Custom Ships (post your custom game pieces here!)

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  • #12148
    Robert Foster

    I suppose I could introduce a new keyword


    @Robert: Going through your set now!  Here are my rough ideas/estimates on some point costs:
    0 and The Fool: are these supposed to be simply negative game pieces? Why would anyone ever use them? Does The Fool’s negative ability apply to ALL of that player’s ships? If so, it is OP in a weird way.

    I: 40 (why only 9 cannons?)
    The Magician: 11
    II: 16
    The High Priestess: 3
    III: 20 (final ability could use more clear wording; “unless this ship shoots at them first”/etc)
    The Empress: 18+/rework – final ability is very OP. If an opponent shows up with HMS Titan/HMS Grand Temple/etc, it’s like it’s in your fleet instead of theirs. Too powerful, could reduce to working on a roll of 5-6 or just 6.
    IV: 24
    The Emperor: see The Empress
    The Hierophant: 9
    VI: “If this model has one remaining secondary hull it repairs the other as a free action.” – This seems too powerful, especially if it happens automatically when it’s still an enemy’s turn.
    The Lovers (Jack): 6
    The Lovers (Jill): 5
    -These present an issue where you could use both of them on their non-linked ship. (since Linked only applies to the ship) Would Jill make a 10 master’s cannons all 2L’s or just 3 of them?
    VII: 10
    The Chariot: 5. Second ability presents overlapping issues and likely weird rules interactions because a ram ends a move action, period. An interesting concept I like though.
    VIII: 21 (only 3 cannons?)
    Strength: 12 (proposed wording: “If this ship succeeds at a ram, this ship gets +L to her base move for the rest of the game (this ability can be reused).” You can’t sink by ramming though…)
    IX: 10
    The Hermit: 3
    X: 18
    Wheel of Fortune: 5
    XI: 15
    Justice: 10 (both new abilities of this crew would be quite annoying to keep track of, especially a base move that could constantly change)

    Might be able to get to the rest this week. Certainly some very unique game pieces! I recommend cleaning up some spelling errors (especially Captain) and trying to format the ability text to be more in line with what Wizkids had. (ex: “this ship” instead of “the ship”)


    If anyone was wondering why the faction order for Epic Seas is completely different than my normal faction order (for collection organization and the Age of Sail set), it’s because I wanted to emphasize different factions for that set.  The Cursed play a huge role, and the Mercenaries could realistically be second in the spreadsheet.  However, things changed in that set over time and now it is almost random.  Since I’ve subconsciously memorized the faction order in that specific set, I think I’ll just leave it as-is to avoid confusion over finding things.

    Robert Foster

    Changes done I think you missed a point value or two and changed the “Linked” keyword (at the bottom)

    Also what lore descriptions did you like best so far?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Robert Foster.

    I think you missed a point value or two

    Any game pieces I didn’t comment on or suggest a new cost for are fine as-is in my opinion.

    Also what lore descriptions did you like best so far?

    I only read a few since I was focusing on the point costs and gameplay aspects.

    Even with the new wording, you can still use crew without the Linked keyword however you want if their ship is not in your fleet.

    Do you know if 0 and The Fool will get a rework?

    Mr. Wick

    I wanted to try posting an updated version of the Drua Keyword I intend to work on.

    Druas are voyaging canoes used by the polynesians and have 1-3 crab-claw sailed masts. In the spirit of their voyaging prowess the Drue Keyword will work as follows:

    Drua: This ship ignores terrain, except Trade Currents, when she is given a move action. This ship treats all Trade currents as friendly.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Mr. Wick.

    Drua: This ship ignores terrain, except Trade Currents, when she is given a move action. This ship treats all Trade currents as friendly.

    If you’re looking for a point cost estimate, I’d put this at 2 points.  The regular ignoring terrain ability was never really worth 3 points in gameplay, and I don’t think the ability to use enemy trade currents is enough to warrant bumping this one to 3.  (though it might be if your entire playgroup uses navigators all the time)

    Will they be native canoes?

    Robert Foster

    I kinda want 0/The Fool to stay wacky, kinda the Whitebeard of the group. And I think the Linked reword works, I left room for card effects to move crew while requiring the crew to be part of their ship.


    I kinda want 0/The Fool to stay wacky, kinda the Whitebeard of the group.

