If it gets sent to your spam folder, you can move it to Inbox and add the address to your safe senders list. Here’s how to do that in Gmail:

  1. Go to Gmail.com and log into your account.
  2. Click the gear icon at the top right corner.
  3. Click ‘See all settings.’
  4. Click on the ‘Filters and Blocked Addresses’ tab at the top.
  5. In the ‘Safe Senders’ section, click ‘Create a new filter.’
  6. Enter the email address you want to add to your safe senders list.
  7. Click ‘Create Filter’, ‘Never send it to Spam’, and ‘Create Filter’ again.
The Pirate Press Newsletter - sneak peeks at Pirates of the Golden Seas

The Pirate Press Newsletter – sneak peeks at Pirates of the Golden Seas and other upcoming products!