Contacting NECA/Wizkids

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    Trying to call NECA/Wizkids on the phone to ask about Pirates because they don’t respond much to my Facebook messages.  Found this.  The first number did go to NECA and I then hit the number to go to Wizkids, but got a message saying they weren’t available.  Same thing happened when I hit 4 for “Business and Legal Affairs”.

    Then called the second number on that page and it just rang for a while, then heard a nasty screeching sound after that.  XD

    Also tried the number on this site, but it said line was busy (my phone says this was Bellevue WA so this is just an old number I guess).  Called 555-867-5309 (as recommended in 2016 on an HCRealms forum), but line was busy.

    Matt Lovell

    I hear that last number used to contact Jenny but she changed her number…


    Just called all these numbers again.  Pretty much same results but I left messages on the first two this time.


    This does not feel complete without the old thread here somewhere….


    Not sure what to make of this.

    NECA response May 2021


    You might have annoyed someone with the automated messages comment. 😀 The second one though….. Huh? I thought they had the rights, or had part of the rights.


    Huh? I thought they had the rights, or had part of the rights.

    As far as I’ve ever understood, they still do.  Who knows who actually sent that latest message to me.


             Huh? I thought they had the rights, or had part of the rights.

    As far as I’ve ever understood, they still do.  Who knows who actually sent that latest message to me.

    If they were only licensing it from someone it’s far enough out at this point that they may not have the legal rights anymore.   The last time they touched it was Shuffling the Deck way back in 2012, and the RPG is even older.

    If they do fully own the license, it’s been sitting long enough that it would take a massively increased general interest in pirate things for them to dig that treasure back up.   A new Pirates of the Caribbean movie (assuming it still happens, and is good) might give some push in that direction, but it would probably still take more than that.


    If they were only licensing it from someone it’s far enough out at this point that they may not have the legal rights anymore.

    Hmmm.  I’m not even sure what to think anymore.

    If they do fully own the license, it’s been sitting long enough that it would take a massively increased general interest in pirate things for them to dig that treasure back up.   A new Pirates of the Caribbean movie (assuming it still happens, and is good) might give some push in that direction, but it would probably still take more than that.

    Based on how mum they were with DMTNT in 2017, I don’t think they’ll be doing anything.  Kind of frustrating that the pirate craze came and went for a lot of folks in the 2000’s.  I’m more an Age of Sail/naval warfare enthusiast than just pirate stuff so my interest doesn’t wane with pop culture trends.

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