    In that case, I recommend moving them to another part of the spreadsheet.  No offense, but if people start looking at your custom set and the first two pieces are completely unplayable or entirely negative in nature, it might make it hard for them to take the rest of the set seriously.

    And I think the Linked reword works, I left room for card effects to move crew while requiring the crew to be part of their ship.

    The problem is, it’s a keyword only used on the ships.  If you don’t use the ship with the keyword, the crew that is linked to that ship can simply be used however the player wants.  Maybe that can work if that’s the intention, but it doesn’t solve potential issues like the Jack+Jill one I mentioned.

    If the intention is to have all the linked pieces used with ONLY each other and never have those crew on unlinked ships, the crew need to have an ability saying “this crew can only be assigned to their linked ship” for example.

    Jonathan Bowen

    Hello again, everyone. I totally dropped off the face of the Earth for a while, and I can confirm, it is not flat. But now that I’m back, I can finish posting my custom set, Pirates of the Eldest Seas!

    *insert cricket noises here*

    Yeah, it’s been a looooong time. I will be continuing where I left off, with the French, right before the end of the set. After the French, there’s a few special pieces for this set, but then it will be done! 😀
    So sit tight, and let’s get started!

    Relevant Keywords:

    Nephilim: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against pieces with the Demon keyword. If this ship is assigned a helmsman crew, she gains +L to her base move instead of +S

    Blockade Runner: This ship gets +1 to ramming and boarding rolls. Ramming can’t eliminate this ship’s masts.

    Master Gunner: Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5, this ship gains the Extended Range keyword for that turn. On a 6, one cannon may shoot twice this turn.

    Royal Officer: When this crew is assigned with or on its Linked piece, its point cost is not counted towards the point limit of the ship. The crew’s points still count towards the build total.

    Holy Sword: Once at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a D6. On a 5-6 cancel any two Cursed crew or ship abilities in play.

    World-Hater: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any [non-faction] ship.

    Fleet Admiral: Once, at the beginning of your turn, roll a d6. On a 6, give any one ship in your fleet an extra action.

    9. Le Griffon
    Points: 16
    Masts: 3
    Cannons: 3S, 3L, 3S
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Nephilim.

    Flavor text: One of France’s few protectors against Lord Morgenstern, the “Griffin’s” captain has put aside his dislike of the English, and believes wholly in Jace Herondale and his cult.

    10. Fier Lion
    Points: 16
    Masts: 3
    Cannons: 2S, 3L, 2S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Blockade Runner. Captain.

    Flavor Text: Built with a reinforced hull, the “Proud Lion” was made to withstand large ships ramming her at full speed. Combined with her highly efficient crew, she is a frigate to be reckoned with.

    11. Commandant Jean-Pierre Martin
    Points: 8
    Ability: Captain. Master Gunner.

    Flavor Text: Jean-Pierre Martin has had an interest in pyrotechnics ever since he was a child. Once he joined the Navy, his career path was set, and his dream of firing military-grade cannons was achieved.

    12. Francis de St. Bernard
    Points: 12
    Ability: Loyal: France. Royal Officer. Holy Sword.
    Link: La Gargouille

    Flavor Text: St. Bernard is a holy man, brought to the seas in order to protect French sailors from the powers of the Cursed Empire.

    13. Amiral Jules Chapelle
    Points: 7
    Ability: Captain. World-Hater.

    Flavor Text: A patriot to the end, Chapelle fights for the French crown with all he has.

    14. Le Jour de Jugement
    Points: 17
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 2S, 3S, 3S, 2S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: L
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any ship.

    Flavor Text: With the most advanced cannons and the best crew, the “Judgement Day” is prepared to fight anyone who dares to threaten the French crown.

    15. La Gargouille
    Points: 17
    Masts: 3
    Cannons: 2S, 2S, 2S
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Cursed targets.
    Link: Francis de St. Bernard

    Flavor Text: Made using recycled wood from old churches, “La Gargouille” was built to defend France from the unnatural forces of The Cursed Empire.

    16. Jaina Savage
    Points: 6
    Ability: Captain. This ship gets +2 to boarding rolls.

    Flavor Text: Bernice Savage’s daughter is shaping up to be just like her mother. Bernice however is concerned that she is more like her father.

