Playing with Tiffany O’Brien! Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington (September 18th, 2021)

Playing with Tiffany O’Brien!

Mox Boarding House in Bellevue WA

September 18th, 2021

I met up with former Wizkids product manager Tiffany O’Brien for a game at Mox Boarding House in Bellevue WA, near the location of the Wizkids offices they used when the game was still in print!  O_O  😀

Having done a podcast last year, Tiffany and I met at a very cool gaming venue. My ship’s relocation has provided the perfect opportunities to meet up with various Pirates CSG players and former Wizkids employees located near Seattle.

She brought 2 regular packs and 2 megapacks of Ocean’s Edge, which we used for the game!  I got a “mirror” or duplicate megapack, and neither of us ended up using many crew.  It would be a 40 point game with round earth using my Basic Rules.

The Fleets

El Acorazado (OE version)
HMS Hermes + oarsman

Ghost Walker
El Toro

We used the Gale Force Nine islands and put some terrain wherever we wanted it.

Playing with Tiffany O'Brien!

El Toro pinned El Acorazado in place, but no ram damage and no crew on either game piece meant no damage of any kind could be done!

Hostilities commence, with the Spanish flagship blasting away the creature’s arms before the crab can gain the upper hand!

El Acorazado shoots at El Toro

The Strix and Hermes have reached islands.  The Ghost Walker cancelled the Hermes’ Catamaran keyword but missed badly!

Playing with Tiffany O'Brien

The Battleship finishes off The Bull!

The Battleship finishes off The Bull!

The Hermes dropped off gold, being shadowed by the Ghost Walker.  The Juggernaut and Acorazado are headed home with gold, with the Strix looking for a second haul of her own.

Two turns later and Tiffany was getting rich!

Playing with Tiffany O'Brien

The Ghost Walker finally got some more shots in, cancelling Catamaran again and dismasting the Hermes.  However, she would also need to get a coin and hope the Strix could rob the Juggernaut….

The Ghost Walker explored the island to grab the loot but the Acorazado blocked her easy route home:

The Strix did manage to ram the Juggernaut, but to no avail!

Strix rams Juggernaut. Playing with Tiffany O'Brien! Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington

The Ghost Walker round earthed to find a route home, while Tiffany’s fleet regrouped.  The Juggernaut brought home more gold as the Acorazado took the Hermes under tow.

Playing with Tiffany O'Brien! Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington

The Ghost Walker docked home the final coin and it was decided!

Tiffany wins 27-13!

  1. Tiffany: 27 gold
  2. Ben: 13 gold

We had a fun time with the great game of Pirates CSG!  Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!

Ben and Tiffany. Playing with Tiffany O'Brien! Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington

Mox Boarding House in Bellevue, Washington

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