is a former military man whose newfound “robber” status amuses him greatly. Having brought aboard an old friend from his childhood, he plans to dominate the seas without clearance from the French Navy.

    The Red Baron is somewhat inspired by some of the great 4 masted schooners in the game such as the Golden Medusa and White Rose. I wanted to make her a REALLY good ship without making it overpowered.

    Historical Custom of the Day #348

    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: C
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 12
    Number of Masts: 3
    Cargo Space: 5
    Base Move: S+S
    Cannons: 4L-4S-4L
    Ability: Equipment doesn’t take up cargo space on this ship.
    Link: Luis Brión

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    So….. Will you make a ship fo Snoopy? 😀

    Jokes aside, I really like this ship, and I like the fist pat of he link. I’m interested to see what Clout does.


    Changed the wording on these, think they might be better.

    Points: 3
    Ability: This equipment may be used on an island o on a ship. If used on a ship; she gains one 4L cannon that can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast). If the cannon roll is a 1, turn this equipment face-down. You may give this ship a repair action to turn it face-up again instead of repairing a mast. If used on an island, this equipment becomes a 3L+L cannon that can only fire from one point on the island. To fire a catapult on an island, a friendly crew must be present on the same island; if the roll is a 1, turn the catapult equipment face-down and remove the associated crew from the game. Catapult must be loaded back onto a ship to be tuned face-up again.


    Points: 5
    Ability: This ship gains 3L cannons equal to the number of masts this ship had when constructed. Ballista may fire from any mast (even an eliminated one). If any Ballista roll is a 1, eliminate a crew from this ship. If all Ballista rolls are 1, remove Ballista from the game.


    @Xerecs: Catapult is definitely better, but I feel it should be 2 points. I’d try to use it on an island, but it strikes me as slightly worse than a musketeer. I think a cost of 2 would allow it to see more usage.

    On the other hand, I’ve realized that Ballista is OP. On a 10 master, you can easily gain TEN extra 3L cannons for just 5 points! (less than some marines!) On any ship with 3+ masts, it’s underpriced. I don’t think the drawback is enough to keep it that way. In addition, since they can fire from any mast, I don’t see how that would prevent someone from stacking all those extra cannons on the bow shot and get up to 11 shots from one mast. O_O Either it needs to scale in cost to how many ballista are aboard, or simply a hard cap such as up to 3 extra 3L cannons. Scaling it could get weird in terms of the wording, but 2 points for every 3L ballista placed on the ship might work – then it would cost 20 points rather than just 5 to double a 10 master’s firepower, but you could choose how many get placed (maybe tokens would be required), so you could place 3 ballista on a 5 master for 6 points. (which is still probably too cheap though…)
    Since it’s equipment you could also put it on a creature with cargo, which makes for some strange ideas….

    Ill Omen
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: C
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 15
    Number of Masts: 3
    Cargo Space: 5
    Base Move: L
    Cannons: 2S-2L-2S
    Ability: Mercenary. Fear. Crew with “specialist” in their name get +1 to their d6 rolls on this ship.
    Link: Antoine Culot

    Flavor text: Antoine Culot pilots his ship with a cunning evil. His reputation has grown with the body count. Although he has cargo to haul goods and defend them, he prefers to employ gunnery experts in order to cause his wartime opponents as much pain as possible.

    Antoine Culot
    Faction Affiliation: Mercenary
    Rarity: C
    Type: Crew
    Point Value: 7
    Ability: Crew killing. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against ships without all of their masts. French crew can use their abilities on this ship.
    Link: Ill Omen, Capitaine Bulbus

    Flavor text: Born in France, taking payment as a killer for hire, and now in league with Cursed captains, Culot knows how to get around, both geographically and socially. Consistently serving on ships of differing nationalities, it remains to be seen if he has any true allegiance.

    Historical Custom of the Day #349

    Samuel Argall
    14 points
    Ability: Captain. Helmsman. Gold Capture. Parley. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the French. This crew can be assigned to any ship of the same nationality regardless of point costs; if this crew’s cost is greater than the ship, no other crew or equipment can be assigned to that ship.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Faction Affiliation: Neutral
    Rarity: U
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 14
    Number of Masts: 2
    Cargo Space: 4
    Base Move: S+L
    Cannons: 3S-3S
    Ability: Crew of any nationality can use their abilities on this ship.

    Flavor text: Seeming to always have crew of various backgrounds aboard, the Chameleon sails about the oceans, never sunk and never playing a big role in wartime.

    Historical Custom of the Day #350

    Thomas Dale
    5 points
    Ability: Crew Protect. [This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.] This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Dutch ships.

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas


    Rancorious Filth
    Faction Affiliation: Cursed
    Rarity: SE
    Type: Ship
    Point Value: 16
    Number of Masts: 8
    Cargo Space: 0
    Base Move: S
    Cannons: 5S-4L-2L-3S-5L-5L-2S-4S
    Ability: Kraken. Fear.

    Flavor text: This hideous, stinking vortex of trash is slow enough to not be feared, but dangerous enough to surprise confident captains. Comprised of dead sea creature remains, it appears as though each giant tentacle is a different color and shape.

    Historical Custom of the Day #351

    Nathaniel Rich
    4 points
    Ability: One of this ship’s treasures is worth +1 gold when she docks at your home island. Once per turn, if this ship or fort carries treasure and is within S of a ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship [this crew can use this ability in a friendly fort].
    Link: Robert Rich

    You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas

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