    17. Tromperie
    Points: 14
    Masts: 2
    Cannons: 3S-3S
    Cargo: 3
    Movement: S+S
    Ability: Only S-Range cannons can hit this ship.

    Flavor Text: Decorated and built as a small merchant vessel, those who decide to attack the “Deception” are surprised to find a fearsome crew and loaded cannons.

    18. Petite Epée
    Masts: 2
    Points: 14
    Cannons: 2L-2L
    Cargo: 2
    Movement: L
    Ability: If this ship is assigned a cannoneer crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.

    Flavor Text: Quick and effective, the “Little Sword” is never looked at twice by enemy ships until she delivers a devastating broadside volley.

    19. Lame de I’infini
    Points: 11
    Masts: 1
    Cannons: 3L
    Cargo: 3
    Movement: S+S+S
    Ability: Eternal. Cannoneer.

    Flavor Text: The most recent version of the “Infinity Blade” is fast and effective in combat despite her small size.

    20. Amiral Auguste St. Croix
    Points: 12
    Ability: Fleet Admiral. Once per turn give one friendly ship +1 to her cannon rolls.

    Flavor Text: The more favored of Gaston’s sons, Auguste has risen quickly through the ranks of the French navy. Like his father before him, his ascension has nothing to do with who he is related to, but his relations with the men he commands.

    And that wraps up the French from Pirates of the Eldest Seas! With luck I will be posting the last of this set over the next two days. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, simply post them, and I will reply as soon as I can. Provided I don’t fall off the Earth again.

    Until next post,
    -J. W. Darkhurst

    Robert Foster

    To me Holy Sword seems a little OP two on a 5-6, that’s a 33% chance of locking down two pieces of possibly  high value and dependent abilities, either 1 on 5-6 or two on six could work.


    HS only takes effect on YOUR turn, and it only cancels them for your turn. As soon as your turn is over whatever was cancelled may be used again. It’s only really effective against defensive abilities, or point reducers/modifiers.

    If it specified that the targets were cancelled until the beginning of your next turn, then it would be bordering on OP. Even if it did that, you’d only be able to affect Cursed stuff with it, so it’s completely useless against any other faction.

    Jonathan Bowen

    It’s been a bit longer than I promised, but I’m still here! And now, we’re moving into the final legs of Pirates of the Eldest Seas!

    But before I begin, I will restate what Xerecs has said in regards to the Holy Sword keyword. Yes, it seems a little OP, but it can only affect The Cursed, and it’s effect is limited to your turn. So it is a powerful ability when combatting The Cursed, but without them in the game, it’s basically an unnecessary point boost to a crew.

    Now, onto the customs!
    These pieces would theoretically appear as pre-built ships in the tops of box packs (ex. the Broken Key or Last Hope from DJC). They therefore qualify as Special Edition, which is why they were not included with the standard releases. There is one for each of the major six factions.

    Relevant Keywords:

    World-Hater: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any [non-faction] ship.

    Repeating Guns: When this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that she is using repeating guns. If all cannons hit during that shoot action, each cannon may shoot again as a free action. The first cannon that misses on its second shot ends the shoot action.

    Sac: Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship’s crew to give her an extra action.

    Nephilim: This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against pieces with the Demon keyword. If this ship is assigned a helmsman crew, she gains +L to her base move instead of +S.

    L-Mover: Give this ship a move action but do not move her. Instead, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move an enemy ship L in any direction.

    Reroll: Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.

    1. Aidôneus
    Points: 14
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 3S, 3S, 3S, 3S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Ghost Ship. World-Hater.
    Faction Affiliation: Pirate

    Flavor Text: Claiming to have broken free from the curse Davy Jones placed on them, the crew of the Aidôneus have shown to be pirates, through and through. But on the nights of the full moon, if one looks closely, it is possible to stare right through their ghostly forms.

    2. Vulcan
    Points: 16
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 3L, 2L, 2L, 3L
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Repeating Guns.
    Faction Affiliation: England

    Flavor Text: Taking full advantage of the latest weapons technologies, the Vulcan’s captain wants to rid the seas of all who oppose the English Royal Navy, and the Crown itself. To him, they are one and the same with any who don’t fly the Union Jack.

