Different Set Editions – A Visual Guide

Although Wizkids released a total of 13 different Sets over the years, some have multiple editions.  You can find them in the Master Spreadsheet, although there are a few discrepancies I address here.  The information is also on the Wikipedia page, but here I’ll look at the different set editions with pictures.  Feel free to click the affiliate links to buy some packs and simultaneously support the site.

Spanish Main – First print run

This is the faded print run, with the old numbering and rarity system. (ES-009 for English Ship #9, and no rarity color or set symbol in the corner)

HMS Dover Spanish Main

Courtesy of Zenotek, here is a picture of Spanish Main 1st Edition, 1st printing pack contents. (WZK6002)

Courtesy of Zenotek, here is a picture of Spanish Main 1st Edition, 1st printing pack contents. (WZK6002)

Spanish Main – Limited

Regular coloring/not faded, with the same numbering scheme.  You can find additional information about these initial print runs from Gladius’ post.

HMS Lord Algernon Spanish Main

Courtesy of Zenotek, here is a picture of Spanish Main 1st Edition, Limited printing pack contents. (WZK6009)

Courtesy of Zenotek, here is a picture of Spanish Main 1st Edition, Limited printing pack contents. (WZK6009)

Spanish Main – Unlimited

Released shortly after the Crimson Coast set, this version of SM has the regular rarity and numbering system on the cards.

HMS Titan Spanish Main

Revolution – Limited

First version of the RV set.

Le Superbe Revolution

Revolution – Unlimited

Same thing, but with “UL” added in front of the card number to denote the Unlimited version.

Le Soleil Royal Revolution

Barbary Coast – Limited

First version of BC.

HMS Durham Barbary Coast

Barbary Coast – Unlimited

Just like in RV UL, these cards have UL in front of the collector’s number.

Davy Jones’ Curse – First print runs, easily scratched cards

The first print run or runs of DJC had cards that scratched very easily.  This set is infamous for being of poorer quality due to this issue, but it’s easy to find the better version.

Harbinger Davy Jones Curse

Some cards are more easily scuffed up than others – here you can see a very worn out Unique Treasure card.  Although it may look like it’s been through a drying machine, it actually doesn’t take much to damage some DJC cards this much.

Witch's Brew Davy Jones Curse

Davy Jones’ Curse – Good print runs

After the card quality disaster, Wizkids made additional print runs of DJC and corrected the issue.

La Corse Davy Jones Curse

Pack Variations

Not all variations are pictured, but I think you’ll get the point.  🙂  Feel free to click the picture affiliate links to buy some packs and simultaneously support the site.  Just realize that the version of the pack pictured may not be what you see in the eBay search results.  🙂

Spanish Main limited version pack (photo courtesy of WalMart)

SM first art

Spanish Main Unlimited – you can clearly see the marker in the bottom left corner.

Pirates of the Spanish Main Unlimited Pack

Revolution Unlimited – the first version of RV simply doesn’t have the feature on the bottom right of the pack.

Pirates of the Revolution Unlimited Pack

Barbary Coast Unlimited

Pirates of the Barbary Coast Unlimited Pack

Davy Jones’ Curse – original pack art.  This is where you’re likely to find poor quality cards that scratch easily.

Different Set Editions Pirates of Davy Jones' Curse first pack

Davy Jones’ Curse – pack art for better print runs.

Pirates Davy Jones Curse second pack

Pirates of the Caribbean – 3 different pack variations

Wizkids Disney Pirates of the Caribbean packs

This is more of a note than anything else.  Similar to the bad quality DJC print runs, there are some South China Seas (SCS) cards that scratch easily.  I have not experienced this issue much with SCS, but other collectors have said that a decent or large percentage of their SCS cards are easily scratched.

El Fantasma South China Seas scratched card


I know there is a lot more I could add to this post, but I wanted to cover the basics with mostly my own pictures.  Comment below your thoughts on the different set editions!

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  1. Is there anyway to tell if a printing is either 1st Print or the Limited print run? Are the packs or booster boxes different in any way to know if you are or are not going to get 1st print run ships?

    • The very first print run with the “faded” cards was small and sold out almost immediately everywhere.

      Unless you’re buying directly from some crazy collector that bought a bunch of stuff early on and buried it somewhere, it is extremely likely (99%) that any unopened boxes or packs you find online will be from the second printing or later.

    • Woelf is on point as always. I don’t think the packs or boxes were different from 1st Printing of SM vs. 1st Edition not 1st printing.

  2. I just bought five packs of what I thought was the limited run of Spanish Main, and they all turned out to be the very first printing with the faded cards. One feature that is on this set (or really missing from this set) is the helpful punch out in the corner of the foil packaging.

    • @Luis: Yeah, I’m not sure how to distinguish first printing vs. limited (non-first printing) for SM packs. They both have the horizontal artwork, but I’m not sure if there is a bar code/SKU difference or any other way to tell them apart.

      • Let me add to this now that I have done a little more research. There are four SKUs related to the very first printing.

        WZK6000 PSM Pack – US – Faded – Old Numbering – Horizontal logo

        WZK6001 PSM Booster Box – US – Faded – Old Numbering – Horizontal logo

        WZK6002 PSM Pack – EU – Faded – Old Numbering – Horizontal logo – Sold under WKGames

        WZK6003 PSM Booster Box – EU – Faded – Old Numbering – Horizontal logo – Sold under WKGames

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