New rule: No repairs can be carried out.
The Celtic Fury was given an explore action, and a 2L ladder and some supplies have been brought to the top.
Where could those troops be going?
These ones are certainly ready for action!
The cannon has been positioned to fire a wide arc over Pirate waters in case any invaders show up. (this is one of my favorite things about the Tunnel – this hole was already there as part of the foam piece)
The Pirates spend all of their 244 gold on 15 new gunships! To cut costs and put as many ship in play as possible, they aren’t crewed as heavily as the previous handful of launches.
As I said earlier, I wanted to do a point count of the Pirate fleet in particular since I know it’s the biggest fleet ever seen in a game. For the sake of the record books, a full ship and point count was done.
Here are the Pirate deckplate areas:
Behold: Captain Mission’s Pirate Kingdom at its true height!!
The 2L ladder is now just a convenient access point for the Pirates to use, instead of transferring everything through the Celtic Fury.
The new records, set by the Pirate fleet of Command the Oceans:
131 ships (breaking the Spanish record of 111 ships set in VASSAL Campaign Game 1)
2,347 points (breaking their own record from earlier in this game)