    3. Tartarus
    Points: 17
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 3L, 3L, 3S, 3S
    Cargo: 5
    Base Move: S
    Ability: Sac.
    Faction Affiliation: The Cursed

    Flavor Text: The Tartarus is crewed by a vicious circle of murderers and killers. Davy Jones hand-picked each member of the crew to better suit the efficiency at which the Tartarus can destroy her enemies.

    4. Zephyrus
    Points: 15
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 3S, 3L, 3L, 3S
    Cargo: 4
    Base Move: S+L
    Ability: Nephilim.
    Faction Affiliation: America

    Flavor Text: Utilizing an exceptionally light build and new sails, the Zephyrus is able to compete with the average American clipper ship for speed, while keeping her cannons at the ready to fire on any unfriendly ships she encounters.

    5. Dios
    Points: 15
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 3S, 3S, 3S, 3S
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L
    Ability: L-Mover.
    Faction Affiliation: Spain

    Flavor Text: A splinter group of Adrián de la Cruz’s crew found this vessel, abandoned, crewless, and in pristine condition docked at a deserted island off the coast of Spain. They believed it to be a sign from God, a chance at redemption; and they’ve decided to take that chance as far as they can.

    6. Caerus
    Points: 17
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 3S, 3L, 4L, 4S
    Cargo: 3
    Base Move: L
    Ability: Reroll.
    Faction Affiliation: France

    Flavor Text: The Caerus is captained by a highly superstitious man who believes that you can never be too careful. Taking this ideology to heart, the crew is always bringing new good luck charms, “spells”, and tokens onto the ship at every port they visit. Somehow, this tactic appears to actually work for them.

    And with that, only two posts remain for Eldest Seas! Up next, we’ll see a Limited Edition mail-order special, and then some Super Rares! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, simply post them, and I’ll reply as soon as I can.

    Until next post,
    -J. W. Darkhurst


    Some thought and opinion on the Eldest Sea’s customs:

    Going back to the French, the Gargouille and Petite Epee could come down in point cost a few. The Epee especially could probably come down to about 9-10 points, and Gargouille could probably come down to about 11-12.


    Going in order for the SE’s:

    Ghost Ship does tend to be on overpriced ships, but combined with WH like that and with what the pirates can bring to the table crew-wise, I’d say she could go up a point or two.

    Zephyrus is going to be FAST, and as a result she feels almost too cheap. I’m not saying to blast her point cost up to the low 20’s, I think you could keep her at 15, but you’d need to bring the base speed down imo.

    Caerus feels too expensive. She seems underwhelming, save for her main ability. You could bring her down to 12-13 points and I think you’d be fine.

    Jonathan Bowen

    Hello again, all! As promised, I have the second to last post from Eldest Seas!
    This post is kind of special, because it would be a Mail Order Special, like the Zeus from Ocean’s Edge. For this particular piece I took inspiration from an old Japanese movie called “The Hidden Fortress” that I saw in a film class. Sadly, though, the movie was not about a giant fortress ship ?

    Relevant Keywords:

    Treasure Swap: (UPS) When this ship is given an explore action, you can swap a treasure on the wild island with a crew on any friendly ship.

    7. Kakusareta Yōsai
    Points: 35
    Masts: 10
    Cannons: 2S, 3S, 4L, 4L, 5L, 5L, 4L, 4L, 3S, 2S
    Cargo: 8
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Junk. Secret Hold. This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn.
    Link: Admiral Rokurōta
    Faction Affiliation: Jade Rebellion

    Flavor Text: A secret weapon of the old Jade Rebellion, the “Hidden Fortress” has been kept far from any imperial nation until now, when she is needed most. Able to carry an emperor’s full treasury in her extensive cargo hold, her crew hopes to reestablish the rebellion so that they can take back the land they were exiled from.

    8. Admiral Rokurōta
    Points: 10
    Ability: Captain. Treasure Swap. This ship gets +1 to her cannon and boarding rolls.
    Link: Kakusareta Yōsai
    Faction Affiliation: Jade Rebellion

    Flavor Text: Hailing from the Japanese Islands, Rokurōta is a war hero who was recruited by the Rebellion to lead soldiers and sailors alike into combat on the world’s oceans. With the current state of the world’s ever-expanding empires, his experience will be invaluable to the Rebellion if they can survive.

