Working on some new pages

Hello all, I hope you are doing well and have a great day today.

This is the 17th blog post overall, and I hope to have more video/audio blogs this coming week.

As I get even more serious about my passion for Pirates CSG, I have thought about ads and paid traffic a bit.  According to Gary Vaynerchuk, Facebook ads are still very underpriced, and that is something I’ve thought about before.  I’m also eventually going to be looking into other potential solutions of this nature.

eBay prices are down.  Recently, a Super Rare (SR) pack for Rise of the Fiends (RotF) only went for $6.50!  The Elsinore (a Limited Edition from Frozen North) went for just 99 cents at the minimum bid!  HMS Regent went for $6.51 (not too bad), but some Ocean’s Edge LE’s went for barely more than a dollar each.  Finally, a decent lot of South China Seas stuff went for only ~$10, but that was likely due in part to the shipping cost (it showed $20 for me).  This could be an anomaly more than anything else, but it could also signal a decent time to buy and be on the prowl for good auction deals.


Deal of the Day: Gone now. Currently on eBay. This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

**Disclaimer: I will be using affiliate links with things like this, so if someone buys from it, I could make a few cents.  XD


Pirates CSG Card of the Day

Set number: 3 – Revolution

Collector’s Number: 122 – Pirate cannoneer

2 points

Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.

Time for another mini-review of a generic crew.  Cannoneers have been around since the first set of Spanish Main way back in 2004, but understandably they never caught on like the more essential quartet of captain/helmsman/explorer/oarsman.  They do provide a nice little boost to any gunship, but I wouldn’t recommend them too highly.

Cannoneers are not that different from Musketeers, but I like cannoneers better because they provide similar value for 1 less point.  In addition, musketeers give you an extra 3S cannon, which I refer to as “mediocre” because it’s strictly average and I have always had pretty bad luck with 3S guns in general.  Neither crew is always worth the cost.  For more information from the Rules Arbitrator himself, I’d highly recommend checking out Woelf’s comparison of cannoneer vs. musketeer.

Game Piece Rating: 5.5/10.  Really nothing special, and dwarfed by both superior generic crew and special abilities like world hater (+1 to cannon rolls against other ships), which provide much more bang for the buck and apply to all of a ship’s cannons.

You can find cannoneers on eBay.

Campaign games are a great way to get exposure to less competitive crew like cannoneers and the other generic crew you don’t use often.  Take for example some of these English gunships launched during my 2015 Economy Edition game.  Since point costs and being frugal don’t matter as much in campaign games where new ships and crew are introduced, you can afford to splurge on “luxury” firepower options.  XD  Notice how many ships have crew and equipment in addition to the mandatory captains and helmsmen.

Picture of English deckplate area for EE (Economy Edition)


Picture of the Day

This is from another game of VASSAL Tournament #2, a hotly contested desperate game that Xerecs and I played a year ago today.

Close, tight, desperate, fun, mathematical, intense – all the things you might hope for in a 40 point tournament game!


Today I’m hoping to add a Podcast page, if I can figure out how it works.  So far I haven’t been able to simply input the RSS feed xml thing from ShoutEngine to get a feed or player up.  Eventually I’ll figure something out.  What I just figured out with this post was the picture/paragraph problems I’ve been having.  It was just a matter of changing the picture alignment from “Align left” to “no alignment”.  For whatever reason, that seems to have solved the problem!

It’s a Pirates’ Life for Me.


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