Hiya Everyone,
Start with my name I suppose, I stole it from an old anime.
I got into Pirates CSG the year after SM released with my 2 step-brothers. We used to play when we were younger.
I’d say I’m probably more player than collector but I only have one friend that I play with and I only introduced him to the game in October 2020 after I reorganized my collection during lockdown and got back into the game after almost a decade. We also only use my collection since he doesn’t have any ships himself.
I guess Pirates CSG fits both my itch for fun games and history.
My favorite game piece that I have is probably Jarvis (RV 075). It just holds a special place in my heart I guess because I’ve had it so long. My go to measuring card is always Benoit de Marseilles (BC 083) though, I just love the card art.