A New Kind of “Bidding”?

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    Here’s a weird concept that just entered my mind:

    How much would you pay to have a specific game piece actually exist in the game?  For example, Grim the Savage from Frozen North is the only example of a crew with the “Home Island Hoard” ability.  My favorite faction is the English.  Maybe I would be willing to pay $200 to retroactively add an English equivalent named crew of Grim to the game.  XD  Even though I wouldn’t pay more than $10 for Grim himself, or maybe $15 for an English equivalent if it did already exist.

    Alter the balance of power by directly paying game creators?  Hmmm….  O_O


    If the game was still going, instead of calling this “bidding“, you could call it “bribes to get someone with direct contact with the designers to push to add specific abilities“.   😛

    Spain gets a capture crew at Bonny Peel’s price, and a sac-captain equivalent to the original Blackheart.


    I think an equally interesting thought, especially if it could be applied retroactively, would be to bid to remove certain items and/or prevent certain nations from ever getting them.   Not every nation really needs or should even have a canceller or sac-crew.


    I think an equally interesting thought, especially if it could be applied retroactively, would be to bid to remove certain items and/or prevent certain nations from ever getting them.   Not every nation really needs or should even have a canceller or sac-crew.

    Indeed, but in that case I would launch a public awareness campaign to destroy mermaids!

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