
  • Ahoy!

    I’m doing some spring cleaning since I’m stuck indoors and came across a couple Limited Edition cards from when I ran tournies.  Thought I’d offer to this crew before popping them up on eBay.

    If interested send me a PM.
    <table dir=”ltr” style=”table-layout: fixed; font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial, sans, sans-serif; width: 0px;…[Read more]

  • Yarr!  Thank you, Ben for putting this up and to Dread Pirate for the info on this site.  Recently doing some spring cleaning and having some major nostalgia.

    I ran/played Heroclix way back in the day, and when Pirates came out I had to try it since the ship building aspect was so cool.  Who would have thought it’d actually be such a fun game?  S…[Read more]

  • Jason's profile was updated 5 years, 4 months ago

  • Jason changed their profile picture 5 years, 4 months ago

  • Jason replied to the topic The eBay Sales thread in the forum Pirates CSG 5 years, 4 months ago

    It’s because eBay’s system is lame and never works half the time when you put in the proper information.  LOL.

    It’d be shipping in a 200count card box.  I can probably find out exactly what it is if folks are curious  I shipped a similar lot with a bunch of the LE busts about two months ago and it was $21CAD to the US.  This would be less sin…[Read more]