This is the “list of links” – a post that has a TON of information all in one place.
Game Pieces and Master Spreadsheet variations
Pirates CSG Master Spreadsheet (shared Google Sheet) (.xlsx file download)
Buy/Sell/Trade Master Spreadsheet (File>Download to make your own copy)
Other database resources: Tilorfire27’s online database; PSMList; jetmoto-1996‘s Full Catalog (+ PDF link)
Start Here Rules
Complete Game Rules
Master Keyword List
The Pirate Code (FAQ)
Reference Diagrams
Useful Information
Wikipedia Page (credit to Holofernes and others for creating and updating!)
eBay history spreadsheet (links at the top are affiliate links)
Pirates – Complete Assembly Diagrams (Comprehensive list of build guides, created by E. Kasnick of the Facebook group)
How to Build the Ships – PDF document (with official diagrams, created by C. Neill of the Facebook group) (database and more)
Pirates CSG Survey (results)
Pirates CSG video survey (results)
Podcast survey (results)
Preferences Survey (results)
These two require more knowledge of the game; take them only once you have a decent amount of experience playing.
Rules Survey (results)
Ability Costs Survey (results)
Places to Buy
The links to eBay and Amazon are affiliate links. These links are NOT endorsements in terms of quality of the vendor or in terms of pricing. Some of these may be out of date. This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.
RainTyger Games (recommended)
Hill’s Wholesale Gaming
House Atreides
Phase 1 Comics and Games
Paladins Game Castle
BV Traders
All In One Collectibles
Noble Knight
Potomac Distribution
Dave and Adam’s Card World
CCGCastle (untrustworthy – there have been multiple confirmed reports of them selling resealed packs)
If you want custom game pieces and other cool Pirates CSG models, check out Vulkan’s Etsy shop. (affiliate link)
Saved from Miniature Trading
Google Drive folder of MT database pictures in folders (.zip version)
Google Drive folder of all MT database pictures (all sizes)
Google Drive folder with full page screen captures of all Pirates database pages
Google Drive folder with saved MT Forum pages/threads/etc.
Folder with Fleets
Folder with Miniature Reviews
Miscellaneous Folder
Folder with original Command the Oceans thread
Folder with a few Battle Reports
Imgur folder of MT Forum pictures
Imgur folder of MT database set pictures
Imgur folder of Rankings threads
Imgur folder of messages shared in Death of MT thread
Imgur folder of Other Fleets
Other Great Places to find Pirates CSG
Not mentioned elsewhere in this post
Facebook group
Buy/Sell/Trade Facebook group
Board Game Geek
Pojo forums
Cadet-Captain Mike’s fansite
Captain Vendari’s fansite
YouTube channels: A7XfanBen and Xerecs
My Instagram: @piratescsg
Canon Wiki
Sites visible on the Internet Archive: Miniature Trading, Corsairs of Douglas County
Custom Sets
Customs Database (this contains many of the sets listed below)
A7XfanBen: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas
Xerecs: Return of Davy Jones | Fiends of the Blood Islands | Pirates of Spherus Magna
El Cazador: Pirates of the Cursed Seas: The Great Sea | Pirates of the Cursed Seas: Rise of the Moon Sorcerer
Pirates of the Cursed Seas – The Vengeance of the Cadet Captain
Riz customs on Facebook
Riz customs on photobucket
Pirates of the Tolling Depths (alanqsmithee)
Pirates: Treachery on the High Seas (vladsimpaler)
Pirates: The Golden Age (vladsimpaler)
Pirates of the Kraken Sea (mr_awesome)
All Time Records from gameplay over the years
Command the Oceans original MT pages (missing one page since it was too big to capture)
Total Recosting (my attempt to fix point costs)