Gold Capture Pirates

Fleur de la Mort Pirates ship

The Fleur de la Mort

Originally published to Miniature Trading on June 22nd, 2017

80 Points

This isn’t the most practical fleet out there, but it takes advantage of the Pirates’ abundance of gold-capture crew.

Barstow leads the Foresight as the fleet’s largest ship. I love this combo, with 4 abilities combined into two crew, along with a link so the Foresight retains a whopping 5 open cargo spaces! Between the explorer ability and Barstow’s captures, the Foresight should be good at helping your gold score. The oarsman is perfect, just fitting under the ship’s point cap space, not taking up cargo space, and protecting both of the essential crew.

The Fleur de la Mort is also filled to the brim on points, but this ship doesn’t have any cargo space open. The main attack ship, the Fleur has SAT with reroll to go along with L+S speed and rank-3 cannons. Her and her lady crew will attempt to capture as many enemy crew as possible.

I almost left this fleet at 55 points with no oarsman on the Fleur, but then I realized I could easily hit 80 with a simple combo to finish things off. The Queen Anne’s Revenge and Blackbeard! With the link, the QAR has 3 spaces left over for gold, and plays a hybrid role similar to the Foresight.

This fleet could probably do fairly well, since it has 3 ships that are all focused on getting gold. Two of them can get lots of gold in two different ways, while the third has double action potential. Hope you like it!

Section: Ship #1 (4 miniatures)
Miniature Set Number Type Rarity
1 x Barstow F&S 024 Crew R
1 x Foresight F&S 001 Ship R
1 x Hammersmith F&S 022 Crew R
1 x Oarsman F&S 124 Crew C
Section: Ship #2 (5 miniatures)
Miniature Set Number Type Rarity
1 x Calico Cat PofSCS 042 Crew R
1 x Crimson Angel PatOE 039 Crew R
1 x Fleur de la Mort DPotC 027 Ship U
1 x Helmsman RotF 076 Crew U
1 x Oarsman F&S 124 Crew C
Section: Ship #3 (3 miniatures)
Miniature Set Number Type Rarity
1 x Blackbeard F&S 403 Crew LE
1 x Helmsman RotF 076 Crew U
1 x Queen Anne’s Revenge F&S 402 Ship LE
Section: Forts (2 miniatures)
Miniature Set Number Type Rarity
1 x Dead Man’s Point PofCC 031 Fort C
1 x The Devil’s Maw PofR 022 Fort C


Gold capture Pirates

Fleet page at Miniature Trading

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