    And with that, only the Super Rares remain. I will be posting them sometime tomorrow or Friday, as my school schedule may interfere with posting consistently. Either way, I plan on taking a short break (actually short this time lol) after the conclusion of this set, to finish up some stories that need to be told in the Black Mongoose Tavern.

    As usual, leave your comments, questions and concerns, and I’ll respond to them as soon as I can.

    Until next post,
    -J. W. Darkhurst


    The Admiral is probably too cheap. Captain and the bonus are easily worth around 10. On a crew, the UPS ability is very good, even if the Jades don’t necessarily have the means to optimize it like the pirates do.


    The Fortress itself is impressive, the speed alone is going to make this thing pretty good. Secret Hold on a 10 might be a little redundant or overkill, since at full health it should win most boarding actions.


    Can’t wait to see the Supes and the Stories.

    Jonathan Bowen

    Hello once again, everyone! This is going to be the conclusion of Pirates of the Eldest Seas!
    *cheering noises yay*
    It’s been a very long time since this set started; and now, it’s coming to an end.

    But first, @Xerecs: I usually gauge the cannon/boarding bonus at 5 points, so the Admiral is 8 points without the UPS, which is probably around 3-4 points based on Jack Sparrow. If it is deemed necessary, I can officially retcon the cost, but I’d think it doesn’t need too much adjustment.

    Now, On to the Super Rares! These particular SR pieces are based on the AMC TV show from a few years ago called “The Terror”, which was about the Franklin Expedition into the Arctic in search of the North West passage. While these are technically historical, they are based more on the TV show than on the real life counterparts.

    Relevant Keywords

    Armed Merchant: Once per turn, as a free action, one of this ship’s canons may shoot at one enemy target in range. This shot cannot have its range or rank increased. (A captain crew is not needed for this action)

    Reverse Captain: After completing a shoot action, this ship may move as a free action.

    Royal Officer: When this crew is assigned with or on its linked piece, its point cost is not counted towards the point limit of the ship. The crew’s points still count towards the build total.

    1. HMS Terror
    Points: 16
    Masts: 4
    Cannons: 4S, 3L, 3L, 4S
    Cargo: 5
    Base Move: S+S
    Ability: Armed Merchant. Reverse Captain. This ship ignores terrain except for storms and icebergs
    Link: Captain Francis Crozier

    Flavor Text: Combining steam power with traditional sailing techniques, the HMS Terror is prepared for her voyage into the deep arctic in search of the rumored Northwest Passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. What she will encounter once there is anyone’s guess.

    2. Captain Francis Crozier
    Points: 5
    Ability: Royal Officer. Captain. Explorer.
    Link: HMS Terror

    Flavor Text: A capable captain for the Terror’s quest, Crozier is well prepared for almost anything that could happen while he and his crew search the Arctic regions for the Northwest Passage. He can only hope that nature won’t turn against him during his voyage.

    3. Shaman’s Talisman
    -Load this treasure face up. Instead of giving this ship an action, you may give any friendly sea creature in play an extra action.

    And with that, Pirates of the Eldest Seas has been completed. I will be taking an intentional break this time to write up some important stories for the Tavern before I move on to the next Pirates CSG project. But for now, if you have any comments, questions or concerns about this set, leave them for me and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

    Until next post,
    -J. W. Darkhurst


    You probably don’t need the first line of text for the Talisman, since UT’s are loaded face-up always, unless specified otherwise.

    Initially I thought the Talisman was similar to the Cursed Conch from DJC. However there are a few key differences between the two. The Talisman can be used on Sea Creatures, not just things with Sea Monster, so Titians, Krakens/Octopi, and Dragons can all benefit. The Conch is indiscriminate, it can be used on any sea monster in play, friendly or not; while the talisman can only be used on friendly creatures.

    I think you could be fine posting the story inserts in both places, since they have some lore implications for the next set.


    I think you could be fine posting the story inserts in both places, since they have some lore implications for the next set.

    If that happens, I think they should be posted with the customs they’re associated with.  I have no problem with extra flavor text, but let’s keep this thread free of flavor-only posts.

    @JW_Darkhurst: I do plan to review your latest posts once I finish some other things.


    @JW Darkhurst: Here are my suggestions for the new stuff.
    Le Griffon: Could come down in points a little, maybe 14.

