I expect to meet up with Captain Redgoat in Portland Oregon this weekend! He was one of the founding members of PDXYAR, a Pirate group that got their origins from Pirates CSG. Here are the questions I plan to ask him on a video or podcast; feel free to comment your own!
How did you get into Pirates CSG?
How did PDXYAR start?
What was the relationship of PDXYAR to Wizkids?
How did the group acquire so many Obago Deuces?
Did you or PDXYAR acquire any other very rare Pirates items?
What is your favorite story about PDXYAR? (event/game/tournament/etc.)
How did the group eventually have so many dozens of players at tournaments?
Are there any other PDXYAR topics you want to mention?
Do you have a favorite memory of a game or tournament?
What is the highest number of players you’ve had in a game?
What is the highest build total you’ve used in a game?
Did you play Pirates CSG Online? (SOE version)
What is your favorite set and ship and why?
How did you make the epic scale game pieces?
Questions of the Day?