Ranking: Top 10 Rise of the Fiends game pieces

1. San Cristobal 

2. Dominic Freda 

3. TGunn/HGold

4. Ralph David / Gus Schultz 

5. San Cristobal 

6. Grinder 

7. Gibraltar 

8. Luis Zuan 

9. Fool’s Hope 

10. All other flotillas in the set

Just missed (likely in this order): El Fantasma , Aberdeen Baron , HMS Apollo , Griffin , Lenoir 

Honorable Mentions: HMS Apollo , Magdalena Bloody Blade Sean “Cannonball” Gallows , Lady’s Scorn Concepcion Tepant Rising Sun Grim Reaper Trevor Van Tyne , both versions of Crimson Angel, Dominic Freda Capitaine Arazure Captain Mysion HMS Forge Hades’ Realm Isabela Delusion Specter ; various other ships as well actually

Ranking: Top 10 Rise of the Fiends game pieces

Original thread at Miniature Trading

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