    I don’t think Master Gunner is worth 5 points. The 6 effect is just a cannoneer. Needing a 1/6 roll to get that 5 for Extended Range reminds me of Fear. First off, I would switch the rolls because the higher roll should mean the more powerful effect. (to keep things intuitive with the rest of the game; I realize Fear isn’t like that either lol)
    From there I would think about making it better by doubling the odds (3-4 and 5-6 rather than just 5-6), or maybe add World Hater on a 5 if cannoneer works on a 4. It just feels very underwhelming when you can get basic WH for a point less.

    I would make it clear that Holy Sword only lasts for the turn of the player using it, not the whole round or any enemy Cursed turns. With that being the case, I’m tempted to think it should come down in cost. But there are some big possibilities with it (Eternal, Treasure Ship, etc).

    Le Jour de Jugement: Still a good ship with the cost as-is, but 15 would work considering HMS Gallows.
    La Gargouille: I would price this at 11.
    Tromperie: Couldn’t this just be worded as L-immunity? (L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.)
    Petite Epée: Honestly I think 5-7 points would be fair. Slow, hard to put a cannoneer aboard (needs a helmsman), and not a ton of firepower. At 14 this is unplayable.
    Lame de I’infini: Fun ship!

    Zephyrus: I would bump this to at least 16 points. Why is it more expensive than the Griffon?
    Caerus: I agree with Xerecs, this is basically a worse version of USS Kentucky from OE.

    Love Kakusareta Yōsai. I agree with Xerecs about Admiral Rokurōta. But I would take it a step further. The CJS/UPS ability should never been seen again. You could actually switch it out for Island/Ship Treasure Trading and leave the cost the same.

    I usually gauge the cannon/boarding bonus at 5 points, so the Admiral is 8 points without the UPS, which is probably around 3-4 points based on Jack Sparrow. If it is deemed necessary, I can officially retcon the cost, but I’d think it doesn’t need too much adjustment.

    Oof.  Has Xerecs not told you about T2?

    Crazy to see another Tartarus custom, I went overboard with mine lol.
    Love HMS Terror!

    Jonathan Bowen

    Hello! I see there’s been some reactions to my most recent custom pieces, so here I am to reply


    I see your point about Master Gunner and Holy Sword; adjustments can be made in costing pieces in the future, and I can post a retconned ability definition probably by tomorrow if I can remember to post lol.

    On the topic of most of the ships at the end of France, Xerecs helped me with them, and I’ll admit, I didn’t read all of what we made very thoroughly ? Looking at them now, I can see how some of the wording is weird, and how points are very skewed. Retcons of those can be expected with the Holy Sword keyword.

    Not sure I understand your question about the Zephyrus; as-is she’s actually cheaper than Le Griffon. If you meant less expensive…then I don’t know ? One or both of them can see adjustments so the pricing makes more sense, without problem. Either way, ships with the Nephilim keyword tend to be expensive due to how much speed can influence a game. Ships with conjoined base moves especially see this point boost, since they’re already so much faster than a single base move ship.

    Initially for the Caerus, her ability was going to state that “Once per turn, any one friendly ship in play may reroll any one die roll. You must use the second die roll result.” I changed that, worried that it’d be a little OP, but I forgot to change anything else about the ship. I don’t particularly want to change her too much unless y’all think it’s necessary, but I can definitely drop her point cost to compensate for her underwhelming nature.

    I had not read that battle report, and I do not remember that particular tournament/challenge. However, based on what you’ve stated about that ability, I have no problem giving the Admiral the Treasure Trade ability that goes between islands instead, if that is deemed necessary.

    And about the story inserts I’m going to write, they’re going to be different from what I’ve made before. Unlike my previous ones, these won’t be linked to a specific piece, rather they will be for a specific faction. And in addition to that, they will serve as a series of “trailer” for the next set on the horizon. So I don’t particularly plan to post them here, but rather in the Black Mongoose Tavern. I was thinking I could make short posts here with a sentence or two encouraging people to read them at the Tavern when they each come out, but I understand if you don’t want that kind of content on this thread. Regardless, the stories will be posted in the Tavern, not directly here.

    Thank you much for the feedback! I’ll get to work adjusting the pieces as soon as I can, and will hopefully have time and memory space to post retcons here tomorrow. Besides that, I will continue to be on a writing break until I am happy with the stories and ready to post the, at the Tavern.

