
  • Andrew became a registered member 3 years, 2 months ago

    • Hey there Andrew! Glad you rediscovered this game after so many years. I too am a big Moby D!ck fan, so one of my first online purchases was for the Pequod to add to my infantile Pirates CSG collection. I would suggest that you join the Pirates CSG Discord for specific ships and crew bits, I guarantee someone there has it! You might also find some folks in your area to expand your gaming group. Stock up for the winter, eh?

      • Hey Luke! Thanks for the reply, and for the advice on the Discord feed. I’ll make sure to write up a post there for sure. I certainly do hope to acquire myself some Mercenaries, Nemo and the Nautilus.
        It would be awesome to find some other people to play with. I know that my wife will play with me, but I don’t know if she’s as excited as I am, lol.
        Yes, I managed to order myself a box of Spanish Main, a box of Revolution, and two boxes of Ocean’s Edge. These should keep me entertained for the Winter. I’m already drawing up designs for a game board. I’m thinking of doing a resin pour over sand and small seashells, and other little nautical things from the craft store.

      • Hey Luke, when you say join the Pirates CSG Discord, where exactly can I find that? I realized that I have no idea where I’m going. lol. Thank you again!

        • It looks like you found it already, sorry for not checking in sooner! It does seem that you haven’t agreed to the rules using an emoticon yet. Let me know if you need any help with that. I think that you should also post the Captain Nemo and submarine pieces you were looking for in the buy-sell-requests chat when you get the chance, I’m sure someone will have some extras.

          • Hey Luke, is the discord on this website of Bens? I tried Googling it, and found a link invite somewhere from Ben, but couldn’t ever sign up properly for some reason. So I actually have no idea what I’m doing there. Lol. You wouldn’t think that I work with computers for a living…
            Where do I agree to rules using emoticons? Forum use is something I’ve never really done before, so this is very new to me. I’ve been slowly poking through Ben’s site here (I did post about Nemo and Mercs in one of the trading feeds, I think lol). So yes, I appreciate any pointers you can provide. Despite appearing inept, I am actually very tech competent, just don’t know yet what I am doing. lol.
            Thank you again! I hope you have a great Friday.

            • You definitely got to the right place, as I saw that a Commodore Starbuck had joined the Pirates CSG chat. What you seem to be struggling with is logging in to your account. When you go to just (no backslashes for channels, just the plain website), is there a sign in option of you? There should be an email associated with your account too. My other instructions about the emoticon and such happen after you can access your account.

              • Hey Luke,
                I think I know the problem. I tried setting up via my work PC, and apparently I need to download an application to run the Discord page. My work laptop obviously doesn’t allow this for security reasons. I’ll try going to via my personal PC, and see how that goes. Many thanks! I thought I was getting soft in the mind there, lol. Cheers!