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Faction Affiliation: Barbary Corsair
Rarity: R
Type: Crew
Point Value: 9
Ability: Captain.  Hoard.  Pirate and Jade Rebellion crew can use their abilities on this ship.
Link: Giza

Flavor text: Although most know him as a more purely effective leader than the Lotus Queen, Pentheus is a former philosopher who prefers to optimize his own ship rather than command an entire fleet.  His rich background, confusing heritage, and international connections has led to one of the most effective crew complements in the world.

Historical Custom of the Day #280

Turn Joe
4 points
Ability: Crew killing [Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.].  This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.

You can find my custom sets here: Pirates of the Age of Sail and Pirates of the Epic Seas