    Until next post,
    -J. W. Darkhurst


    Not sure I understand your question about the Zephyrus; as-is she’s actually cheaper than Le Griffon. If you meant less expensive…then I don’t know

    Less expensive is what I meant to type; I was probably so shocked that I was thinking the far better ship had to be more expensive haha.

    T2 was a LONG running tournament consisting of competitive fleets that Xerecs and I played; the BR’s were originally on MT (basically from fall 2016 to 12/30/2017).

    Robert Foster

    Cups now added, point suggestions would be really nice as well as feedback on both the ships/crew and the lore parts (Since I love writing lore, the Lovers crew are my favorite)

    Thank you in advance

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Robert Foster.
    Christopher Johnson


    I had the idea 10 years ago, when I started my custom set (which honestly seems a bit weak compared to some I have looked at), to make a new creature that was essentially a potential crew killing unit (to level the playing field with lack of crew options for the minor factions). I call it the Sea Turtle and have been planning on making it succeed at killing all enemy crew on a successful ram. It has no cannon and is really not useful for anything but potentially taking out an OP gathering of crew. Please let me know if you have better wording or pricing ideas.

    Here is the Sea Turtle Keyword as currently written: If this creature succeeds at a ramming action it eliminates all crew on the enemy ship. It takes 3 hits in the same turn to kill a Sea Turtle (considered to have one mast). Sea Turtles cannot be pinned. Generally Submerged.


    Nationality: Viking

    points: 14

    Cargo: 0

    Movement: L

    Ability:SEA TURTLE. This sea creature gets +S to its base move if it is within S of a Viking ship.


    Points: 14

    Nationality: Jade Rebellion

    Masts: 1

    Cargo: 0

    Movement: L

    Ability: SEA TURTLE. After this sea creature wins a boarding party, add half of the value of the highest point crew eliminated to your home island in the form of a gold coin(s) from outside the game.


    Points: 14

    Nationality: Corsair

    Masts: 1

    Cargo: 0

    Cannons: NA

    Movement: S+S

    Ability: SEA TURTLE. After a successful ram, rescue one random enemy crew from drowning. Place this crew on a Corsair ship within S of this Sea Turtle. That crew’s nationality is now Corsair.

    Also, thoughts on the following crew idea? (I don’t want to lead a single post down too much)


    Points: 7

    Nationality: Mercenary

    Ability: EX-PATRIOT. Once per turn you may force an enemy ship attacking this ship to reroll any number of d6.

    I’ve seen it in other games and it seems interesting…


    Interesting idea for the Sea Turtle. However, I think eliminating ALL of a ships crew on a successful ram is a little too powerful. I think modifying it to at most two crew is fair.

    The Viking Sea Turtle doesn’t have a mast listed. I’m assuming you just forgot. 😀

    Are these ships or are these “Sea Creatures”?

    That’s a cool idea for a crew, but waaaaaay to cheap if you leave him as-is. If modify his ability to force a re-roll on one d6 roll, he’ll still be quite good, and he wouldn’t need a point cost in the high double digits.

    Christopher Johnson

    Undoubtedly the mast disappeared when I was removing all the code that transferred when I copied the text over. Sea Turtles are meant to be sea creatures.


    Here is the Sea Turtle Keyword as currently written: If this creature succeeds at a ramming action it eliminates all crew on the enemy ship. It takes 3 hits in the same turn to kill a Sea Turtle (considered to have one mast). Sea Turtles cannot be pinned. Generally Submerged.

    One thing to keep in mind is that sea creatures can’t submerge by default – the Sea Monster keyword grants that ability.  You could add the Sea Monster ability text to Sea Turtle, making modifications as you see fit.

    I think the Sea Turtles could work as long as they stay slow, but playtesting would be best to see if their “ram-Massacre” is too powerful.

    That’s a cool idea for a crew, but waaaaaay to cheap if you leave him as-is. If modify his ability to force a re-roll on one d6 roll, he’ll still be quite good, and he wouldn’t need a point cost in the high double digits.

    I thought that at first too, but then I thought more about the “once per turn” part.  I think at most it would only apply to one action and anything resulting from that – so you would force an opponent to reroll dice until all their shots/ram/board all failed.  XD  But then the enemy ship is good to go for another action potentially.  On the other hand, Parley is only 2-3 points and prevents the ship from being shot at (albeit not rammed or boarded) for the rest of the entire turn, across all enemy actions and ships.  So to more than double the cost and eliminate the drawback…. it’s just tough to judge.  Ex-Patriot definitely makes him more powerful, since this could be used in a 10 master confrontation.

    If preserving the cost of 7 is highly desired, perhaps limit it to 3 enemy cannon rolls per turn, or make it so EACH roll can only be rerolled once.  The latter might be a true solution, since as written it seems that anybody using the ability would just force rerolls until the cannon/etc in question failed.  (which is also an issue from a fun perspective – it’s pretty silly to imagine someone rolling hit after hit and having to keep rerolling… in which case, if you force rerolls until something doesn’t work, there’s no point in rolling in the first place….  O_O)  So in some ways, this is looking like a way to cancel a shoot action.  Combine that with a canceller and yeah, this is looking rough.

    I think these are the kind of great discussions that are really useful for developing and editing customs – with few exceptions, the more combos and ways to break an ability you can think of, the more powerful the game piece in question reveals itself to be.



    Points: 7

    Nationality: Mercenary

    Ability: EX-PATRIOT. Once per turn you may force an enemy ship attacking this ship to reroll any number of d6.

    As written, this can really only affect one roll of one die per turn.

    It specifies “attacking this ship”, which narrows it down to mostly just cannons shots, or arguably ramming and boarding rolls.     Extra actions, possessions, all-powerful, and the vast majority of other effects that involve die rolls are not explicitly (or implicitly) attacks, even if they can negatively affect opposing ships.

    It also doesn’t say that it applies to the entire action.   During a normal shoot action you roll cannons separately and one-at-a-time, so really that “once per turn” is limiting this effect to a single cannon.    Someone using F&S Diamond Nelson Turner would be really annoyed by this because you could force both of his dice to be rerolled, but that’s about it.  Broadsides Attack wouldn’t care, because its “no other actions” clause already prevents the use of this ability.


    Some suggestions to make this more useful and/or less breakable:

    Instead of referring to attacks, make it apply based on proximity.  For example, “Once per turn, you may force an opposing ship within S to reroll one die.”

    Removing the reference to attacks specifically would allow it to work against almost any rolled effect that happened within range.  If this was the intent, the cost could come down quite a bit, maybe even to match a standard reroller at 3 points (making this crew 4 with Ex-Pat included).


    If you want it to apply to every cannon in a shoot action, you have to be more specific, and a proximity would again be less ambiguous than referring to an attack.  For example, “Once per turn, when an opposing ship within S is given a shoot action, you may force it to reroll each cannon roll once.”

    This would sit more in line with the ability cost of 6 (7 with Ex-Pat), but that’s debatable because it’s going to be drastically more powerful against a large ship than a small one.   Not every reroll will even help, but forcing potentially up to 10 rerolls in a single action is going to be a mess, and could make that ability seem massively overpowered if ultimately most of those cannons miss.  Abilities that vary depending on the number of masts on a ship should generally be avoided on crew; they’re okay when built into ships when their cost can be adjusted based on the size of the ship, just as long as you don’t try to reverse engineer that point cost to copy it from one ship to another different-sized ship.

    Mr. Wick

    Additional Update Post on Carracks: I feel their ability is rather clunky and restrictive, so I have changed it to be more simplified.

    Once per turn, when this ship is rammed, roll a d6: on a result of 5 or 6 eliminate one mast from the ramming ship. Boarding ships may not use boarding bonuses.

    For clarification, the mast elimination occurs before boarding rolls as a result of Carracks “High Castle Guns”. Ships that attempt a boarding party against a Carrack may not use boarding bonuses against that carrack.


    Hey, @All

    I just recently got two wooden ships from Luca‘s shop one is that of my own design called the

    Tiki Temple

    Point cost: 23

    Cargo: 4

    Movement: S+L

    Model: 6-Mast Junk

    Cannons: 2S-2S-2L-2L-2L-2L

    Keywords: Junk, Eternal.

    Abilities: Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.

    Flavor Text: It is said that a third of this ship’s crew is made up of remnants of the fallen Aztec empire who will stop at nothing to ensure their share of the gold.

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